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Everything posted by fovzwk

  1. It's not like it's just games. Star Wars morality in general has the subtlety of a brick smashed into your face at a speed of 100 km/h. This is a franchise where even it it's earliest incarnation the bad guys blew up a whole planet (one that was under their rule no less) for the sole purpose of making a point. No it didn't. The only halfway philosophical and deep thing in KOTOR 2 were Kreias views of the force. All the Dark/Light choices you actually were able to make still boiled down to "Torturing people for the lulz and doing terrible things for no reason but personal gain" and "Help Settlers in need and pet stray dogs" respectively. And then even Kreia turned out to be a completely darkside crazy hag who was willing to go all omnicidal maniac by killing the force, just so that she could satisfy some petty vendetta she had with the thing.
  2. Is there any indication that either Torian or Vetter surrendered? I mean, It's Vaylin who comes after them. She is entirely capable of simply slapping them both around with the force until they are just physically unable to fight back. She does the same to Lana in chapter 3.
  3. Most defienitely. Beneath all her psychotic rage she is the far more competent villain of the two. Arcann started out miles ahead of the outlander and then did nothing but sit on his a*s while the alliance grew stronger and repeatedly stole important data and crucial robots from him. And then he lost his Empire and most of his fleet to Scorpio. And by the time we finally face him he's already lost everything but his flagship which is being bombarded and about to blow up. Vaylin on the other hand starts out with a fractured etneral fleet (Due to a lot GEMENI captains leaving with their ships after being freed and the ones that stayed not obeying all orders anymore), her power still being limited by Valkorion and Scorpio manipulating her. By the time we fight her for the final time she managed to get rid of Scorpio (although that was the outlanders and Aries doing), reclaimed all of the eternal fleet , brainwashed the GEMENIs back into proper obiedience and broke her conditioning becoming more powerful in the force than ever. And unlike Arcann she doesn't just sit on her throne but actively does things (board the gravestone, cleverly sees through Aries bullsh*t, recaptures her fleet from Iokath alongside her remaining troops and actively participates in the battle of Odessen).
  4. He wouldn't care. He'd rock that Barbie doll looking Jedi-body and be the most fabulous evil immortal Empress the galaxy has ever seen . That or he'd just die the hair black, ditch the pink lightsaber and make use of heavy goth-makeup befitting of a evil overlord.
  5. And rightfully so. His father is literally the absolute worst being in the entire galaxy.
  6. Ah yes. That was a good chapter. My Jedi knight was itching to throw her into jail ever since she basically forced workers and soldiers alike into continiously risking being eaten alive during the construction of Taris by simply not letting them leave the planet.
  7. She didn't start begging for help just because she was about to die but because she was about to die on Nathema in that lab speciffically. A place she hates and fears with all her mentally unstable passion. Her dialogue even is: "No please not like this. Not here!" Other times she shows little fear of death.
  8. While I Agree that Arcanns childhood was most definitely decidedly less horrible than Vaylins, that isn't really saying anything (Because let's face it. It's probably not even possible to have a worse chidhood than Vaylin). However, I'm pretty sure that Arcanns childhood was anything but pleseant as well judging by his "I had fear already beaten out of me as a child." line as well as Valkorions monologue during the sacrifice trailer which didn't paint a very nice picture either. (With loveley things like "You will have nothing, your privilege is the dirt.", "Your birthright, the losses you suffer." or "Your entitlement, the pain you endure.")
  9. Are you standing in the violet circle around her? Because every attack fired from outside that circle is directly reflected back at you. You need to stand in the circle.
  10. Since I've only played KoTET with my lightsided Sith warrior so far, I chose to save Vette since she's basically my warriors oldest friend and like a sister to her. So it would have felt wrong to save Torian instead.
  11. The spot he deserves? You mean somewhere deep inside a garbage chute on Dromund Kaas?
  12. Probably not since they are now Biowares go-to companions to deliver exposition, move the plot forward by giving you missions and fill in for other characters who darkside players have killed.
  13. My guess is that they were to focused on wondering if they could get away with that instead of thinking wheter or not they should even want to.
  14. The fact that he is neither liked or disliked by a majority of players is probably exactly why they choose him. Since all the popular companions usually also have a huge "Why can't I kill that annoying b*tch/a*s already" crowd who might just decide to not recruit said popular companion and therefore miss out on all the alerts out of spite (or recruit her/him and then whine about having to recruit her/him in order to do alerts endlessly). With Yuun everyone was basically all like: "Who? Oh that one weird Trooper follower. I don't care about that one at all but maybe I'll get an alert for [insert favorite companion here] later if I recruit him. Fair enough."
  15. She's probably moved on the be one with the force now that her (entirely justified) daddy issues are dealt with. That being said, damm was it satisfiying to see Valkorion being finally brought low with the help of at least some of the people whose life he ruined.
  16. Did you blow up Zakuul with Kalyio? Because I think that the always leaves when you do that.
  17. Are the Skytroopers actually part of the eternal fleet? I was under the impression that only the gemeni droids were actually related to the fleet and Skytroopers were invented by Valkorion (or at least one of his droid experts in Zakuul). They are created in various production lines (we see some on Zakuul, on Darvannis and the Starfortresses) which do not seem to be connected to the eternal fleet. And if I remember correctly there is some codex entry that mentions that Zakuuls military has only recently changed into using droids as their main forces. Plus that last boss in Kalyos Chapter in KoTFE stated that the Skytroopers combat protocols were designed after his own combat skills (which supports them only being a recent thing though I can't for the love of the force understand why he thought that that would somehow intimidate anyone;)) Also in that last chapter there were also knights still fighting alongside the skytroopers so my guess is that those are actually some sort of leftover Vaylin supporters who are a bit behind on recent events and are ordering those Skytroopers.
