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Everything posted by Bradypan

  1. How many days do you think it will take BioWare to add a 230 MH to Colossal Monolith HM with random 224 unassembled tokens on the side?
  2. When they were still being done, you could just sit and watch for almost all fights (except Brontes six finger phase)
  3. 198 gear is in HM Rav/TOS, but it's going to be obsolete in a few weeks, i.e. when 4.0 comes out. You might as well wait for 4.0 to come, since you'll be able to get "better" gear with basic comms. Obviously the basic comms gear will be non-optimized and have no set bonus, but should be significantly better than the gear you're currently using. It's extremely fun to use Juggs in both PVE and PVP, but they aren't the ideal class for most fights, both for DPS numbers and utility.
  4. The set bonus for 0m Saber Throw is going to be very helpful if you can get it before 4.0 drops. Also make sure your ability queue window is longer than your ping so that there will be minimal delay between GCDs.
  5. Taunt right before Force Execution, and aim the Execution and subsequent Driving Thrust at the team You could also just fail a few challenges, but the only one you can really throw is the tank one unless you get other people in on it
  6. Because no one buys easy ops. Kappa But seriously. What's wrong with one of the (former) easiest HM fights in the game dropping better loot than the hardest HM fight in the game, 5 months after over a hundred teams were working on Revan HM and 20 teams successfully down him? That's a pretty difficult question to answer. All I can say is, I'm glad I was able to get at least one pre-nerf kill, if only on a Bounty Hunter. But maybe Revan needs to be nerfed until the Core can be killed before the first set of aberrations even go out. Or they could just give free 300 MHs to everyone for the same effect.
  7. Because it's easy money: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=817685 Also, as others have said, to gear my alts, since nobody likes bringing my Jugg to anything :/
  8. Yep. Just like Colossal Monolith HM was a free 204 MH until they decided that teams should not be able to completely ignore mechanics without consequences, so they added a mechanic that punished teams who tried to heal through the Breaking the Rift damage. Now, it's extremely difficult to heal through the damage if you don't complete Breaking the Rift, and essentially a one-shot to the types of teams that actually rely on 204 MHs to down content. Without one-shot mechanics, you'll just have overgeared healers heal you through standing in stupid 10 months after content comes out, i.e. the cancer I see on Bulo, Torque, Master and Blaster, Coratanni, Sword Squadron, Commanders, and Revan now.
  9. This thread basically consists of the OP wondering why he can't just get free NiM loot every week. Don't worry OP, there's always NiM Soa
  10. The initial hit of Curse is reflectable, and so is the slam. The way my group does it is that we have a PT use Sonic Rebounder so that everyone will be protected from the initial hit of Curse. You can save Saber Reflect for the Slam if you actually get the Curse.
  11. Congrats on Revanchist guys As for DPS on the core phase, always better to be safe than sorry. Don't want to wipe your group because you wanted to squeeze in one more GCD while an aberration was exploding. Probably the best way to maximize DPS is to position yourself so that the core is directly between you and the next aberration exploding.
  12. The two guilds that are 10/10 8m HM Ravagers/TOS are Torva Nex, on the Imperial side, and Crimson Sky, on the Republic side.
  13. You do know mountain climbing to new content that hasn't been officially released is a bannable offense right?
  14. Here is where someone tries to convince me that a current level Soa HM will be as difficult as post-buff pre-nerf Revan HM. Falling off platforms is hard
  15. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Wrld Frst Single Player Focused Massively Multiplayer Online RPG. Because there's nothing better than paying a monthly subscription for what is essentially a super buggy KOTOR 3.
  16. Make mDPS parse higher on a dummy than rDPS. Enough of a difference that equally skilled mid-tier mDPS and rDPS will have the same parse on a fight with similar DTPS. The most adept mDPS, the best at maintaining uptime, should be able to outparse the top rDPS at the highest levels of play. At this point, almost all mechanics favor ranged over melee, so people would still choose rDPS in order to have an easier time for the fights, but mDPS should have a higher skill ceiling and higher DPS potential as a result.
  17. No idea what server you're playing on, but I don't know anybody who has been permanently banned. Nobody on any of my raid teams got banned. We're just going to keep clearing Revan HM, just like we've done since pre-nerf. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to tell your teammates to all get rich quick and make millions?
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