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Everything posted by Regentlord

  1. Incredibly overpowered. Mine has almost no gear, is tankier than my jugg, and does more damage.
  2. PTs are way over the top now. Nerfs will come eventually.
  3. Literally half the ranked matches in this game are some sort of wintrading or trolling its so disgusting. People on Republic side queue sync solo queue and get their friends to queue solo on Empire and then when they face their friend they just afk and give them the free win. People wonder why no one cares about PvP in this game, and this is it right here. Half the people on the leaderboard wintrade or cheat.
  4. I think the current ones are pretty good considering the restrictions. The 2 set could also proc off of Force Charge. The 4 set could also add a 6 second 50% slow when using throw.
  5. Wow, this might be the most cringey thread made in the last 15 years.
  6. With the upcoming changes to gearing, I was thinking it would be cool to give those with the full 174 sets before 3.3 the title, "Dark Reaver."
  7. Hate to break it to you friend, but you are probably pretty bad.
  8. It would take them literally 2 seconds to make them unusable in ranked warzones. Why should they not remove annoying things which add nothing to the game. I have them on all my characters, its just cheap and dumb and makes the game harder to balanced.
  9. Its kind of ridiculous these things still work in PvP. Also, remove Adrenals and Medpacs and just make them an ability all characters learn.
  10. There is no reason to play anything but Assassin or PT.
  11. The difference is that this problem would literally take 45 seconds to fix, just move the helmet position up like 3 centimeters and BOOM, FIXED. That problem seems to be an engine issue, not a placement issue.
  12. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this It might be more understandable if this item wasn't available from REAL MONEY purchase.
  13. I get the bug occasionally also. Doesn't really help much since most of the time you have the instant cast proc anyways.
  14. I recently started playing again and I swear there was at least one 1 handed lightsaber that was longer and bigger than the regular ones. Anyone know which one I'm talking about? Thanks.
  15. You are that guy. You list your interests on your forum account as "Mods and Guitars" and the only thing on the youtube channel you linked is Mod videos and Guitar videos...
  16. Please bring back Centurion Force-Master’s Headgear, best looking Sorc helmet in the game and it is no longer obtainable.
  17. I would pay infinite Cartel Coins for a Musco clone companion that follows me around and says cryptic things about the future of the game.
  18. Got mine from this thread, passing it on: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/qzppf
  19. Buffs are coming, be patient, roll something else in the meantime.
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