  18. If you want products that work perfectly I suggest that you don't buy any video games at all, since it's downright impossible to have zero bugs in software as compley as that.
  19. Then I propose you stop playing this game and basically every AAA game that has been developed since it became feasible to actually voice protagonists somewhere in the timeframe from 2010-2012.
  20. Bounty hunter If you ask me. In all the other stories the lightside version are all more interesting or make more sense than the darkside ones as far as I'm concerned. Ligt side Jedi is a classical hero story (which isn't that interesting but at lieast it makes sense) while dark side comes of as silly and makes you ask yourself how the Jedi council hasn't fired you already. Light side Counsular makes perfect sense as a diplomat for the Republic while on Darkside one has to ask oneself why the council would appoint a selfish douchebag who killed a lot of Jedi during chapter 1 as diplomat. Light side warrior is extremely interesting (especially in act 1) and makes the warrior look ten times as competent as the dark side version where s/he basically a constantly angry brute that acts as attack dog for Baras and later the Emperor. Light side Inquisitor can be really interesting since you can play that one as a actually nice person who just wants to survive in a society that is built on being a backstabbing evil douchebag (It also has some of the most uplifting Light side moments). Meanwhile the dark side version is a cliche mustache twirling villain who shocks people for the lulz while being on an quest for ultimate power. Light side Imperial agent and darkside imperial agent are pretty tied, but I personally slightly prefer lightside because it has that little extra interesting part where you can theoretically defect to the Republic in the end. Soldier is kind of bland either way in my opinion. Smuggler i've not played as darkside before so that maybe interesting. Bounty hunter is more interesting as Darkside because the lightside version comes of as a bit delusional with arguing that they aren't bad people yet mercilessly hunting down people for no other sake than money.
  21. And the Empire also faces constant slave uprisings, civil wars, Resistance movements against it's leadership, terrorist freedom fighters and other internal problems largely due to the fact that the leadership consists of kill happy darksiders, who often fail to instill any loyality in their subjects. Notable the Sith that do have the loyalty of their subjects mostly are Sith who (while still evil) have enough restraint to not openly act like the biggest sociopath in the galaxy and show some reasonable behavior. For example Darth Marr. Also there is a distinctive difference between the Empire and your alliance. The Empire is an actual government that rules the planets its subjects live on and therefore has actual legislative power over it's subjects. People can theoreticallly leave if they are unhappy with the Empires leadership but would have to give up the entire live they/their parents built up and start over new somewhere outside the Empire (which many do by the way). Your alliance on the other hand is a group of individuals from the Empire, the Republic, the Hutt systems and Zakuul who are loosely unified by the goal to remove Arcann (and after KotFE probably Vaylin) from the eternal Throne. You might be their commander, but they do not live under your rule. You hold little legislative power over them and most of the ships, weapons, armor and other equipment they have they brought with them themselves. Unlike in the Sith Empire if your underlings aren't happy with you as a murder happy leader they can simply leave and go back to their lives most of them still have in the Empire/Republic/enternal Empire/Hutt space and take all their equippment back with them.
  22. Simple. Lana told something along the lines of: "Hey I know this gal/guy who is a really great warrior, can fight dozens of other combatants on her/his own and almost always suceeds against all odds. I've worked with her/him before and s/he helped me to stop a megalomaniac force user whose crazy cult planned to anihilate both the Republic and the Empire. People in the Empire/Republic celebrate her/him as hero and during the afforementioned cult-craziness s/he sucessfully worked togehter with the Republic/Empire as well. She'd be great figurehead for the alliance I'm planning. Want to help me break her/Him out of captivity?" She might even have told him all the details of her work with the outlander and he probably might still agree, since if I remember correctly during SOR and Ziost there aren't really any outrageous darkside choices of the "Kill civilians for the lulz" variety. Mostly they are just of the "Torture enemy combatant for information", "Kill potentially dangerous enemy combatants instead of showing mercy" and "secretly spy on Rebublic/Empire allies because you distrust them despite the temporary alliance" variety. So if Koth only hears those deeds of a DS outlander he might be inclined to believe that that outlander might actually be a somewhat reasionable authority figure (Note, he also only rebelled against Arcann after the latter ordered him to mass slaughter civilians.).
  23. Before or after she cuts off/out your primary sexual characteristics and then also cuts off your secondary sexual characteristics because she hates odd numbers?
  24. Seriously, there is no way a Arcann/outlander relationship could possibly be more f*cked up than the worst relationship that is currently already in the game. I'm talking about the DS warrir/Jaesa relationship of course. Really, that sh*t is downright sickening. It literally consists of the warrior stalking Jaesa for extended amounts of time, during which he also murderes all her family and friends in cold blood. Then the warrior tortures her Jedi master to lure her to him. When she arrives he tortures her psychologically and beats her up physically until she completely snaps and becomes a completely insane, broken husk of a human being. And only after the warrior completely stripped Jaesa of her humanity and turned her into a deranged, violent shadow of her former self like that, ...only then does he f*ck her. I can't possibly see how any relationship yet to be introduced by Bioware can get worse.
  25. fovzwk

    Senya needs to go

    That's not a slash fic pairing. Examples of slash fic pairings would be Harry/Ron and/or Hermione/Ginny or something along those lines.
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