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Everything posted by Valkyyri

  1. Well you could always try and pull him back? even better pull him to the grill of doom!
  2. Well it could be harder with hight latency, so i see why avoidin multiple KB:s via 180 degree jumping while progressing towards goal can be hard to execute. Sometimes they even help you by kocking you to upper ramp in huttball if you time your jump right. Atleast that works for me and i rarely have to worry about KB:s be it huttball or any other WZ:s.
  3. What do you mean? grapple got rather long CD aswell, i can only wish there was a spammable grapple
  4. No that is excatly main reason i like huttball, its pretty much only map where you can use your skillset to its maximum. For almost every skill there is some neat way to use it, be it enviroiment hazards or map layout itself.
  5. Whats wrong with knockbacks? those can be easily countered by positioning your charter right, only time you cant do anything is when you are on open flat field with zero uphills,walls,rocks,pillars etc.
  6. Valkyyri

    Nerf Premades

    I enjoy playing against premades while pug:ing, as it offers more challenge compared to pug vs pug. Few times managed to "humiliate" premades with latenight pug group and damn it was alot fun. As someone said premade is not insta win because "thing" between chair and keyboard plays huge role in outcome.
  7. *Sigh* If loot is only reason for you to do pvp then you are playing it wrong, all you need at lvl50 is centurion gear and then you are done as stat diffirences are not that big after that. Seems like pvpers that paly for improving their skills or just for challenge (1vs2+) are minority nowdays... Not saying this game doesnt have it flaws as there are alot of them, but overall pvp is suprisingly balanced and WZ:s are actually good especially huttball that allows you use enviroiment to pissoff peoples (poison pool + gapple + stun = /trollface).
  8. Well this kinda depends what you are looking for, pyro might be superior in DMG but i bet it cant compete with AP:s utility,control and defence ( if you are using shield ) and Hydraylic Override is reason i personally cant even try others specs, because it is probably one of best skills in game. Also some peoples might prefer melee/mid-range spec instead long-range oriented spec. Anyway what comes to stats i cant think any other usefull secondary stats aside Power,Crit,Surge, tho im not sure how much that last surge nerf reduced its value.
  9. FT could use some small tuning like talent that lets you cast it while moving like someone has suggested here before, because atm im rarely even using it except on big packs of peoples if im not focused. Othervise its usually better just spam FB from mid-range while kiting melee so they cant use skills on you, rahter than channeling FT while taking beating.
  10. Aye and generally peoples should run more in pvp, its boring to whack a target-dummy.. Easy kills dont fuel my personal pvp ego :<
  11. Well what about zooming? any plans fixing/improving it becaus in current state it zooms back WAY too slow, it should go back to max ( im using 90% ) instantly. It kinda ruins gameplay feeling and pvp performance when i need constantly tap zoom bind to get it back to max asap.
  12. Lvl44 atm and been AP since lvl1 and im having bast with it in pvp, tbh whole tree screams pvp due CC oriented talents and HO is MUST have imo. Cant really comment that spec in pve as i only have done class quest content, but it is not bad for that either. Spec is pretty much no-brainer just skipped flamethrower,stance sprint and one cylinder skill, didnt pick up FT buff skill because i rarely use in in pvp as channeling is kinda meh. Sprint was also skipped due stance castime but if that gets removed someday it becomes kinda "must have" talent, and cylider is also useless as i use tank cylider of extra defence and shield procs oh and healers loves guard. After lvl40 i started to pump points in tank tree for extra snares and debuffs so i can be even more PiA ( pain in arse ). http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GorZrsrrobckds.1 Control/Utility > Raw power in pvp imo
  13. But this is the main problem. I want to know peoples playstyle and performance before i teamup with them, and that cant be done just by yelling in general/trade for premades. The day BW impiments x-realm WZ:s will become even more boring gind feast but now you are doing with anons you probably wont see ever again or atleast very rarely.
  14. Why punish decent player for skill usage if someone isnt smart enough to not stand in their own pits edge that enables classes with charge skills to get easy scores? Just using huttball as an example. Skills are not the problem its peoples not knowing how to avoid said skills or counter them with own skills.
  15. Pretty much doing same but with one irl friend, we are both guildless for a reason because its more fun to actually make a name by actions be it trought pve or pvp performance, feels alot better to be picked in guild by skill rather than just being another roster filler. And this is near impossible to achive with x-realm ques.
  16. I dont want to play with random nabs i want to play with nabs on my own server so i know who to hunt/annoy in WZ:s. Also its more fun when you can easily spot good players from your own realm and stick with them in WZ:s. So no for x-realm pvp que as it will make pvp boring and dull, but filling empty team spots with players from another realm doesnt sound that bad if it is limied to 1-2 persons in single WZ so your team would still mostly be from your own realm.
  17. Totally agree. I still dont understand why defusing or planting bomb doesnt even give objective points? Planted all 3 doors and got 0 points in the end seriously is that intended? And in Huttball catching and throwing should give atleast small amout of objective points as it seems it doesnt give anything from those atm.
  18. Now that you mentioned this i would like to see time limit removal from Huttball atleast, just make it so only way to end it is to make those 6 goals and it would work because there is already anti-turtling mechanism so no endless fragging form facerolll team if that happens.
  19. Ofcourse but those kind of issues can be rather gamebraking so atleast those should be perfected before relase, but its good to see they are coming and i hope to see more coming in future if needed. Not sure but is auto-aiming, tab-targetting and zooming adressed already in future patches?
  20. Yeah was kinda consumed by rage so missed cd part so my bad, tho its still kinda furious that it wasn't implimented right at lauch. Well better late than never, just few minor fixes left and this will look alot better.
  21. For the love of god why there are no actual numbers showing how many seconds i have left in cooldown? its even worse for longer skills because last few pixel line "seconds" feels like an eterinty. Please give us pure numbers so we dont need to guess how many seconds there are left in CD:s before they are ready to be used again.
  22. I do not play sorc/sage but imo they dont need nerfs especially healers as it is possible to lockout all heals with talented interrupts.
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