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Everything posted by Cherepk

  1. I like it, as a casual that don't have much time, it took me 4+ months to lvl one Jedi to 57. With this option in effect you still be able to experience the story and enjoy the end game on few different classes. I personally want to gear up and just que WZ with different classes instead of leveling another one for another 4 + months.
  2. For me its vanguard. I just don't see how you can do all of that heavy weaponry damage with a gun lol.......... I admit some animation on PT are freaking awesome but damn handgun........... hell no
  3. Complain like that can be applied to many MMO's even WOW. Same old PVE, same old PVP , not enough new content, re-used mounts, gear, dev is not listening. etc
  4. Same stupid youtube message s can be heard about any other mmo..................... I played wow and quit it along with many of my friends but it doesn't mean we quit because it was bad or had bad pvp/pve we quit because game got boring to us. Now we are in swotr and enjoying the game.
  5. So pumped for it. Just not sure what to lvl....... I want 5 60th
  6. Lol in PVP situations changes every second, there is not standard rotation just approximate rules of what should go first what should follow.
  7. Not 100% agree on others but this one is just right.
  8. POWERTECH/VANGUARD will laugh at your face
  9. Not very skill full game at all. Many don't like asian MMO's.
  10. No you didn't.......... tera had its time when you were stunned back to back by war and would die in it. Wow vanilla rogues, season 11 rogues, season 2 stun mace warriors, season 4 rogues, season 12 warriors, current season ferals and etc just few examples where you would die in a stun to those classes
  11. Enjoy "balanced" wow for a month, where you get polymorphed 2 times in a row, then rooted, stunned, silenced, feared, cycloned etc.............. LOL at people that think that other mmo has better PVP balance.
  12. Cherepk

    Solo sucks?

    2018 expertise minimum to enter ranked, many issues will be sovled
  13. Strange response but did you look closely at our PVP forum its not better than wow one when it comes to PVP balance. And wow according to many, definitely not you is quite successful and fun game....... Number don't lie. 10 mil active subs should we compare this number to swotr ?
  14. PVE wise yes wow is awesome. PVP lol same crappy balance as swotr. Other mmo......... every mmo there is has its OP classes just a nature of MMO.
  15. They just need to implement minimum/maximum req of gear for solo q. Problem solved.
  16. Moshclaw DPS scoundrel at 2252 on Bastion actually streams. http://www.twitch.tv/mosh47/profile He's showed previously his skill level and honestly it was impressive. It also showed that scrapper can get high if you skillful.
  17. Cherepk

    Good News

    Playing sage in wz at lvl 55 loving the class Have lvl 29 vanguard and scoundrel love both, not sure what to make alt. As casual i love pvp in this game. I don't stress over who OP and who's not, just don't care.. Sci Fi mmo what i love.
  18. Always have end user team/qa team that have more influence than dev team...........
  19. Cherepk

    7 Advance Classes

    And this is how you kill the game................. From all of the other MMO that came out and died isn't it hard to see that you should not only listen to dev team but to actual players that play the game or at least hire/dedicate one person that semi skilled to do so on company time so he would report back true balance of the game............ In many cases dev team is single minded and only looks at numbers..... This is the reason you need end users that you employ........ This is not a hard concept
  20. Very well sad. LOL about Blizz response but then again its PVE game, same as SWOTR. You either accept that and go on enjoying the game knowing that changes first and always will be made with PVE in mind and not PVP and that will always create great imbalance in PVP. But cross server ques will be awesome thing for both WZ and ranked but with that regard then they shouldn't allow people under certain expertise to enter ranked.
  21. At least there is an option to solo ranked......... Grass is not grreener on other side. Example wow doesn't have solo ranked (skirmishes don't count they don't give you epic gear or any ranking), so as semi decent player with decent rating right now finding teammates are almost impossible. You can literately spent days looking then playing one game loosing and here we go again. Why you asked because balance is crap in wow, so at least here you have solo ranked that you can log que and logoff. And about OP classes they always existed in every MMO.
  22. I couldn't find exactly what was nerfed can any please paste them here ?
  23. You don't seem dumb but why do you pretend to be one ? I never sad its a game issue or game design..... I mentioned that it would be nice to have option to bypass THE GRIND(leveling). Everybody have different opinion about leveling and what it represent to each of us. For me it is a grind of quests and flashpoints and not very enjoyable time. I never said that casuals cannot have 60 but how long does it take to get to 60 ?...............................
  24. As casual player with life, wife and kids i would really love to have this option in any way. I love to do some ranked/WZ but damn this leveling grind is just exhausting and long. Kuad is an option that i use time to time but after like 3rd run of the evening i just log off i am so bored. At this point i just want at least one toon to get to lvl 60, 47 is max atm.
  25. PVP in PVE game will never be balanced you either accept that and go on enjoying game or not at least in current MMOS. I am playing wow and if you look at PVP forums they have even more QQ about balance spec and classes. I didn't see PVE mmo with PVP aspect that has decent balance for more than few months. New patches comes introducing things that alter whole PVP. If you ask if it is possible to separate how abilities act in PVE and PVP absolutely yes but that requires few things. PVP actually being a semi big thing in the game so spent time on development and testing won't be for 5 % of pop. Dev team actually playing the PVP game and not occasional Battlegrounds Right person leading PVP part of the game I am personally enjoying PVP i just don't take it seriously and play not the most gimped class. Unfortunately this is the bane of MMO to have few classes ready to enjoy PVP.
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