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Everything posted by Cherepk

  1. And if you are Republic like me ?
  2. Tried ranked on Shadowlands Rep side yesterday around 11 PM. Waited 15+ min for que, left que. Quite sad.... Not sure if this end of the season paired with 12xp and PVE server thing ? I mean there crap load of people online it seemed, and yet no que.
  3. New class would be very nice. Maybe something along those videos, class with shield and sword or some kind or weapon. Just like in the video those troops behind main characters. Also colored name plates and shift and alt modifiers. < This is like a must every single MMO has it now. Improving FPS in WZ and better installation process. After installing Swotr few times i noticed that not everything is deleted sometimes from last installation that creates problem for new installation. Only in SWOTR i encountered this issue.
  4. You cant stop anywhere you want but despite that the guy is professor and he actually right about many things. Not everyone came to swotr because they want to RP Star War characters. I was never fan of Star Wars but i like this game due to its futuristic aspect and good story. There are many as me here.
  5. I find scoundrel dark story fun but others quite lacking. i started inq and jug story lines and instantly was hooked on them. I am afraid if this continues we will have no Rep left.
  6. Since you doing new expansion, how about doing something more attractive so people would actually roll Republic side more.. It seems that skillful players choose Imp side significantly more. On the same server Bastion i tried Korriban and Tython and there were twice more on Korriban than on Tyhon. And that is on the server where Rep has best population and prob best players out of all other servers . I heard that being Rep on other serves is even worse. This game feels very one sided. Examples most find Imp story line darker and yet more exciting, struggle for power, killings and etc. Also lets look at the abilities like for Jedi Knight "Interospection" vs "Channel Hatred". Most would choose "Channel Hatred" it just way cooler.... Yes some players will re-roll Imp if this continues but some of us like me just quit the game if Rep population will continue to seize.
  7. For the LOVE OF GOD please improve attractiveness of Republic side in the new expansion. There are less and less republic players rolling.... Such a shame. For PVP for example only one server out of all US servers has competitive Rep population is Bastion. If Bastion is gone in any way rolling republic won't be an option.
  8. So if you pub the only server for you is Bastion and if Bastion is gone, there will be only two fraction outlander and imp. Do they had to make pub that unattractive ?
  9. Search for SWTOR Unleashed program. Download and use. Second most of us have bad FPS in WZ, its not you it is bad game engine. Third check for bottle necking with your GPU, realizing you have one might help you to upgraded needed part. What is bottleneck GPU vs CPU : http://www.davescomputertips.com/how-to-determine-gpu-vs-cpu-bottlenecks-and-possible-solutions/ Lastly i have 15-20 FPS in WZ..... and i am just dealing with it.
  10. If this change would happen this would help Rep side and not everyone would re-roll Imp eventually. Cross realm if it ever comes will help the game but the issue is that best pvpers outside of Bastion are on Imp and even if cross realms comes Rep will suck mostly in WZ and prob Ranked. I exclusively play Rep only, it's my preference and i am hardcore pvper. I am afraid that soon if something doesn't happen Bastion dies and on other servers it will suck in Ranked and WZ being rep. I personally will quit the game at that point i just don't like Imps.
  11. The best thing that left on POT5 is GTN things are cheap and many rares that on other servers would cost fortune Then again no one to show that rarity
  12. And this is where fun factor comes to play. Sin just so bloody boring. PT is exciting to play as well as Jug. However there are operative that can be very good in pvp it just takes certain kind of player to learn it.
  13. Truly appreciate 12x, now i can try most classes and level them casually in a month or so and not take a year to lvl one.
  14. Or maybe you could say thank you, maybe its not UP to YOUR standard but they trying. This is good start. And for most of us getting dark reaver is actually exciting.
  15. Thank for update, well after all its PVP server.
  16. They just need to change the way bolstering works. It should work on all gear levels, it should scale down or up to 168 and auto add 2018 expertise if all slots are equipped. Seriously bolstering in this is game as unintuitive as it gets. I really hate that you need to have 162- gear just to be ok WZ. Like how many will keep that gear after they get to 60 and instantly can buy 168 + gear........... Just to realize later on that they needed that gear to be competitive in WZ.
  17. Some days on Bastion i win 60 % + of games. Some days cannot even get 2 wins a night. What i noticed that more and more people que on Rep with 0 exhumed gear or even if they geared they have no idea how to do basic damage rotation, where there is like 2-3 Imps that are full Dark Reaver geared that triple damage number of average Rep player. I understand that most are new toons and don't have gear which is ok, but being fully Exhumed and not able to pull decent number is definitely upsetting. My question is where all Pub that que iranked in WZ. Lastly it is very sad that Bio created light side being so unattractive and their stories being lot less fun. Also light saber wearers are most popular classes in this game it seems and Imp animations attract lot lot more people. Lets compare is it cooler to kill someone with pebbles or with purple wave of death.
  18. Good for you, eventually REP population will seize to exists. The only server left where pub still can land a win is Bastion and even there its going down hill. You could always transfer to any other server and dominate WZ....................
  19. Thanks for the updates and changes, despite the lack of balancing and cross realm at least this is a good start, especially 81 % reduction on DR and 2018 req for ranked.
  20. What i wonder is do you think there is other MMO that has better pvp atm ?
  21. After playing scoundrel and sin i would say that scoundrel much much more fun to play, but it doesn't mean that Opertaive/Scoundrel > Sin.
  22. And this is another issue of balance between Light and Darkness. Most prefer darkness due to story line being cooler as well as animations. I noticed that even on Bastion Rep side now i keep loosing regs WZ. Maybe most leveling still it so hard to win now. On imp side there are always 2 or 3 ranked geared players and i am in my full exhumed gear most of the time come on top of DPS on Rep side. Where are all good reps that like to PVP ? Just before 12xp started Rep was winning a lot now...
  23. Question for PVPers, i am full exhumed will I gimp myself big time queing ranked in this gear or should i just get at least half ranked and then que ?
  24. Subtext: Bioware loosing players to WOW, but that is ok lets say you forgot to put your glasses on.
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