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Everything posted by Phasersablaze

  1. Sorry kiddo, but I have been playing hardcore MMOs for decades. People don't use the same terms either because often stuns are used to refer to stuns that break on damage which are different. So don't try to come here and define stuff for me like you think this game is hard and complex. That just shows how narrow-minded you are.
  2. Lol that's a pretty wild comparison 30k sorc bubbles? You sound like you are desperately trying to distract. #1) Learn to read. I am not calling for Nerfs. #2) I am not perfect and don't have 100% knowledge of all classes from the top of my head. You can call out mistakes, yes, but discrediting everything I say because of one mistake is just being ignorant. No one knows everything. #3) There aren't "MANY" other things because if there were then you would have listed them. (That logical fallacy is called gross generalization btw.) Look I can do the same thing: "Marauders have this ability that makes them god for 4 seconds." "They also have MANY MORE abilities like that!" "Marauders are OP because they can be god-mode forever!" Makes sense right? Well...according to your logic.
  3. Says the guys with a Mara and a Jug. Thank you for proving my point.
  4. The point is that he is downplaying his abilities. "only" 2 interrupts. "Only" 1 stun and 1 AE mez. "Only" 4 defensive discs. Predation can "Only" be used when you have 30 stacks. Give me a break. Open your eyes already.
  5. Here is a prime example of exactly what I am talking about. A marauder trying to downplay his abilities. No knockback he says and yet I get force pushed twice within 5 seconds. One stun he says and yet he admits to an AOE mez...just lol.
  6. Not really...to get us back to where it was at first we need: +10 base damage to TM Make HSM become buffed correctly Increase DFA to 8m radius again Unbind interrupt keys on all players
  7. The point is that the vast majority of marauders are not very honest when talking about their abilities. They downplay their tools and get very defensive when anyone comes close to suggesting they are very powerful. Whether this attitude comes from a severe lack of knowledge or an attempt to avoid getting nerfed, this kind of attitude is detrimental. Like I said: people need to recognize the power of of tools available to certain classes before they are open to giving other classes powerful tools as well.
  8. I certainly hope you are true to your word and never post again. Your post screams "don't nerf me" which is annoying to me because that's not what this thread is calling for if you stopped to read it.
  9. Please do explain. I am all ears I hope you are not just talking about your sniper; the one class that has effective counters to Mele. You can't rule out Marauder abilities just because there is one class that can counter them. There is only one ability in the game that doesn't have a counter: and that's Undying Rage. Note that it's the mechanic of COVER/ENTRENCH and the snipers own defensive abilities/Knockback that give him the advantage NOT the fact that his attacks are 30m. The sniper I believe is another class with a very full tool-box, but IMO is not as powerful as a marauder.
  10. No problem. And please understand that this is NOT a qq nerf thread like some have already said. With the exception of the rage smash spec, I like marauders where they are right now. I think destroying the tools they have would just make the class unfun to play. The problem as I see it is that some classes DONT HAVE counters for anyone. Like you said snipers are in a pretty good place. Op/Sins have stealth advantage and good burst. PT's have the best burst in the game. Personally if I game design were left up to me I would do two things. First change resolve so that a stun would give you 50% resolve and a snare would give you 25% resolve. The I would make it so that full resolve lasted 15 seconds. I would also double the cooldown on every stun ability and make our stun breakers give us stun immunity for 5 seconds. The second thing I would do is increase the toolbox of Mercenaries. They just don't counter anybody and are not very good at anything in particular. That's dumb imo. Of course damage tweaks need to be done here and there, but I see the big problem has to do with the previous two points. So yeah, definitely not calling for Mara nerfs, but I think people need to recognize how powerful marauders tools are before they will be open to giving other classes powerful tools as well.
  11. The stun-happy environment is a different matter all-together. Also, even if I am smart and save my stun for the right time I'm probably still out of luck because my team mates have given you full resolve. Don't get me wrong, I know how to use my stun, and I'm not saying Marauders are god-mode classes that can't be countered. I AM saying however, that marauders have the most powerful tools available to them than any other PVP class.
  12. 2nd leap is specced into and is only 10m. Point taken. I am also and active raider. (I have all dread guard optimised gear besides 1 armoring and have raided from day 1 - now; our guild being 5/5 HM TFB) Good marauders generally don't have a problem keeping up with me. In fact, the one I am raiding with now is usually only 1-2% behind me if not a tad ahead. I don't understand this mele disadvantage that you speak of. Even on the Tron boss where you would think range would have the advantage; they don't. Mele can leap to the cores just as fast as ranged can target them from 30m. Like I said: there is no such thing as a ranged advantage in SWTOR.
