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Everything posted by DarthSealth

  1. Exactly one hard stun and one mezz, our greatest stun in my opinion is tied behind the Utility Tree (Maiming Reach) which makes Crippling Slash a 3 second stun but usable every 10 seconds. However they've mezzes, stuns basically the full works and yet they're still complaining? Mindtrap - Mezz. Whirlwind - Mezz. Spike - Short duration stun. Electrocute - Longer duration stun. Low Slash - Short duration stun. Utility - Hand of Darkness - Grants a stun effect to that Low Slash, Force Pull and Eradicate. Darkness crumbles most when Stuns are in play, I always get the healer mob handed, Pull with stun out of their safe space, Spike is like a 15 seconds CD, it's the best class for crowd control and still will be in 6.0.
  2. You're comparing class/specs meaning you're using figures on your bias opinion that isn't impartial to rectify an outcome that benefits you the user as per se. Let me reiterate the following finds that nothing is final, however when the final product is on the showcase than we will see however what I had stated does not change indefinitely as these perks the Assassin class has is the only class that has the unique perks in the realm of Tanking. However you can not compare Assassins directly alike to that of a Marauder, a Juggernaut or a Sorcerer. The closest in comparison would be that of an Operative however there is complications again. You wrote the same argument twice without acknowledging that what we have seen isn't final. However what I did read I found interesting for me, I liked the extra components to Hatred and Darkness but I play them more than Deception however I found Fury to receive not a lot in terms of eye catching. Granted Juggernauts and Sorcerers did seem to get catered for but at the same time I can not see anything ground breaking, Numbers on PTS are not Final. Smash Monkey went away when our spec was changed, however it didn't completely go waist side if anything got moved to Vengeance. Not for a complete DPS spec what have you been smoking? heck in 5.0 Deception was the Meta, 4.0 Mercs was the Meta, 3.0 Sorcerer was the Meta. When Marauders were Meta that was when they still had the skill tree system. Back when Fury was still called Rage. However Juggernaut Rage was part of that Meta as well making it a shared Meta. Although lets talk experience on the matter that I am on Darth Malgus? Right like that draws any assumptions you can't even comment on what the Assassin class does have which I made a reply directly stating, also I forgot Mindtrap how great of an Ability this is. But let me go into further detail, You can not compare it to a DPS class if it is a hybrid class that shares abilities from that of it's counterpart, Marauder is a DPS class through and through, You can't compare accurately to Juggernauts or Sorcerers since they haven't got the exact mobility nor once they engage can they disengage. The closest comparison is an Operative which still you can not compare directly to, but what the Assassin class has got to offer is far more useful tool's especially in PvP every WZ from Voidstar to Huttball as well as Ranked. In PvP if you had known isn't about 1v1's so you must be playing a different game to me or you're just duelling your friends. But yes I am indeed a bad player.
  3. Honestly i hate RNG, I like loot drops but they're not my favourite either but my preferred to CXP or Loot Boxes. I would have preferred a new system such as a token/currency based drop on boss and on completion of WZ's/Ranked to turn in for gear. I like the idea of choice, you earn, you choose what you want and you spend. Having RNG such CXP as a supplementary system that you'll earn stuff in the background for general EXP earned is great but shouldn't be a dependant system like current where you can only go through that to gear up in group content but at least you would not be leaving the solo players behind.
  4. Oh god I can't believe I read this tripe. 1) Phantom Stride is better than Leap especially against Snipers in Cover. 2) Three Stuns that are useful in all different types of gameplay. 3) Self heals. 4) Stealth out of combat. 5) Stealth out of combat heals. Them 5 things are good and especially in the right hands, Darkness is superior to Immortal if used correctly. A lot of people aren't skilled enough to use Darkness and prefer a trimmed down Tank e.g. Pulling a healer out their comfort zone to rolling them. Instead of asking for nerfs, try playing these specs you're struggling against and find their weakness and use that to your advantage. Lastly if you truly think Assassin isn't effective then move on, I still have a Fury main who I made at launch and never changed his spec, I remember being laughed at about how bad this spec was after the whole "Smash Monkey" stuff and I done fine. Ask for a buff with a true detailing on why instead of "Buff my class, Nerf theirs." exactly what I asked for when Fury wasn't performing well and they buffed it. Side note: I would ask for an extra ability based on movement like a Dash with an animation like that from Darth Maul in Dice Battlefront 2, So you could close or increase the gap similar to that of Mad Dash.
