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Everything posted by DarthSealth

  1. Yeah I had to log on to so many different characters since 5k is max you can carry I had like 25k+ lol the grind for the titles is unreal xD I just remember I spent like 2 days doing it, but figured if I done this with every character I wouldn't be able to get the timer down so I done this on my main and I loaded up all my cargo bays and 2hrs later sold them and rinse repeat. I done the same with all my gear even 248, since 252 will be purchasable with credits at launch, so kind of pointless especially since they're removing the set bonuses attached to this gear.
  2. No problem, I put them towards a Tythian PIke lol which was 24 mil so it took the sting out a little. I got all the nice lightsabers like I got the Unstable Arbiter single and dual lightsaber and the Dark Honour lightsaber but really wanted a Pike for my Assassin that's dressed in Honour armour. To be honest the Tythian variant suits him more than Senya's.
  3. I think the conversion rate will be 1 to 1, Command Tokens to Credits however if you want to grind RXP you can keep them in your stash to Disintegrate or buy Command Boost which will convert. But I would personally do what I did. 1) Spend all you command tokens on tier 1 gear. 2) Wait for the cooldown on the refund. 3) Sell to a vendor for a pretty penny. I made like 15 mil so far which I think is far more than the conversion rate will be. Example (70 tokens for gloves which I then sell for 21k roughly) Works out about 300 credits a token. Honestly I don't expect their conversion rates to be better than that since they want to remove credits more than they want to add extra. They won't convert them to Tech Fragments since that will be giving people a head start since most people will have bucket loads they're so easy to come by.
  4. There is various admissions on these problems that may fall into 6.0. -Conquest: One of my favourite parts of the SWTOR system, it did indeed need an overhaul but the released overhaul was awful to say the least. Fast forward many months on and it's in a great place, Guilds feel like an actual part of conquest and so do Flagships. However 50K as a conquest goal is very steep, I am a small Guild owner and frankly I don't have enough time to run an empire, I feel as if this change will decrease smaller guilds and in fact make more players not warrant aiming towards a common goal. -RNG: Far too much, even RXP as complementary grind is terrible but what takes the pudding is the RNG surrounding vendors for gear. Remove the RNG aspect in gearing and leave it to Renown, let players choose what they buy without chance involved. Yes having a supplementary vendor that people who might not have enough Tach Glands to buy the gear they want might want to gamble at a cheaper price but don't force that onto everyone. -Amplifiers: They need to be reworked maybe as a craft-able augment or an equip-able slot. As is this is just a credit sink in disguise. a great idea half baked. -Gear: Having more choice is great but the choice is still limited, mix and matching set bonuses are the future which can be done. There is various ways in doing so, like I have stated in prior posts such as "Removing the (2 piece with a percentage increase on a stat) on all sets, whilst making the 2/4/6 set bonuses into 3/5 and merging the 2/4 set bonuses into one. Since some of the 2/4 set bonuses follow the percentage increase rule." However if they made M/H and O/H as a cosmetic choice in the appearance designer they could achieve an extra two slots for set bonuses or introduce a new slot like they did for amplifiers but just for Earpieces, Implants and relics as a set bonus augment restricted to those items. The possibilities are endless. (Side note: I would still like my old set bonuses for my Juggernaut and Marauder since the 100 crit on my Furious Strike is far better than any I have seen.) -Tacticals: Probably the best thing I have seen so far, a great idea which in my opinion they should have taken a step further instead, making these OP are for a reason to make those desire about owning one, that is if you have desired changing abilities or using them in your own way. I just want to be a ILL powered war monger. -My takes: A few good elements but not enough to outweigh the cons. However the cons can be reworked which should be sooner rather than later, I am optimistic, however 6.0 is make or break for me if I feel I am not getting anywhere in my conquest (pun intended) for everything above than I am out, grinds can be fun when they're rewardable without the shroud of secrecy such as RNG. But I am making it known if all these elements stay the same as currently, tacticals are the only eye catching candy but they're surely not going to stop me from leaving. Especially with many other great games releasing or releasing events for example Apex Legends Halloween Event.
  5. Locking companions and content behind a exclusive reward is awful practice period. The only exclusives that should stay exclusive is titles, cosmetics, mounts, event rewards, toys, crystals and decos. Since these items are not entirely important as such. If they choose to make a subscriber reward in the realms of companions, content or species they should place these items for purchase, I didn't use the term exclusive as these rewards shouldn't be, similar to the Nautolan you get it as bonus on top of your monthly coins but people can purchase it. In the case of HK he is apart of the story leading up to his ending which in my opinion destroyed the possibilities for his arc out of their own greed, for me I would have proposed the companion and content to be free for any subscriber but the exclusive items we received over the time period. Anyone who subscribes has spent money on the game and is in fact entitled to have all the content and yes companions fall into that category since they have story arcs.