  13. From the sounds of it it doesn't look like we are going to get anything OP...just an escape mechanism. BS imo.
  14. Instead of just ranting at the terrible logic being used on the forums, I decided to write out my thoughts in an organized manner: #1) Tanks have better defensive cool-downs. Do you see any Marauders tanking bosses? Answer: PVE enviroments consist of constant large attacks by boss mobs. In a raid, the tank takes so much damage that his defensive statistics make him a better choice than a marauder. Obviously a tank with better defensive stats is a better choice to survive the millions of incoming damage tanks are healed through in a raid night. A PVP environment is completely different; consisting of short bursty encounters. It is these short bursty encounters that make Undying Rage/GBTF the most powerful Cool-down in PVP. #2) Undying Rage/GBTF really isn't that powerful because you can be stunned for the duration, and Force Shroud is better. Answer: The power of defensive cool-downs and stuns are two completely different subjects. The truth is that you can be stunned during the duration of EVERY defensive cooldown besides Force Shroud. The only difference is that the Marauder will STILL BE ALIVE at the end while everyone else won't be; including the Sin who hit FS at low HP. Yes, everything is situational, but 90% of the time I would rather be alive for 4 more seconds in PVP. That's 4 more seconds for my healer to heal me, 4 more seconds to run the ball to the goal, 4 more seconds to kill my opponent before he kills me, 4 more seconds to stop a cap while team-mates catch up. And yes, Even the Sin who used FS is going to be dead, because everyone who is attentive enough to notice that the Sin is glowing yellow will use white damge attacks to finish him off. UR/GBTF is the only cool-down in the game that has essentially no counter. Sure you can stun the marauder...but there is 0 way to kill him no matter what attack you use. That's broken imo. #3) Mele range attacks are a dissadvantage to the class. Answer: Not in SWTOR. There are several reasons why: a) Incredible mobility - Up to 2 leaps available which are effectively two ranged interrupts. Also, those interrupts are true interrupts. The person being lept to is stunned the instant the marauder hits his ability...before his feet even leave the ground to leap to you. Predation. 4 second vanish used as a gap closer. b) The close quarters of objective based PVP maps nullifies ranged advantage. Even maps like Huttbal where range should have an advantage are useless. in fact its the MELE who have the advanatage because of their leaps. #4) Marauder dps is about on par with other DPS. (Rage spec aside, which any intelligent person knows is significantly OP) Answer: Marauders possess the unique ability to dish out high damage, while at the same time shutting the other person down. Unlike other DPS classes who have to basically use their one interrupt and maybe 2 stuns as skillfully as they can while they DPS race you down to 0 health, Marauders just shut people down simmilar to an operative coming out of stealth to attack. The ammount of Mez/Stun, and interrupts/Knockdowns combined with their 4 defensive discs makes them incredible PVP contenders. They may not have the absolute highest burst in the game, but it doesn't matter that your burst ability is 9 out of 10 when you can destroy 50% of the other guy's effectiveness. *********************************************** My first Character was a Mercenary. I have since lvled an Assasin, a PT, and a Sentinel. My most played character is my Mercenary; who has BIS gear and 96 Valor. Next would by my Sin at 70 valor and mostly WH gear. I feel like I have a decent grasp of the PVP environment and I feel like there is a lot of bias thought towards balance about Marauders; who I consider to be the best PVP class in the game when played correctly. I realize that most people who PVP are terrible at playing their character, but I think the standard for balance should be based upon the potential of the class when played optimally, not the average faceroller. This is what I mean when I say Marauders are the best PVP class. The ability of a skilled Marauder to affect the outcome of a WZ is a lot higher than several other classes; even played to their fullest potential. Phaser The Shadowlands
  15. Omg this has to be the best troll video ever!!!!! Way better than Assasin Troll diaries. I LOLed so hard my stomach hurt. Just to see those stupid Warrior smash spec frustrated over and over again was so worth it. BTW imo stun bubbles are not OP at all. They just seem that way cause WZs are 80% mele. Ranged don't have a problem with sorc bubbles at all. Bring more merc/Snipers into WZs imo if you have a problem.
  16. That really doesn't prove anything besides how bad Pugs are. I almost always have a 600k WZ every day when I complete my daily as Arsenal. (I'm on The Shadowlnds too, you might have seen me) All that proves is you have better gear/skill than random pugs which isnt saying much.
  17. Clinks is in the same guild as Skillex. They are just kidding around, but sadly, it's also the ugly truth as well.
  18. Too bad. You should be thankful that you have 2/3 good specs to play. Not to mention a Hybrid "trucker" spec is very viable and there is a whole thread about it in the PT forums.
  19. Nope. PTs can respec AP or Pyro any time they want. No way you can consider them the worst.
  20. You guys have a viable spec in PVP. In fact, it's a darn good spec. Why are you complaining?
  21. I didn't address the OP because the topic is absurd. Removing stuns and resolve would throw the game even more completely out of whack. I mean seriously? A deception assassin for instance depends on stuns to be able to land Maul. Can you imagine playing an op without stuns? I agree that there are just way too many stuns in PVP. In fact its made PVP very unfun. Removing them completely, however, is an absurd idea.
  22. He's talking about PVE and he is correct. It's even better since 1.4 where we can get a second way to throw out instant heals. Tracer Tracer Tracer -> instant heal group member -> Powersurge -> instant heal group member again, Tracer, Tracer, Tracer, Unload, Instant heal group member. Since we are stacking power anyway the heal made instant by tracer crits for 4k and the bigger one you powersurge into can crit for 6k. It's not a bad idea for a Mercenary to pay attention to the tanks health during a fight cause he can save his life with at the minor espense of 1 global cool-down
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