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Everything posted by Greywatch

  1. Yup. I'm having fun. What people don't seem to realise is that anyone who'se enjoying the game is, y'know. Enjoying the game. Whilst playing it. The rest come onto the forum to complain. They're a vocal minority.
  2. What? o_O I actually adored Nar Shadda, the design of that place was intricate and fantastic.
  3. Sith aren't nessicarily evil. The sith code goes: 'Peace is a lie, through passion > strength > power> victory > chains are broken." (Obviously, this is an abridged version.) The Sith are warriors who focus on passion with the end result being personal freedom, if you are to follow this code. Does that mean a Sith has to go around murdering everyone he sees? No. Although a Sith, when put through the academy, would have been through hell and most likely snapped, it's entirely possible that some Sith don't. For example, my Sith juggernaut thinks that emotions need to be directed, and mastered, for their power to give personal freedom. And that if you allow your reason to become blinded by hate and rage, or a drunken binge on fear, then you are not free. Instead, you've merely bound yourself with tighter chains. You summon hate, and then direct it at something constructively. You do not allow yourself to be controlled by hate.
  4. It... Wasn't even a question. Not to mention it was inspecific. Do we not want a level 90 what? Where? Why do we not want one? Why do you think we don't want one? What significance does this have to anything?
  5. Also, as far as difficulty goes I really do think adding several difficulties to a raid ecounter: The higher difficulties giving much more powerful rewards - is probably the best way of going about it. The casual crowd gets to experience the content as it is, but doesn't get spoon-fed rewards for it, and the hardcore crowd gets a challange and is rewarded for their effort.
  6. I'm going to say this very slowly. New MMOs have a lack of endgame content. If you excpected anything else then you clearly havn't been around for alot of launches.
  7. It boggles the mind how players expect the endgame of new MMORPGs to be fleshed out and expansive. >_>
  8. Talent tree respec? Sure. Would be reasonable. AC respec? Nope nope nope. AC respecs are a bad idea imho and if you offered someone an AC respec, then people would be up in arms whining about it. Classes fluctuate in both power and ability in ALL mmo due to nerfs and changes. Your class will be the underdog at ONE point no matter what you pick.
  9. Things I would like to see: 1) Alternate leveling paths. Not expecting to see this right away, but I can imagine that leveling might get stale if all classes have the same side-quests and go to the same worlds. A few extra words that people can opt-in to or hell, even just a few independent quest hubs existing would be nice.
  10. Sith Corruptor / Jedi Illusionist. Controlling class, lots of holds and defensive abilities. The Sith version would basicly be a Sith who prefers to use the powers of the dark side to corrupt and twist the minds of it's foes indirectly, whilst the Jedi illusionist would use the force to trick, stun and dazzle his foes with various illusionary techniques - including the infamous jedi mind trick. At level then, can then go to: Sith Manipulator / Sith Dementor - Jedi Trickster / Jedi Pacifier Manipulators/Tricksters would have a healing tree (tricking their allies into ignoring their wounds, pain) a controller tree (advanced holds, stuns and crowd control abilities, less damage) and a damage tree that, much like the rage tree, would be shared across both ACs. The more controller-centric support class of the two ACs, but still very capable of doing damage. Would be given several more team buffs than the pacifier/dementors class, or any other classes. Pacifiers/Dementors would be a melee/ranged hybrid class, and the more damage-oriented of the two. They would have acess to a tanking tree (heavily reducing the damage of enemies around them by using various mind tricks - and fooling them into thinking they have the upper hand by creating illusory wounds on themselves, ect) and two damage trees, one the shared talent tree between the two classes. Their class specific damaging tree would be focused on damaging their enemies through various DoTs - for example, the Dementor would twist the minds of his or her enemies and turn them insane, whilst the Pacifier would damage them by taking away their will to fight. This would be accompanied with various basic lightsaber attacks. The Sith quest line could be very much centered around Sith politics and manipulating your way into a seat of power, whilst the Jedi variant could be about diplomatic relations and protecting the interests of the republic through covert operations where stealth and deception is required.
  11. I actually don't mind this idea, as the classes are mostly mirrors of eachother. So long as you don't mind your sith warrior being changed into a jedi knight / visa versa, then it'd be fine.
  12. MMO's on launch are like this, friend. **** happens, the game isn't that good, but then it gets improved. Same thing's happened with a lot of MMO's, this wave of dissapointment and anger is prettymuch standard.
  13. The game is new. The game is new. The game is new. The game is new. The game is new. The game is new. When will people understand that new MMO's ALL have content issues?
  14. *Gasp.* A buisness is trying to make their product look good. NO-ONE HAS EVER DONE THIS BEFORE.
  15. Wait, what? My Sith's around level 27. He seems like a pretty nice guy so far, just born into the wrong society. FYI: There's nothing stopping vette from leaving you, story-wise. In fact, in one of her quests [spoiler, HIGHLIGHT:] You can ask her if she wants to leave you for her old gang. She'll say no.
  16. 9/10 whilst leveling. N/A / 10 for endgame. Because I havn't hit max level yet, and I don't expect a newly released MMO to have decent endgame.
  17. Yes. But I think it needs some work. Which bioware is doing. So yes.
  18. An expected response from bioware: OH NO, WE LOST NOT EVEN 30 SUBSCRIBERS. LET'S ROLL BACK THE NERFS. Even if you weren't lying out the back of your bee-hive, do you honestly think anyone cares that not even enough people to fill a coach left the game? Nope.
  19. I've no problems with bronze zabraks being on the republic, but I have to agree, the rounded horns look pretty damn stupid.
  20. But doesn't have a presence on the forums. Correct me if he does. If he does, then I'm wrong. Too tired to check, it's late here.
  21. Quite. Welp, he's convinced me. I'm going to unsubscribe, sell all of my stocks and live a quiet life in reculse in a rainforest as a lonely monk. Because nothing in this material world is good enough for me anymore.
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