  6. Or a Ouija board and some ganja to get the paranoia going. (Don't try this)
  7. Without SWTOR I'd have a void but then again I do love playing toxic Caustic in Apex Legends, so there's the flip side. me: my vision is clear. teammates: I can't see 💩.
  8. Well, I believe cosmetics as exclusives aren't really a problem what is however content exclusives or companion exclusives. Cosmetics you truly don't need in my humble opinion. I would rather them make my pre-order crystal into the normal stats of +41 since at the moment you can use it at lvl 7 and its like +4 or something lmao. I do think some things should stay exclusive in my humble opinion but that's just me.
  9. Exactly, I am not blowing smoke up their arses nor am I white knighting however there is a lot to be desired, in my humble opinion it could be the best expansion however on the flip side it can be the second worse, sorry 5.0 you still holding this L. I like the complex nature and choice reminds me of RPG's and more favourably vanilla SWTOR. I use to give them the blunt truth but that resulted in 4 pages of disciplinary actions, I have curbed my tongue for the sake of holding my opinion or at least being able to voice it. Most of the ideas in 6.0 not to be a bigot I asked for and dreamed of such as making abilities into how I want to use them such as "Enraged Crush" I also stated I wanted to see BOL gear and set bonuses added to the shells since it was easier for me to gear alts in my "fairyland" instead of having to chase the set bonus armouring's. They haven't added my idea of a AOE Force Choke or a Mad Dash for Assassins yet but here's to hoping. But I'm still waiting for them to throw back in the old skill trees, base classes, active stances and companion abilities that was removed. That's my opinion and I don't expect everyone to have the same nor do I expect Bioware to bend over the desk to my opinions or ideas.
  10. I welcome "choice" it reminds me more of vanilla, I miss the old skill tree and still do. When has simplification ever made a game more popular in fact it causes the opposite effect which is obvious by now with the various "updates" of simplification or in other terms fixing something which isn't broke. Comparatively it has been far better than Phase 2 and the choice has made me excited to play all the classes again. But there is still work to be done and I have stated that along side they indeed half baked some ideas, like the set bonuses and or acquiring mods and amplifiers. This idea isn't new it's been around for ages in such RPG's like Torchlight. But I can have mixed feelings and reviews or am I not allowed to? I believe they will add in a quick update to PTS in the following days that will add a dedicated mod vendor non-RNG, I personally believe there will still be RNG vendor such as Kai, but I believe they will move all general set bonuses and tacticals to a separate vendor also. We're not only testing balancing, but crafting also, until you can not acquire a specific item that is when the testing is up, they also have enough time to change little elements that isn't hard coded such as content. Side note: Learn the terminology of "Naïve" first before using such a word that is beyond your mental capability.
  11. Agreed but even better give me a trilogy with the Nolan Brothers. They should know to leave the creative director or general director as the same over a trilogy since creative differences alter throughout which we saw. I somewhat agree i think KK should be done for and gone, whilst I agree Dave is probably the best suited in the roster however he isn't exactly the greatest, he did destroy a lot of lore, ripped off a lot and wasn't exactly creative when doing so. He did rewrite an awful lot of the lore surrounding aspects already touched upon. He is still a company shill and that won't change he never truly thought about the fan base when he messed with the original clone wars nor did he care enough to take Rebels in another direction which he could have or at least stomped his feet a little to retain creative direction and vision.
  12. I always wanted to be a Jedi Knight or Sage playing their story but using the Darkside equivalent powers. I also feel that Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have their options changed from Darkside or Lightside to Credits + or Credits -. Swapping the blaster rifle from that Operative to the Powertech which has been asked multiple times. But those are my opinions.
  13. You sure you don't fall into that category? From what i have heard you haven't even been on the PTS to test it and you have been making comments on "heresy" so I think that follows the description more so.
  14. How do you know what i know or don't know? Are you on PTS? Have you tested between phases? Do you have an insight into how the release will exactly be from the information on PTS that isn't final? This isn't like changing a major story plot they have plenty of time to iron out the kinks. I know Phase 3 is a lot better than Phase 2. I'd find yourself to be more of a lemming in the terms of "I see, I do." keep following the trend train, if it is what makes you sleep at night.
  15. Well I tested enough to tell my opinion, that I quite like the variations of set bonuses and Tacticals. Yes two aspects was annoying such as acquiring mods, equipment and amplifiers because of the RNG aspect which I don't see being the final state of acquiring these items. I didn't like parts of the set bonuses and would do away with the (2 pieces with a percentage increase on a stat) I would have removed that and made 2/4/6 into 3/5 and merged the set bonuses that in the 2/4 sets into one since a few use the percentage increase rule. However acquiring set bonuses and tacticals are far better than phase two, i would like to also add the whole legacy binding is great in my opinion.
