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Everything posted by Bradypan

  1. For the point about Ravagers and TOS HM difficulty, only 20 teams killed Revan pre-nerf (and I was in the dead last team to do so), almost all of them with a large number of BHs/Troopers. For 3.0, I leveled a PT DPS specifically for Revan, and got my first 2 kills as a PT DPS before switching back to my Jugg DPS. Only Kalameet killed Revan as a Jugg pre-nerf. That being said, now that Revan has been significantly nerfed and 204 MHs are dropping like candy, so I think it's probably more like 50 teams now that have cleared Revan HM. While that's nowhere near the correct clear rate for a HM op, at least compared to previous HM ops, it's probably about right for a NiM op, and I could definitely see them retuning the fights down to a difficulty more like the old HMs, and coming out with a NiM version and a NiM power buff. For the point about Vengeance as a spec not performing well in PVE, I think we can all agree that if only 2 Jugg DPS have killed the hardest boss in the game, that's probably the lowest showing of any DPS advanced class in the game. Part of that is absolutely that our sustained DPS on a dummy is lower than mercs and snipers, which means it would be even lower on most boss fights (unless you can saber reflect cheese). One of the few reasons to bring a jugg DPS is for Saber Reflect, which was a bit more relevant for something like Brontes than Revan. Juggs are outperformed by the two other melee taunting classes, either with cheese or just in pure DPS. BioWare has stated that they prefer to nerf overperforming classes rather than buffing the underperforming ones, but that doesn't seem to have happened, with a DoT sustained class with hydraulic overrides also being the highest parsing spec in the game since 3.0 Even if Juggs were balanced based on ranked PVP, just looking at the ranked leaderboards shows that Juggs have some of the lowest ratings in solo ranked, and don't shine in group ranked either, with the juggs with high rating probably being tanks anyways. The only thing I notice on Jedi Covenant, which is admittedly probably not very good at PVP (and last PVE server to get a Revan kill in the US), is that I get kited by any ranged class, and even some melee classes like operatives. The reason I win ranked matches is probably only because I skank tank and guard whoever the opponents have decided to try and focus.
  2. 470783. Not the best, but I tried to be extra careful about aberrations and the push/pull as it was my second day/third hour of pulling Revan as a Jugg rather than PT. I didn't even remember to give everyone a sonic wall with my threat drop at the end, which probably would have helped 192 MH, everything else BiS 198 MS + surge build, for reference.
  3. Just killed Revan on my Jugg DPS tonight, one month after I killed it on my PT DPS lol
  4. You guys picked up a Guardian DPS for Revan progression? I'm so jealous
  5. Congrats on 16m HM Master and Blaster! That fight doesn't sound fun at all in 16m
  6. http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub Special thanks to the only Conquerors/Deposers on JC for the link. At the end of the day, a team either has a Revan kill, or they don't. I didn't have any problem killing Revan pre nerf with 7 BHs, didn't have any problem killing Revan post nerf with 6 BHs, and won't wake up in cold sweats about killing Revan post nerf with 204 MHs. I'm not going to take away someone's achievement just because they killed it post nerf with a 204 MH and 4 BHs.
  7. There are very few progression guilds on JC unfortunately, as the only people who have killed Revan on the server are people from two Holocron teams with heavy overlap, and then a member of a pub side guild who is also in Exit Area. After the death of the only Conqueror/Deposer team on the server, Holocron is the only Imp side guild better than 8/10. There's a tanking spot open in one of the Revan teams, but not really any DPS spots. There are two pub side guilds, Crimson Sky and Republic Gentlemen that are 9/10 and I can only assume are pushing Revan hard right now. I think Republic Gentlemen may have 1 spot open for a rDPS. I no longer play on pub side though, so I don't really know too much. I'll let you know if i hear of any spots. For Monolith drops, I've seen a PT tank barrel drop with a PT tank PT DPS merc healer merc DPS in the group, a sorc DPS hilt drop with a sorc DPS sin DPS in the group, and an operative DPS barrel drop with an op healer sniper DPS in the group. Might have to try the /stuck + Return to Medcenter method of guaranteeing a Might Hilt
  8. From Monday, before I found out that basically everything was reflectable. You don't even really need 3 heals, depending on the strategy you're using. I'm going to assume everyone here is just healing through Breaking the Rift. Basically just save cooldowns if the boss is Breaking the Rift while standing in a rift
  9. The white circles in Colossal Monolith are reflectable! As if the 204 MHs weren't free enough...
  10. Got a PT MH, and our PT tank rolled on it, beating our PT DPS and merc DPS rolls. #FarmMHforthreatgen.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh4ZptFez_lxLHgO703ci-w Ignore the rotational mistakes . The videos are completely unedited. Going to record TOS HM at some point as well, although the only fight where it would really matter is Revan. I've been raiding on my jugg with 720 acc, 0 alac, 471 surge, 156 crit, so cutting down the surge for alacrity would probably help a lot.
  12. Extremely useful to see that there's a saber reflect section It's usually what I have to use to justify bringing my jugg for fights: "But I can still reflect the Dangerous Fire Devices :(" I also see that you have a Operation videos section. I have all Ravagers fights uploaded but whenever I watch my videos, I just notice a ton of mistakes.
