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Everything posted by Regentlord

  1. I can confirm this is NOT true. I got the title on my Warrior at level 47 and my Assassin at 46.
  2. I know its just wishful thinking, but the randomness of deception in PvP in some ways sucks. Occasionally I will do a full combo and barely scratch someone, and other times I 3 shot people. I wish it was more predictable.
  3. Regentlord

    8k+ Dispatchs

    You must be smoking some really good crack. Do you even play this game?
  4. Just completed Nightmare EV. Half our group got the achievements for completion, and the other half didnt.
  5. Regentlord


    You...are playing an MMO. What else did you expect?
  6. Yes, wikis make massive profits. If you played WoW, do you remember when Wowiki changed to wowpedia? Yeah, that was over arguments about money.
  7. What happened is: A lot of groups of people saw a way to make profit off of SWTOR and so a bunch of wikis/dbs/etc all popped up at the same time. People contributed to different ones and then it caused none of them to be complete. Once people realized that none of them were going to be complete, everyone stopped contributing because there was no point.
  8. Yes, the game has a ton of the problems. They are constantly pointed out, and we are told they will be worked on. INB4: "LOL U R COMPOOTER SUX BREH"
  9. Yes, but if you are out of stealth all the time, why not just play another class like Mara?
  10. Isn't that animation still used for another Merc ability? I can't remember, but its some firebomb DOT thing. I don't think two separate abilities should use the same animation.
  11. Are you...joking? I don't even know if I should respond to this.
  12. No, what is "asinine" is to assume that WoW has the same graphics that it did 10 years ago. It looks nothing the same, not even remotely close.
  13. No one is arguing WoW is better, what is being argued is the terrible performance that most people geting in SWTOR kills their will to play it.
  14. I agree with you on all that stuff, its why I am subbed to SWTOR instead of WoW, but who spends time looking at their naked character anyways? The point is, even with a really good computer, the game still runs like trash. I don't even understand how people can argue, if you log into WoW and see how long it loads and then log into SWTOR you will see right away the difference.
  15. Who cares how real it looks if you constantly get distracted by random fps drops?
  16. http://ptr.wowhead.com/itemset=1156#modelviewer:22+0
  17. You just compared an out of date character model which will get a graphical update soon to a fully geared character model. I dont understand your point? A fully geared WoW character looks the same as a fully geared SWTOR character.
  18. Log into a Vanilla WoW server, look around. Log into live WoW server, look around. Log into live SWTOR, look around. WoW and SWTOR are almost even, except that WoW runs 3x as good.
  19. SWTOR runs like crap, even on amazing computers. Run WoW on Ultra never dropping below 60FPS. Barely keep 60 FPS average on fleet with only high settings, random tearing and fps spikes. Load screens in SWTOR are 4 times as long, even with an SSD AND a 6gb RAM drive. I can't even imagine trying to play this game on a normal computer.
  20. Agreed. Being able to finish both the inquisitor and warrior stories at level 47 in level 40 gear shouldn't be possible.
  21. No one uses it properly, it has just become MvP the person you queued with or MvP the dps who ignored all the points and just ran around spamming damage. The system shouldn't exist at all, or be redone to give people bonuses for doing the best in certain stuff (objectives).
  22. Pirated has been doing +10 datacron pulls. Thanks for doing this. You are what makes this game awesome!
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