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Everything posted by Roodbot

  1. I think it would be hilarious and awesome if Chapter 4 entwined the characters. So... Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight trying to kill each other... Inquisitor and Consular trying to kill each other... Agent infiltrating the Republic and being hunted by Trooper... Bounty Hunter bounty-hunting Smuggler (who either fights back at every opportunity or runs away)... Or some other combination.
  2. Do not start a flame war with me, buddy. I have a pyrotech BH and I will burn your a**.
  3. F*** you, monsieur. Corso is a sweetheart.
  4. I didn't really love the Corso romance line the first time through, but I lost my character (don't ask) and started over from scratch. The first time I didn't head-canon reciprocation, but the second time, my smuggler was fascinated with him from the second she saw him. She'd never seen anyone with dreadlocks before . It's so much sweeter this way. He just asked permission to court her, and it is just heart-flutteringly adorable. I love, love, love Corso's accent, but... the first time I heard Torian say something romantic- heck, the first time he said something at all- my toes curled. Boy is he sexy. So depending on what I want, I can play either extreme of the sweet-or-sexy romances!
  5. Personally, I used letters of the Aurebesh for my characters' first names. However, a very, very good website for names is http://donjon.bin.sh/scifi/name/ . It has options for everything from Bothan to Droid names.
  6. In naming and characterization, yes. All of my main (roleplay/headcanon) characters are adopted sisters from a Huttese slave-labor camp. They never knew their parents, so the only names they have are the ones the overseers gave them: a letter of the Aurebesh and their subgroup number. So my smuggler is Krenth Beeska (KR Nine), my bounty hunter is Onith Beeska (EO Nine), my Sith warrior is Enth Beeska (Æ Nine), and my trooper is Cherek Beeska (CH Nine). In characterization, I did this more unconsciously than consciously for the most part. They're all very easy to underestimate. Krenth is barely five feet tall. Onith loves kids and underdogs. (Those two sisters are also both blonde.) Enth is easily the sweetest person you will ever meet, and looks it. Cherek uses a very slangy, uneducated dialect. So they all (well, not Onith, since she's muscular and walks around in Mandalorian armor) get looked down on.
  7. That was more of a rage/shock blackout for me.
  8. It was my own bloody fault for choosing it, but... BH Chapter One:
  9. I have my own little code from a snippet of dialogue in the Imp Tatooine Bonus Series: "The only true death is to fear to try." My smuggler only likes the first line of the Smuggler's Creed. She doesn't run.
  10. I only have two generations in my legacy... Bounty hunter and smuggler are sisters, Sith Warrior and Trooper are sisters, and they all adopted each other into a little family unit. A slave auction broke up the family, and they ended up scattered. Sith Warrior springs a "You're alive, I'm alive, I really missed you!" on Hunter after she won the Great Hunt. Sith Warrior also found Smuggler by accident (she was hunting Vaverone Zare on Tatooine). Bounty hunter tracks down Smuggler after Taris (she ran into Beryl Thorn, who went "Oh, wow, are you sisters with this smuggler I know?"). Trooper gets brought back into the fold when Havoc Squad gets sent to kill Sith Warrior... oops. Aric Jorgan: "Commander, why are you putting down your rifle? Commander? Commander! Stop hugging the Sith!" Bounty hunter has multitudes of children with Torian (she takes the "raise warriors" part of the Resol'nare seriously ). Eldest daughter has a love/hate/sex relationship with a Miraluka Jedi Knight. Sith Warrior and Quinn have a son, which is troublesome because she's Zabrak and he's human... yeah. Smuggler negotiates with the Jedi on Sith Warrior's behalf: The Jedi get the Force-sensitive half-breed if they fake-kidnap the Sith Warrior for the length of her pregnancy so nobody knows. Quinn whines a bit about honor and Sith Warrior smacks him upside the head because she knows racial profiling in the Empire firsthand and doesn't want it for her son. He might become a Consular... undecided.
  11. I'm no good at picking songs, but Corso is definitely a country-music boy. Bowie would probably sing something in Wookiee.
  12. My smuggler's room wouldn't be much. A trunk to keep clothes and keepsakes in (locked VERY well), a holoterminal so she can plug her datapad in to a bigger "screen"... that's about it. (Crap, did I just describe my own bedroom? I think so...) I know you said no crew quarters, but I bet Corso's bunk has lots of pictures of home, and Bowie made himself a warm, dark nest to sleep in by hanging up blankets around his bunk. My smuggler threw Risha off her ship at the end of Chapter 1. They never got along anyways. She can go That's as far as I've gotten. My bounty hunter threw out all the original owner's stuff and just bought a bunch of heavy blankets (space is cold!) and nothing else. But she loves helping underdogs without taking payment, and they always want to give her stuff to say thanks, so she has little tokens tucked away on a shelf. She will never in a million years admit she treasures them. I think Mako just dragged a cot into the computer room and sleeps there. My bounty hunter shot Gault in the head, so no need for him to sleep anywhere except three feet under (what? Tatooine's hot! She wasn't gonna dig a six-foot hole). Torian's probably got holos of his buddies and small trophies- bounty hunter refused to let him bring anything big (like a bunch of skulls) onto her ship. My Sith Warrior is seventeen and Vette is her BFF (their words). So she gave Malavai the big quarters and sleeps in the bunks with Vette so they can giggle all night long. Quinn probably has some Imperial memorabilia... recruitment posters or something. Vette's got all kinds of little shiny things. I haven't gotten Jaesa yet, but she probably hangs with the Sith and Vette, listening and occasionally surprising them with a bawdy joke. Not sure what will happen with Pierce... he can sleep in the armory.
  13. Ahem. Republic: http://images.wikia.com/swtor/images/2/27/Repsheet.png Imperial: http://images.wikia.com/swtor/images/5/59/Impsheet.png
  14. Just found a rare female version last night. Risha: "Right. You're hard as duracrete, and I won't forget it." But... but... my smuggler is female...
  15. This made me giggle. You get a fist-bump, dear sir or madam.
  16. I can't wait to make a little lion man. He's going to look a lot like Urbax from the smuggler series on Coruscant... and be only my second male out of six.
  17. Following your off-topic: My bounty hunter loves the underdogs and hates the Empire, so she only demands money for work from Imperials, never refugees etc. I don't mind the low-key voice acting, but I wish there was some more emotion in animations. I just won the Great Hunt and my bounty hunter's just standing there looking calm. She should be smiling, at the very least!
  18. Yes, the credit-cost of playing goes up over time. It's a money-sink to prevent people from futzing up server economies due to having enough money to buy all the things. You can complain about it but you shouldn't. It's like the game's equivalent of taxes- you pay them so that everything (i.e. trade network) works. But I have to agree with you on the datacron thing. Platforming makes me sad.
  19. Smuggler's freighter is the Honor. Slight irony (Smuggler's Honor) but also a reference to her personality (she has little personal honor). Bounty hunter's ship is Darling. That's what the previous owner named it, and she doesn't care enough to change it. Mostly she just calls it "my ship" or "the Mantis". Sith warrior's ship is the Duty or Recollection, haven't decided yet.
  20. If you're allowed to talk about girls'-nights-out, I must mention the occasion when Vette got my f!SW very, very, very drunk and convinced her to look for the stick in Quinn's ***.
  21. I laughed out loud. They so would.
  22. Oh yes. I always mis-hear "Stand by for suggested products" as "Stand by for suggestive products".
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