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Everything posted by JediKalel

  1. 1.4 LMAO....... Half the people cant even get 1.3 to work for them, I've been "patching and repairing" for almost 6 hours and still cant even play, so yeah they can stick 1.4 where ze sun dont shineth unless they actually you know TEST IT OUT PROPERLY first.....
  2. I'm going to give it a big fat ZERO for now... as I am one of the few lucky people to get the "repair loop" bug and cant even get on the game to play it period, been "repairing" my launcher for 4 hours now, not a great start to 1.3 is all I'm going to say.
  3. Heres a new reason to unsub.... as of todays 1.3 update several people cant even get the patch to install correctly, I have spent 4 hours "repairing" the launcher to be told that its likely my PC's fault by CS..... except theres about 30 threads going on with all different people about the same problem eh Bioware? Couldnt be the patch right?
  4. Lol to the "ping" complainers... I live on the east coast and I've been on Ajunta Pall up until today when I transferred over to Jung Ma, but I never had any problems winning WZ and getting top 3 spots with ping even at 120ms on the "west" coast servers... you guys do know ms = milliseconds right? 120 ms and under is considered good btw
  5. So you still keep missing my point that maybe by your 'standards' AP isnt 'healthy' enough for you, but it doesnt change the fact that its in the top 20 out of 200 + servers.... which means what I said already, thats its not even close to 'dead' compared to the other 180 servers below the top 20. I already said it would be nice IF the server got an influx of people but its definitely NOT the top of the priority list being in the top 20, thats just simple math no matter how you talk about fat people and obtuse and whatever else you want to throw out randomly:rolleyes: You obviously would rather throw out insults all day than rationalize that they are addressing the LOW POP servers first... as in the ones NOT in the top 20;)
  6. Theres the other one in here since you missed it Oh and I throw out 1 insult to an insulter in defense of the OP and I'm a troll now? Please back up your claims about me trolling all morning as I would love to see where I insulted anyone else;)
  7. You aint kidding.... I left the Razor about a month ago, been popping in occasionaly to see 3 or 4 people max on fleet
  8. Seriously did you read his posts lol, all he does is insult people... if he can dish it out he can take it.
  9. Stop trolling people with your negativity loser
  10. Thought you might like to see this... looks like Ajunta Pall is # 9 highest average population server in the US and in the top 20 for average population in the world for the past 2 weeks.... like I said its hardly "dead" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=449144
  11. Is your favorite limp bizkit song Trollin Trollin Trollin?
  12. Prozac should be mailed out when you join then forums lol
  13. They said rare crystal colors would come and go.... who knows what new ones will come out and what old ones will be back, but currently you cant get white anymore or purple unless someone is selling purple. I doubt a petition on the forum is going to get them to undo a major game feature like that.
  14. Way to be friendly.... what I actually said was the population isnt dead... go jump on a server like my old one that has 3 or 4 people on fleet and you dont EVER get a WZ Q, then tell me that AP's 50 - 70 people on fleet and all day WZ Q's is dead mmmkay;) I'm not saying that more people wouldnt be good at all, it would be awesome, but there are much much worse servers at the moment and thats a fact.
  15. You dont get a choice bro... they are telling you the 1 server you can go to.
  16. Waiting around for paid transfers..... honestly I WENT to Ajunta Pall because my other server was dead, sure the population may be lower than a few months ago, but its hardly a dead server... hell I cant even do my class quests if I dont unQ from PvP because as soon as you get out of one you get another, thats far from dead so I wouldnt hold my breath for any incoming transfers until they release paid ones unfortunately.
  17. So it does support paid transfers according to your double negative there lol
  18. I actually agree with you my man, I am east coast and I play on Ajunta Pall because I work late and cant get on until 11 pm ish EST, which coincides with peak times on west coast servers
  19. Yes I did actually, but way to troll my posts loser;) Oh look what I found....
  20. They probably will not do east/west transfers.... #1 play times would be substantially different, #2 connectivity problems
  21. Yeah I have said that in several threads now and got flamed.... but I totally agree.
  22. Yes I did... you said TYPE of server... west coast is not a type, its a location. However, they probably wont be transferrig east coast to west coast because of connectivity issues and or play times would be wayyy different.
  23. Thats not relevant to this discussion... there are only a few rp-pvp servers, and BW has stated that ONLY same type transfers will be occuring.... so the few rp-pvp servers are not included in your wait and see approach;)
  24. I'm not worked up at all, its a videogame... I didnt know I wasnt allowed to post my complaint about something here on the forums without being accused of "flipping out" lol.
  25. Unfortunately yes.... they list in the FAQ that ONLY same type transfers will be occurring until paid transfers come out, and it was vague as to if even then you could cross type transfer. Sucks because I have my main and legacy on a pve server and a toon on Ajunta Pall that I rolled a month ago, I would love to bring my old guys to Ajunta but it doesnt look like I'll put much faith in ever doing that =(
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