  13. Never even knew Mass Barrage was reflectable o.o. I run with my jugg in a triple melee composition for Bulo, I wonder how much reflect damage I'll do with all our stacked circles
  14. Are you guys all parsing/raiding in alacrity builds? I essentially geared myself as I would have pre 3.0, with 6 acc enh and 4 surge enh. I'm still missing a revanite earpiece and a bunch of set pieces on my jugg since I've been on my PT for most of my TOS runs. My raid leader is going to allow me on my jugg for Revan at some point in the future, so until then only 9/10 as a jugg, but otherwise I'd like to take that time to optimize my gearing.
  15. Everybody who is angry about 204 MHs isn't angry because it's a better MH than the one dropped by Revan. Every single team who has downed Revan did NOT do it for the 198 MH. Everyone who has killed it is proud to have killed the most difficult boss in the game, and gear should always be secondary to that. However, what the 204 MH does, by it's very existence, is cheapen Revan kills from now on. Revan HM is a fight that was tuned for 192s/198s. The only reason Revan HM is hard at all is because there is a signficant DPS check on the core phase, where you have to put out as much DPS as possible while simultaneously dealing with Unstable Aberration explosions. When you have to aggressively position yourself so that the core is between the next aberration explosion and you, and you're trying to squeeze in every GCD you can while making sure you don't get knocked off, the fight is diffcult. When you have a 204 MH and BioWare has nerfed aberrations so that you have 50% more reaction time to deal with them, you no longer have to care about DPSing. You don't even need an optimal rotation to kill the boss. You can just deal with aberrations when they're out without activating a single DPS ability, then go back to dummy parsing on the core after the aberrations are gone. Every progression raider understands that the gear treadmill always rolls on, but it is only supposed to happen when a new tier of progression comes out. The most important piece of gear that should have dropped from NiM TOS, but is instead dropping from an instanced World Boss, shouldn't be out when people are still trying to progress in HM TOS.
  16. It's a fight that is technically possible in 192s + set bonus, as that was what the earliest guilds to kill it had. Other than that, a non min maxed mix of 192 + 198 can kill the core with time to spare, especially if you start stacking BHs to reduce downtime. Killing Revan will still be an achievement, but having a 204 MH to make the burn phase easier cheapens the kill in my opinion. The difficulty of the core phase was simultaneously having to deal with Unstable Aberrations at the same time that you were trying to put out the maximum DPS possible. With a 204 MH, you could focus entirely on the Aberrations without putting a single GCD of damage during the explosions, and still pass the check. Try DF/DP NiM in 192s, and compare it to how the fights felt when you were doing it in 180s, that's basically the difference a 204 MH makes.
  17. Classic forum response: Move out of invisible stupid and L2P. Because clearly we should all be happy about dealing with fires that have no clear circular boundaries when they're visible and then become completely invisible. BioWare should give everybody who said that invisible aberrations, how's that for learn to play? Don't be bad!
  18. Nobody gets a 204 MH for the mod or enhancement. People only care about the barrel/hilt which WILL be BiS. Also, a 204 MH for a fight that's tuned for 192 + set bonus? You do realize that's probably a 700 DPS increase per DPS on the core phase. While it wouldn't have completely invalidated the Revan kill on it's own, the massive nerfs to aberrations certainly pushes it more in that direction.
  19. Bedpan Ops is 10/10! Coratanni UTC screenshot coming soon™
  20. My point is that the loot wheel shouldn't roll from what is essentially a World Boss. Was NiM EC more difficult than SM TFB? Yes, but TFB should have new gear because it's a whole new tier of operations, for progression teams to work on. Was TFB/SNV NiM more difficult than DF/DP HM? Yes, but DF/DP HM should have new gear because it's a whole new tier of operations for progression teams to work on. Did TC HM drop 180 MHs and should it have dropped 180 MHs? How many teams went: "YES WE'RE 1/1 TC HM!!!"? No progression team considers 1 boss "operations" to be progression, and any teams working on HM Rav/TOS certainly will not be considering Colossal Monolith the next tier of progression. If they were to keep the same level of gear drops as TC, Monolith SM would have a random unassembled 192, Monolith HM would have a random unassembled 198. I'd still rather not have an easy HM boss drop the same token as the hardest fight in the game, but that'd still be better than the current case. If you don't agree with me then fine, I guess I'll see your team on the World Progression Tracker for Monolith HM.
  21. DF and DP are a completely different tier of operations from TFB and SNV. You could probably tell that DF/DP HM dropped better gear than TFB/SNV HM, and DF/DP NiM dropped better gear than TFB/SNV NiM You could make that claim that Monolith is a whole new tier of operations, if you'd like, and that TC was also a whole new tier of operations.
  22. They cannot keep 204 MHs from Monolith HM, Revan nerfs, and the Revanchist title all at the same time. They should either keep the Revanchist title or the Revan nerfs (as an acknowledgement that Revan is as difficult as a NiM boss with NiM power). There is absolutely no situation here in which 204 MHs should be obtained from an easier boss with less gear requirements than a boss that drops a 198 MH.
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