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Everything posted by Phasersablaze

  1. Ok since you act like a kindergartener I will repeat myself like I'm talking to the child that I probably am talking to: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 10m/15m leap is MINISCULE. Now go away little mad troll with a chip on your shoulder. Go back to your friends that think Ravage can be interrupted.
  2. Really guy? What a moron. I specifically say you have to spec into the second leap. You are flat out lying. Also the difference between a 15m leap and a 10m leap is miniscule. I wasn't playing my sentinel at the time and I don't have a perfect memory. Your argument falls short, and I would suggest that you go back to playing with your other marauder buddies that thing Ravage can be countered with an interrupt.
  3. Lol at the people calling this a QQ thread. All of you are just proving that you can't read. Most Marauders in these forums are so scared to death about getting nerfed they can't even hold an intelligent conversation about their abilities. I put you in the same category as rednecks who blindly defend "Murica". And back on topic: Marauders are a very balanced class. I think the amount of thought that was put into each of the Marauders abilities should be put into the other classes as well. Too many other ACs are just clunky or severely lacking tools.
  4. Apparently you are on drugs because I am the OP. Let me guess. You play a marauder right?
  5. Lol this just takes the cake. He STILL doesn't realize that interrupts don't stop Ravage. He even had the perfect chance to save face and claim that he meant knock-backs, but instead he just digs himself a bigger hole. I never say this unless it's really bad but...lol what a noob!
  6. No he obviously meant interrupt. If he meant KB he wouldn't have said to save your stun. Not to mention every class does not have a KB. He said use your interrupt which assumes every class has one. Honestly I'm not surprised stuff like this is coming out.
  7. Ok besides your bad grammar and straight up lies, you now have lost all credibility from that last statement. Don't stun ravage use interrupt??? HOKAY GUY ...Please do not post in my thread again. Kthnx
  8. Cash doesn't admit that Merc/Commando have a dps problem. Don't try to argue with him he's pretty adamant about his beliefs and you'll just be banging your head against a wall.
  9. A veteran PVP player would understand that PVP environment is very volatile. Sorry, but "use your stun" looks great on paper, but just isn't practical. What if your stun is down from having used it on someone else? What if you are stunned yourself by someone else? What is he has full resolve? Once again, this is 8v8 not 1v1 and anyone who would even consider trading UR/GBTF for a stun lacks fundamental understanding of the PVP environment. A good marauder will learn how to take advantace of the situation and use his abilities (including Undying Rage) to their fullest potential.
  10. If you would trade UR/GBTF for a stun, then you have a serious lack of understanding when it comes to PVP. Nothing can beat a godmode ability in objective based PVP, and if you were a good player you wouldn't have trouble killing healers in the first place.
  11. Yeah but UR has a LOT more used than winning a 1v1 fight. We are talking godmode ability for objectives here. Nothing close to a hard stun at all.
  12. You don't understand your ability very well at all. If you died while using it then you must have clicked it as absurdly low HP and if you ever lose 50% health when you activate it then you need to L2P. Using it at full health is LOL. And FYI there is a LOT of difference between UR and a stun ability. How can you even compare the two? Really guy? You really don't have a grasp of your class if you would trade UR for a 4 sec hard stun.
  13. I said it (I'm the thread starter). Marauders would be a very good class to balance around. And I didn't mention PT Pyros because they would be a very poor class to use as a blueprint. When played well they CAN have a lot of utility (taunt, AE CC, Grapple) but as a general rule they are pretty clunky and really only do well because of their incredible burst DPS ability. And when I say clunky I mean that they are not very mobile, and don't have a lot of tools to use. Basically without their massive burst DPS they would be another vanilla DPS class with poor mobility. You might be able to make the AP mobility argument, but they have to sacrifice a lot of burst capability for that.
  14. That's a nice thought (I wish it were true) but you are wrong. There are some classes (especially the Commando/Mercenary) who can not become "OP" as you put it no matter how geared or skilled they are. That's called class imbalance. What you experience in an unranked WZ only shows that you are playing againts baddies. Not that your class is powerful.
