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Everything posted by evanfardreamer

  1. Not quite anything - it'll have to be at least Green quality. No vendor trash items.
  2. Did you ever think that perhaps it was intentional? That maybe Bioware (and I don't presume to think for them) is trying to do exactly that... make it more appealing to folks to roll what they needed, and focus on their own legacy, with minimal need for other products? To compare the game with the large MMO everyone else does, my mage was an enchanter. It required an item to even use the skill at high levels - that had to be made by a blacksmith. If you didn't know one, you could go a week without seeing a smith in trade chat who had the pattern, or have one crop up on the AH, during which time you could not level the enchanting skill. It could be incredibly frustrating. If I could have easily and quickly leveled someone else with the needed skill, I would gladly have done so. Here, I have that option - and do so.
  3. Dulfy (forget her forum handle here, sorry!) has a list of the orange recipes for synthweaving and armormech. http://dulfy.net/2012/05/28/list-of-craftable-orange-gear-for-synthweavers-and-armormech/
  4. I like having just the one companion be the focus of the story. Unless you're doing the heroic/group content, there's no need for anybody other than 1 companion. Sure, you could buff all the enemies from 15 onward (or after the capital world) but why would they? The game is balanced well for where it is, but if you had 2 companions, you'd have to worry about sub-par companion groups (two tanks and a healer would take forever to do anything). And you'd have to gear multiple companions to keep up with you. I say it's way more effort than it's worth, and am against the idea.
  5. Yeah, Cybertech is a good standalone skill. Don't mind the forum posts too much - 90% say that anything but Biochem is worthless, and the other 10% say Biochem is underpowered. Most of the crew skills can be quite useful, especially for gearing alts - though since your characters don't share an armor type, cybertech really is probably your best bet. Artifice would let you make crystals and enhancements, but since armorings and mods seem to be more important in custom gear (which you can easily get a full set of orange) so it'll work better for you.
  6. I would love to see a 6th available mission per skill. I don't think that would be too breaking, and it would open up some variety - as far as I'm aware, there are only 5 maximum missions for any item type (gift, metal, crystal, lockbox, etc) which means that the sixth would have to be something else.
  7. Looking at it from a cashflow point of view is doing it a disservice. With Legacy, none of the tradeskills are much of a moneymaker without serious effort - so instead, look at it as an easy way to get armoring, mods, droid parts and starship equipment for all your alts That's how I look at Artifice, at least. Nigh unlimited supply of at-level blue or purple enhancements for the remaining 5 characters, and augment sabers to boot - woot!
  8. I believe we're getting a consolidated GTN per server, so the empire/ republic/ hutt ones will all be the same GTN, and a population imbalance is much less problematic.
  9. I'm of the belief that it's a way of trying to make the crafting skills more lucrative at endgame - for example, Artifice has the epic Rakata relics that are BOP - so a player needs to max out Artifice to make them. And if they're augmented, I believe they're among the best in slot with a corresponding epic augment. Can't say a lot about the other professions, as I haven't maxed them out. That's what I always figured they were doing with it, anyways.
  10. On Taris, in the Tularan Marsh, about (706,207) near Lytle Outpost, there is a crate next to a junk dealer, 'Tatooine Import Crate'. When you try to open it, it says 'locked', much like the datacron chest on Balmorra. However, I know the location of all 5 datacrons on Taris, and this isn't one. The Balmorra one, another junk dealer sells the key - but I haven't seen any strange keys on any of the junk dealers on the planet. Haven't been able to find anything at all about it in database sites, wikis, or on the forums here. Am I the first to find the chest? If so, anyone wanna help me figure it out? I should note that it is republic-side I discovered this - apparently the Empire's Taris is a bit different, though I don't know how. *edit* Not long after posting, I checked the vendor again - not sure if the item was on a respawn or I simply missed it, but for 8k got 'Import Code Cylinder' which opened the chest and got me a Reconfigured Dissasembler Core.
  11. The way I read the interview, and this is just my interpretation, is that existing augment slots will be open, and theoretically be able to accept any augment. Crit crafted items after 1.3 will have an augment slot of the item level corresponding to it, and any lower-level augment slot can be upgraded to a higher-level (probably with another augment kit and more credits). Get to your crit crafting, folks! (as a side note - now maybe there will be benefit to Elegant Lightsabers over Custom Crafted Lightsabers.)