  5. I mean what's not to like about Hesker, I'd love my own Royal Guard/Pilot as a companion. Many stories that one still has left in him. I also would love a reaction between him and *You know who*.
  6. So apparently I just caught a message clarifying that the primary source of gear won't be through vendors. So what will be? If it's "Play your way" why is there a primary source? Why can't different systems coexist without leverage on others by being placed as *primary* or *better* to acquire gear? Give me tokens that I can earn through WZs (wins), RWZs (wins), Dungeons (drops), Raids (drops) that I can spend on gear of my desire at a vendor without RNG involved at all. A vendor I can buy tactical and mods with a currency (tokens) we earn without RNG involved. Leave the GC system as a background/solo content system earned through experience. One damn currency is all that is needed. Why do you love to over complicate things.
  7. Agreed, also expressing your feelings on here gets you *ya know* wink wink.... but Eric stated about the Primary Source of gear isn't through vendors? so what the actual cluck is? bloody RNG? it's grinding my gears... I think this thought process is a Bioware thing. it's like a "We know best attitude" or "Our way or the highway" as if they have nothing to lose, it's ridiculous. This sort of mentality like they can't revert, that they can't make things right or that they can't simply hold their hands up to their mistakes.
  8. Oh god help me.... what is actually going through their minds??? it's like a conspiracy to try and kill this game....
  9. So a little backstory I really loved the old conquest system and since they changed it made me go MIA. But I have to give credit when credit is due since I have came back and read little patchnotes here and there, I can tell you for sure what saved this new system was the implementation of earning conquest points like experience honestly I don't know how it works but it's a saving grace. Since RNG gear systems I really stopped playing that part of the game to focus on other aspects I enjoyed like crafting and conquest then they made these two systems really bad so I lost my faith and moved on just trying other games which happened to be Apex, GTA:O, Skyforge, Dauntess, Halo 5 and a little bit of Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Still want my Assassin to have Maul's Mad Dash ability...) I am still playing these other games but I'd be totally honest whilst I am not trying to be horrible 6.0 is make or break for me. In my humble opinion not even Conquest can save this game, I think at this current point 4.0 crafting, gearing and conquest was good and it wasn't even considered golden era SWTOR.
  10. Now this isn't all negatives since they used my idea on the gear being legacy bound and set bonuses being attached to the shell, you can see from previous posts. However I just feel there is too much reliance on RNG this is my proposal: 1) Have gearing vendors that you acquire gear through tokens (not rocket science since this is an old system) make tokens drop on boss loot in group content whilst making PVP award tokens that you can trade said tokens in for the gear you desire no matter the class or spec of that item. 2) Make GC/RC a true supplementary gearing system e.g. Just have it running in the background for people whom prefer solo content so they're not completely out of sync, since I have found GC RNG is compelling to this type of audience since they're truly not bothered about time, speed, luck or hinders by not competing in the race. 3) Truthfully having a vendor that is RNG based isn't the worst thing in the world I remember this in a classic RPG known as Torchlight, I hope you keep this to one vendor only which you can have a gamble with the Gods for God like Tacticals. 4) Amplifiers, I still do not understand this aspect but too much RNG falls on this in what I do know of it and truthfully should be removed if possible. 5) Crafting, Crafters do not want to play the content you make to be able to craft, If they did they wouldn't be through through crafters, making crafting exactly how it should be where your companions do the missions for you to acquire the mats required. So far that's all I can truly think of that is totally annoying me where 6.0 is concerned except an explorable Dxun or Derelict Korriban from the Eternal Empire. What truly could be done to make the system more fair in your opinion.
  11. Funny enough I enjoyed that system and I also had probably the most fun with various content like Eternal Championship and Flashpoints. The best part was I found all content fun which I don't find it really is now the population was a lot bigger back then I put most of that down to the DVL lootbox craze although that was a fun and rewarding. However that was the trial to see if RNG gear boxes would work I think.