  15. You have shown yourself to be a knowledgable poster so I won't make a big deal out of it and call you a baddie, but this is incorrect. Force Shroud is the only defensive that grants stun immunity, but it also leaves the Sin vulnerable to white damage. Deflection gives partial reduction just like most other defensive discs. Even hitting them both at the same time does not grant the damage protection UR does. Not even close. It is very probable that you will lose a boatload health during the duration; especially if you are being focused while a Marauder with UR roing CANNOT be killed for the duration as long as he has more than like 100 hps. Oh yeah and then after 5 secs when Force Shroud wears off you are toast cause you know everyone was saving their big attack waiting for you to stop glowing. At that point the Sin is SOL, while the marauder has 3 more defensives to go. Plus if a Sin does that he is SOL cause he just blew everything (maybe you have blackout if you are deception), while a marauder still has 3 more defensives to go. There is really no cmparison to UR. <<<<Reminder: The point of my thread is to honestly explain the capabilities of a Marauder in PVP. I think that, because of how well the class has been designed, Marauders should be used as a baseline to balance classes (in relation to DPS, Utility, and counter-tactics). The problem as I see it is that no one will be honest for fear of being nerfed. Abilities are down-played, fingers pointed at other classes, and no one wants to admit that Marauders are one of the most streamlined classes in PVP. I would say that Assasins and Snipers are fairly streamlined as well. some other classes are clunky and ineffective; lacking the tools they need; especially the mercenary. But I don't think anyone will agree while there is so much wool being pulled over people's eyes. Undying rage is not just a Hail Mary ability that fails to get the job done 90% of the time. Same can be said about Predation, Bloodthirst, etc, etc. There are some classes that are significantly lacking in tools like this, and some classes who have had tools takesn away from them. It's just another thing that makes PVP less fun to play that should be fixed.>>>>>
  16. I see what you are saying, but its not quite making your point. If they were talking about increasingDecreasing a damage on an ability, lowering a cooldown, or introducing a new mechanic to the class then I would consider that balancing. All they did was make heat management easy. That really doesn't affect class balance much...it's more like a bug fix. Now I don't claim to know exactly how Bioware determins how to balance classes, but it doesn't matter because you can never reach balance when you are using subjective factors. If they did that then class balance would become simply the devs opinion on how strong each class should be in any given area. This obviously would be a terrible way to balance classes since everyone is bias towards their personal experience in WZs and the classes they play.
  17. So I see you are one of the marauders that I used to decimate because he didn't know what an interrupt was. FYI before 1.2 when they adjusted the barrage proc it was perfectly acceptable to cast 5 or 6 tracers in a row if nothing else was up and barrage didn't proc. TM gave 10% damage reduction, buffed Rail Shot, Buffed HSM, and reduced my target's armor. What a stupid spell to cast huh? learn to interrupt.
  18. I don't know where you are getting your wild ideas, but what you are describing is impossible. There is no way to determine the "average" as you say. How do you know if the player isn't just a little bit better or a little bit worse then average? You don't. Key word: SUBJECTIVE. There is only one standard of balance that is not subjective. That's a class' max potential. That is the only way any class can be balanced because everything else is just speculation. I don't know where you get your hair-brained ideas or why you think bioware already holds to them.
  19. This makes me seriously wonder if you even play PVP if you think dummy parses have anything to do with what happens inside a WZ.
  20. That doesn't make sense at all. You think things should be balanced by the worst player of the class? How do you decide how bad someone is? There is absolutely no way to balance anything if you go off some subjective idea. No. What you are suggesting is absolutely preposterous. The only way to balance classes is off their maximum potential. That's the only way judge how powerful each ability is. Since you can't get any better than maximum potential, you can use each classes maximum potential to judge how each one is in relation to eachother. Do you really not understand this simple concept? This is like MMOs 101 day one class one stuff. You know like Basic MMO knowledge for 100 Alex. I know SWTOR is incredibly simple and easy to play, but I expect a little more from people as far as general knowledge of mechanics and balancing. So were you one of those people that made it all the way to 50 before figuring out what an advanced class is???
  21. Why are you stalking me? ReaLynix said put things back the way they were before. That's the way things were before. Stop trolling me with your obsessive defensiveness about your personal opinions. I think you have made it very clear that you don't think Mercenaries need a damage buff. That's fine. You are allowed to be wrong. Stop stalking me.
  22. +1 Every class is susceptible to being focused as well as stunned. You cannot use that as an argument because one has nothing to do with the other. This logical fallacy is called "red herring". Where someone tries to distract from the main point by bringing up something completely irrelevant.
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