  16. One thing though: Could we please remove this whole (2) +2% [insert Stat Here] mechanic? Maybe just make it (3 + 5) piece set bonuses than we can mix between the two. (2 + 4) piece set bonuses. Than we can truly our way? e.g. (3+5+2) or (2+4+3) But anyways hats off to you guys, this is going to be the best patch to date! I'm so stoke. I give credit when credit due.
  17. I for one has never been a big fan of Iokath, I love dailies for their quest design and areas however with Iokath in my opinion the worst daily in the game which can be made slightly better with little tweaks. So here is my suggestions; 1) increase the number of QT points even if it meant adding one to each forward base it would be a start. 2) Stop the RNG on quests allow us to choose what quests we would like to carry out without a limit on daily quests. 3) Completion of weekly takes two days? Whose great idea is this? Decrease the weekly from 10/10 to the capped dailies acquired (e.g. 7/7) or increase the capped dailies to the overall daily quests for Iokath which is 14. 4) Please return the traditional method of handing in quests. This daily area could be so much better, whilst being the most unique but suffers from a lack of foresight. Ossus on the other hand is OK most because it's easier to travel around, you can complete it in a day and there's no RNG on the quests acquired however suffers from not having the traditional method of acquiring and handing in quests.
  18. Hey Eric, what if I don't want Discipline specific or Higher rating mods? I thought it was play our way and currently I feel restricted. Stop faffing around and just give us what we want, also just change drops to currency so we can buy what we want.
  19. Ok yeah I don't normally use the term root as it confuses me since I got told by a friend (He was from EVE) "A root spell immobilizes a target. The target is to be rooted." normally I use the terminology such as Snare/Slow, Hard Stun and Mezzes. Nah not all that time ago, lol you know when they removed active stances and made them passive in 5.0 it caused Assassins to have a double passive stance, even some who had changed specs in 5.0 benefited from both specs passive stance. Yeah you talking hybrids that was way before considering the removal of class trees in 3.0.
  20. I probably won't be around for your anniversary, anyhow happy early anniversary! Yeah I created it to keep up with the games movement as I was addicted to another KOTOR 3, after KOTOR2 just blew me away with a cliff-hanger. I never actually got into the forums until late because I was too busy telling Dad Jokes by then.
  21. Mezz is a stun that breaks with damage, A root is a stun or stopping action that resembles being rooted to the ground, a snare is a slow. Yes you're right I was suppose to say snare. Deception was the Meta because of double stance and varying other components that led to a huge nerf Deception mains cried about for months. Yes I just realised is a mezz, however I am wrong indeed but I don't use Deception which I have stated and I am sure it was bugged because it never use to break.
  22. Time flies, heck I feel old now, I was still in school telling mum jokes and being disruptive.. Doing Xbox Live name calling, playing Call of Duty.
  23. The Event was the best in ages. Not only was it at the right time but it was done right. You grinded for achievements to earn shinnies and what made it better that it was done at a time when critically acclaimed KOTFE came out, so it captivated a lot and made them stick around to try various things surrounding the event. I would even go as far as saying out of SWTOR expansions this was the most popular, no matter your personal views on KOTFE personally I liked it minus some annoyances along the way or the single storyline. But regardless what made 4.0 a success was the combination of the two which for me I would give anything for. Heck I'll be waiting in a queue forever whilst time is money and I'm getting old. I don't know how long my mortal life will permit me.
  24. Nope that is an awful idea, CC wise Assassin holds the keys. Which I stated is brilliant for me. No, everyone has lost key abilities through the years I remember losing Disable Droid. So no you're not the only class to lose abilities nor was you the only ones to have stuns or mezzes, I remember Beta when Marauders had Force Push. CC's was never class specific and will never be since they're to control the crowd around you. There isn't a book that states what is and isn't a stun class, whilst this system was put in place to allow Hybrids and the likes of shared base classes that is traditional, we have already seen enough gutting of classes and specs without needing more. No, as each and every class in the game there isn't a charter on who should be doing what to suit your needs. The game was built around this system called resolve, hard stuns, snare and mezzes. Stuns do not break on combat, Mezzes do. So if you're finding the AOE CC that is a Mez stupid than you don't know what is stupid when it comes to CC's e.g. Ranged CC's shouldn't be a thing IMO, You should have to sacrifice position to stun someone. But they're in the game and Assassin's have a Ranged CC called (Whirlwind usable at 30m) since they're a Melee class it doesn't make any sense that's what I call stupidity.
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