  12. I originally thought this was going to be a thread for single relationship players, to give them a form of dating channel. However with most things that are multiplayer it has to rely on that very aspect to warrant it's position. Strip away the multiplayer aspect and the game will fail inevitably. The reason subscriptions/microtransactions work is because of the multiplayer badge. I will give you an example of the standards of multiplayer in this game that shows the lacking difficulty. (I can complete the weekly for Veteran Flashpoints by playing most as Solo on my Marauder with a level 50 companion healer, I do this when group finder is slow or that I can't be bothered to compete with new players when I am doing speed runs.) I am not saying that I dislike new players because I don't but all in moderation. Most of the time I am fine and even going to such lengths to help like not knowing if the person who is group is in tank spec and ask them if they're learning to tank when I am in my Immortal spec with 150k HP I will ultimately change spec and gear to DPS so they can learn the ropes.
  13. I want your thoughts and opinions. Do you like them? Which would you prefer? Why? or Do you hate them? Which prior system did you prefer? Do prefer a system that hasn't been in this? Why?
  14. Nah he's just got a member count that I would identify as missing out on the golden era of swtor. I would assume he came around 3.x or maybe later. But he's making claims on lightning as if Sorc's should have had phasewalk which was indeed an exclusive assassin ability for the case of lightning or crushing darkness both was base class abilities that neither held exclusive rights too so that's the other flaw in his belief.
  15. Yeah the old spec tree I loved despite at first it was frustrating because never had/knew the concept of it but I grew to love it, I actually have been asking for this back or I wouldn't say no to a vanilla server base with all the old quirks but still updated with the new content just for comparison which systems are indeed more popular like (New vs Old System) Yes I do miss lightning but then again I guess that's why I always went with Darkness. Which is my third in line go to character (Main is Fury, Second is Immortal & Third is Darkness) I do however play the other specs probably my Fourth is Engineering. I am rather growing fond of Hatred, I did hate it back before Deception nerf because Deception was super fun, fast and OP at lvl 70. But all in all I can't remember much of the old skill trees I never really played all classes with it and it was removed fairly quick in my opinion, I know I played as a semi hybrid of Rage on both Juggernaut and Marauder. I played a little on my Assassin but that was it really. The Assassin I abandoned half way through, because I only liked playing my two SW specs whilst being called a "Smash Monkey" those were the times. I left the game around 2.0 when they removed Savage Kick because it left me deeply disgruntled. I felt the same when they removed Disable Droid in 5.0. However I shortly found out that was only the tip of the iceberg to perhaps make me feel that overall Patch 5.0. was the worse patch in SWTOR history it damaged an already damaged game to unrepairable lengths and will ultimately cause the death of SWTOR.
  16. I wish they would make the scenes more like in the movies, wounds and decapitation. It annoys me as hell when in the scene your character would strike the enemy and it leaves no mark let alone the fact the lightsaber doesn't even seem to touch the person. We need scenes made in the expectations of Blur Studios. Even if it's using the in game engine I am sure the developers at Bioware can add effects like weapon damage.
  17. Woah babe did you just blank me? I thought we was cool?
  18. Yeah I just want Force Crush, Vengeful Slam, Death Field, Crushing Blow (AOE), Furious Strike and Raging Burst. Only because I like the animations of those abilities lol
  19. You might aswell hook me up with some of those sweet sweet CC's and don't claim Immunity either.
  20. Sometimes I imagine a simpler time when I could choose abilities upon levelling like in KOTOR. Then I wish I could pick the four abilities that I would gain at level 10, 26, 42 and 58. (Obviously abilities would be divided by force user or non-force user.) Whilst choosing the class story you wish to own. (Obviously class stories would be divided by force user or non-force user.) This would make you a true loyalist or saboteur.
  21. Yeah I really enjoyed the hybrids etc, Was that mission the one where we'd pick our advance class on the fleet? I can't really remember but I feel as if we had to pick our classes on the fleet... Hmmm god my memory Is terrible.
  22. Why did I automatically think of Jerry Springer....
  23. Yes I'm not complaining, I know January is the important month when they are in tons of meetings so if the forum is quiet around now that's why however these meeting are really important as the determine the future of the game, if the meeting has any suggestion for the plug to be pulled than it will and hence the reason I view confirmation on this meeting as the most important of the whole games history. Because it's the annually discussion on the future and prospects.
  24. Honestly I just force things to work... I'm not very good with rejection so when it rejected me I just click submit even more xD
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