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Everything posted by Hermagaddon

  1. I cant speak for a Tankassin wearing DPS gear, as i have never played that way. I am a Tankassin wearing Tank gear. So, for all the crying. You guys can do this, and that. Even with the use of all my abilities. A decent/good healer can heal him/herself through my damage. As it is not that high as people claim it to be. The only real damage attack we have is force lightning, though only when used with both Harnessed Darkness and Recklessness. 1vs1, Yes we are a good class due to the fact that we are so versatile. But, A dps does alot more damage. And a jug can take more damage. There are only 2 classes that are easy for a Tankassin. That is the sniper and its counterpart and a dps specced sorcerer and its counterpart. Apart from that. As long as the other class knows how to play the class. Which only very few on my server do. Its an equal fight. I lose some, and i win others. And if they dont know how to play their class... then yeah. I destroy them easily. But if i easily destroy 3 diff people of the same class in one versus one. And then have a hard time against another person of the same class in a 1vs1. Then who's fault is it? It it the assa's fault for being unbalanced? Or yours because you dont know how to play your class?
  2. Hermagaddon


    I am hearing alot of people saying that shields do not work in PVP. But so far, thats all that i have heard, Talk. I was wondering if there is any actual proof that shields do not work in PVP. Because that would seem a little strange to me, For as far as i know. The shield isnt for just one type of attack. So if it would work in PVE then why not in PVP?
  3. I laughed my *** off. Any class? Have you ever seen a Tankassin go up against a healer? In my eyes, The Tankassin is decent at alot of things. But outshined by other classes in every single one. It is just that we are very versatile.
  4. We assasins already have a high base accuracy. Without any accuracy items in my pvp gear i am at about 90% for normal hits and at about 98% for the special one's. So yeah, cant say we need the accuracy.
  5. Let me add something to the conversation that i havent seen yet. How about we start talking about the force cost? And it only does "crazy damage" if you use it along with recklesness, the one that increases you reach from 10 to 30 meter. Which has quite the cooldown.
  6. Yeah, I always run in. And ofcourse go for the healers first. So i tend to have 3+ people on me. Protecting their healer and all. That and the moment people see a double bladed lightsaber. They think of a dps assa. As there are more dps then tank assa's on my server. And think they are looking at an easy prey.
  7. Ive heard that alot, about the stalker gear. But you loose alot of endurance and dont get nearly as much willpower in return from what i can see. And as for the they dont attack you... Haha, come to my server. But in all honesty. I do would love the power to single handedly take down a healer. But to loose so much endur for it.... No.
  8. Nothing about this ****** looking new gear?
  9. In all honesty. I never used the droid. In the fights before i recieved Talos i simply used khem and kept switching aggro between the two of us. And to add a bit more info. Except for the first planet. And the last 2 planets i was on i was always 2-3 levels lower then you actually should be on those planets. But with that, you need to really make sure the gear of yourself and your companion is really up to date. So yeah, the Tankassin is awesome to level up with.
  10. Yden, I just read your post, have to say it was quite packed with information. However i could not muster the will to go through 9 pages to see what people responded, So perhaps someone said this already. Personally i am a Tankassasin and i plan to stay this way, but i was curious about the dps side of the assasin. Your spec seems to use shock alot, so isnt it better to put the remaining skills into the 3th skill row (Cant remember the name atm) instead of the Darkness skill row, That way you would have a 45% chance of doing a second shock which deals 50% of the damage. Giving your the ability to deal more damage. Now as i said, i dont play as dps so im sure there is a reason why you didnt. What i am wondering is, what was that reason?
  11. I call ******** on the post above me. As long as you keep your gear and that of your companion up to date it is all pretty simple. Use a dps for normal bosses and a healer for the hard bosses. Ive been able to solo everything in my class quests from 1 to 50. Oh, for your actual question. The Tankassasin is pretty much based on shielding. So i go Absorp before defense.
  12. Personally i like the Tankassasin as it is. There are only 3 minor changes i would like to see. An increase on range in both Wither and Mass Mind Control. Seeing as how i often have it that there is one enemy just outside of its range. And a slightly bit more armor. 3-5% Apart from that i think the Tankassasin is fine as it is. The dps assasin however is pretty bad. from my own experience it does both less damage and can take less damage then the other dps classes. ~Edited~ Oh wait there is one thing i would love to see even more. A slight increase in force. As i never seem to have enough.
  13. Now i have to be honest and say that i have no clue about the damage output of a mara, The only one i have faced so far is a complete idiot. There simply arent that many on my server it seems. However, from the little i have seen and knowing it can be better i only really have one thing to say. Mara's out there, please roll an assain and make it dps specced. Then come back and say that the classes are fine as they are. In pve a dps specced assa is... well... meh.. But they have light armor, and unless all the dps assa's i have seen so far are complete idiots aswell... then it does less damage then a mara. Considerably less. And *** said, the few mara's ive seen could probably do better if they knew what to do. An dps specced assa simply has nothing. Little armor, Not that great damage. Which you would think the less armor you got the more damage you do. Now, do i think the mara is overpowered? Not really, i would say the assasin is under powered. In dps spec at least. As for the tank spec. There are a few changes i would love to see. A little bit more armor. Greater range on Wither and mass mind control. Perhaps an extra stun. But overall... even with the way the classes are now, I wouldnt want to trade my tankassin in for any other class. And mara's, you guys arent the only one's who need to use more then 4 buttons. Herm.
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