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Everything posted by JediKalel

  1. So because I would like to not have to PAY to move my main and my legacy to the new server I rerolled to because my old server had no population I have shortcomings? Please explain how I have those lol.
  2. I get your attempt at an analogy, but considering I work for a pharmaceutical company I know theres a big difference between testing prescription medications before releasing them to the public because they could potentially KILL someone and transfers to a new server in an online videogame.
  3. Fair enough, I didnt "want" to play my other characters on my dead server because this is an MMO not a single player RPG.... that would make it BW's problem that my server is so dead that its not an MMO on that server anymore, not mine.
  4. Yeah because Rx drugs that could potentially KILL people are the same as a videogame:rolleyes:
  5. Yep just like how I have been enjoying those rated WZ's that they said we would get in 1.2
  6. Try one that cant even hit double digits like The Razor.... you're lucky if that one hits 10 people
  7. Yeah because they totally said only 4 servers would be available on day one right... and they also listed when and how the rest would be handled in a timely manner right? Wait... no they didnt do that my bad.
  8. Yes because I realllllly want to play on 2 different servers..... I'm not saying I wanted to immediately be able to transfer to the server of my choice, but I dont expect to have to PAY to move to my new server that I was forced to reroll to because BW failed on my other one and its dead. Before you say "but they are moving you to a higher pop server for free".... yeah thats fine and dandy for people who didnt already RESTART the entire game because they couldnt play their old toons on a server with 4 people on fleet, if some of you like getting whatever crap they feel like throwing your way and calling a "fix" then more power to you, dont belittle the people that dont feel the same.
  9. Obviously we have conflicting views on customer service and expectaions.... I dont expect crap just because other companies are selling crap
  10. The part that ticks me off is there is NO option for you to pick the destination AT ALL.... many people have rerolled a month or more ago (like me) but will not be able to transfer their main and alts from their dead server to the new one they already rerolled to until PAID transfers come out.... rather convenient for BW huh, heres a "free" transfer to a server you dont want, but dont worry you can PAY us to go to the new server you are already on because this is all your fault you picked a lame server 6 months ago.
  11. Yes the other servers REALLY do have that many less people, The Razor for one, last time I logged on my main there it had about 3 people on fleet... as a comparison my new server I rerolled on had 40 + people on at the exact same time.
  12. So WoW makes the rules that all games shall abide by? lol How about this issue is because the servers are DEAD, not because I simpy want to move my toons for no reason or just to play with my friends on a new server.... WoW probably charges because their servers are not DEAD, which makes sense. This process BW is doing ensures them that anyone who already rerolled and wants to go to THAT new server with their old toons will have to PAY them to do so, that is painfully obvious.
  13. Given that # 1 and # 2 are moot points.... although paying money for something does entitle you to fair customer service, not being entitled to nothing... Yes I want my main and his legacy on my rerolled server. Why? Because I have made a guild there, leveled up almost to 50, have friends there, etc. I dont want to repeat that whole process just because they want more of my money to make it so I can go to whatever server I choose.
  14. Yes dont complain about a service you are paying money for, just take it lol......
  15. THIS is what they WANT They lol as they give you a "free" service you have no control over so they can make you PAY to go where you really want to.... people have already rolled new toons on other servers, or may have friends on other servers, but BW only cares about your $$$, not the fact that you didnt cause your server to be dead and as such should have the option to transfer to a high pop server you already have toons on FOR FREE
  16. Actually I rerolled onto a new server about a month ago champ.... because I couldnt get a group for ANYTHING on the 6 + toons I have on my dead arse server... I already PAY them money to play this game and have for 6 months now, the least they could do is let me pick where I get to go FOR FREE when I am not the blame for THEIR failing servers. Now I get to transfer my legacy to a server I dont want to just to wait even longer to PAYYYYYY to move them to the new server I have been on that actually has a population. Hope that answers your questions
  17. Just an fyi... you see how they are picking the to and from for you and its only 1 destination for the from? Keep in mind that PAID transfers are coming out after this, so what they really care abut is your money... "free" xfer now that you have no control over at all... so that you can PAY them later to move where you want:mad: The almighty dollar people, it runs the world even in SWTOR
  18. Anyone else figure out what they are doing here? They pick this "free" transfer for you, you dont get to pick where you go AT ALL.... THEN you get to PAY them to move where you want when they rolll paid xfers out. Very cute Bioware, its really all about the money isnt it.
  19. If you mean the ghost towns.... errr servers.... yeah thats the suck part, good luck playing new content on a server like the razor that has a whopping 10 people on fleet The OP should be saying "Why new content when the majority of people cant even play it because the server pops look like Death Valley"
  20. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I can get most medals... dps... and heals in my teens and 20's.... its called everyone gets boosted, so a level 10 guy might only have a couple of moves, but he can still do his job just fine if he knows how to play:cool: I think you are confusing level 10 noobs who dont know how to play with people who actually have played and are running alts and can faceroll 40's with a level 18 guy
  21. Wow you are complaining about being ABLE TO level up more? LOL, so you would rather just sit there and be maxed out with nothing to do and no new gear to get EVER? Sounds like you just want to be the guy sitting on fleet bragging about how he has ALL the bestest gear you canz get
  22. Call of Duty recycles old maps and or cuts maps out of existing campaign areas... and only maybe like 3 new ones total per game =/ Fallout had good DLC... as did Halo (s) with their map packs. None of those games however have the longevity of playtime that an MMO does, you can beat most console games storylines in a matter of day (s) lol Oh and NONE of them had FREE content.... and yeah you didnt have to pay to play them, but if you wanted multiplayer you had to fork over some money to MS for XBL, so thats kinda similar.
  23. So.... you're not complaining that they are releasing new stuff, just that they are not releasing ENOUGH new stuff to your liking? Maybe its just me but after playing console games for years with absolutely 0 new content, and a few with lousy PAY FOR extra content that gives you maybe 10 more minutes of fun.... I would much rather have this type of frequent new FREE content even if I want even more Who doesnt want MORE and MORE content, but they HAVE BEEN keeping it coming right? We had the exclusive color crystals pre 1.2, the 1.2 patch with new content, the Rakhoul event with exclusives, and now upcoming 1.3 with new content.... all in a span of 6 months, I'll take that any day over nothing.
  24. Yeah, I saw someone say they didnt believe the numbers people were posting up about the low pop servers.... lmao are you serious?! I have never seen more than 15 people on a planet and never more than 30 on fleet on my server for Republic side... ever. Keep in mind thats the entire time I've been playing like every day since mid January:eek: Keep telling yourself we are all just making stuff up though mmmkay, but perhaps the fact that this thread has already been restarted for going beyond the 1K post limit should tell you that there really is a problem:(
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