  12. Combat Synth Gloves should be yellow to 70, with each craft getting 1 point. Combat Synth Leggings should be yellow to 90, well beyond the 80 of the next schematics available. Both come straight from the trainer, so if you don't have those recipes, there's more going on than we can help with.
  13. Also, we already have 3 auction houses, why do we need a dozen more? I say just make the whole GTN neutral, and put a hub on each planet above level 25 or so. If it were more accessible, it would be accessed more.
  14. This idea reminds me of the old apprentice system in Galaxies - where if you were far enough above the other player in the same skill, you could actually serve as their trainer, assuming they had the XP to learn said skills. Except languages, you could teach all of them to everyone.
  15. I've only ever had it re-sort the items - I had Scourge crafting lightsaber crystals, prototype hilts, and some enhancements, when they most definitely came out in a different order than I'd queued them - I know because they went in based on mats available, and came out pretty much willy nilly.
  16. I was under the impression that raid difficulty was tuned for gearing without augments - so not having augments in a couple of slots wouldn't make one gimped, but would simply limit how far above the curve you can go. And with augments in every other available slot, that's pretty far. I don't see this as the huge problem everyone seems to make it out to be.
  17. When you say same 3 schematics, I'm confused - there's both the Custom and the Elegant single and double-bladed lightsaber, for 4 total schematics. Are you not finding one of those, or is there another style of lightsaber that you can get the schematics for?
  18. Only problem, if you're on a low pop server, you may not have many others selling to draw from. If you don't, I recommend posting first at 4-5x what you could vendor it for, and perhaps scaling it down if they won't sell.
  19. Well, right now, there's not much money to be made from making and auctioning leveling gear, as you yourself have noted. What I did with my Jedi Knight (artifice) was to periodically upgrade the enhancements, armoring, and hilts in all my orange gear (which is 7 slots). I would RE the enhancements to get a blue one about every 6-7 levels worth, and the hilts I'd make the purple one, to last me about 10 levels. I was a few levels above every planet I've done so far, so the mods I get for planetary comms are usually behind the curve. Beyond that, I would just go with the blue earpieces/implants from PVP and major quest returns, or the occasional one I got from treasure hunting lockboxes. Crafting skills really don't come into their own until the higher levels, when people are switching over to raiding, and gearing up appropriately. Now, mostly I'm just making things for the alts that I keep rolling because I'm seeing all the wonderful storylines.
  20. Except they know that's not the way to keep money flowing in - at best, it'll only lead people on for another couple months. Especially with the care that I've seen demonstrated in the story, art, and world - I can't agree that they're out for the quick buck, when they know folks like me are in for the long haul, and enjoy what we have. It's not like we signed up just because we expected 1.2 to have all the schematics - we're here to play a game, which is always evolving, and it will never be as fast as we want it because we all want it RIGHT NAO!
  21. Lying implies malicious intent. I'm not so far gone as to assume that on the part of Bioware or the Devs. They have a lot that they still want to do with this game - and certain timeframes in which they have to try to implement everything, shoddily, or focus on certain things. I have no trouble believing that some of said Devs have prioritized the schematics of which we speak. But as we all know, by now, 'they'll be done when they're done'. I'm content to wait for the time being, and save up my credits for re-gearing those item pieces as necessary.
  22. Take both of these ideas in the spirit that they're offered. I had an issue with recipes not showing when I was too low a level to use them; I've also bought recipes and forgotten about it. If it's not in your skill list or on the trainer, filtered by level, then ignore this entirely.
  23. The two double-ended end-game tier sabers they're talking about are Truthseeker and Zez-Kai Ell's Double Bladed Lightsaber. (as an aside, the singles they mention are Defender's mettle, Radiant Blade, and the Niman Master's Primary and Secondary.) They come fully filled with prototype-quality inserts. However, the more economical to craft would be the Custom, and secondly the elegant - they come empty, but it's not as expensive to make them until they crit for the augment slot.
  24. Kuat, I'd have to say. Aloof aristocracy, critical shipyards, backroom deals - it's just rife with adventure possibilities
  25. I have my companions run the rank 6 'Abundant' crystal yield missions, of which there are 2. I get about 1 mission in 8 return with orange crystals (usually two) in lieu of the perfect Yellow crystals. I've already made 5 or 6 and RE'd them trying to get the artifact schematic, so that should tell you how long you may be slogging :/
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