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Everything posted by Mandrax

  1. Why is that important to you? People have a myriad of different reasons as to why they pay subs for MMOs.
  2. Most gamers aren't interested in the community, they aren't on long enough to build relationships and therefore just want to be able to dive in with a quick flashpoint or two before logging off. Also, in WoW the dungeon finder is extremely popular. Sure it gets a bad rep on the forums and such, but the players use it a LOT. Personally I think the idea is a superb one, though Blizzard implemented it badly.
  3. It's coming. Embrace it, ignore it, or vote with your wallet. If they are making a dungeon finder, it stands to reason it's going to be a cross server system. There are many servers out there that wouldn't benefit from a single server only system due to the populations. So, unless BioWare are going to merge servers before bringing in a single server system, it's pointless, and I doubt we will see server mergers any time soon. WoW has managed to keep people on low pop realms happy with cross realm systems, it seems that BioWare are planning to do the same.
  4. I'm a huge fan of blood and gore where it feels right, Star Wars isn't the right place for that type of thing IMO.
  5. There are plenty of other MMOs that use instancing, pinning the blame on hero engine specifically is silly. The real blame lies with whomever decided that instancing would be ok. Unless of course that person only made the decision due to finding limitations within the engine. In this case you blame the people who decided to license the engine as they didn't gather enough information about their product.
  6. They lied, twice. The first lie was that there would be 'several hundred' players per instance. We are lucky to have more than 200. In my book that is NOT several hundred, it's a couple of hundred. Second lie was that instancing would be drastically reduced after launch. It hasn't, though it is being used less in starter areas as you would expect, but level 50 zones (eg. Ilum and fleets) and some mid level zones are still instances. Instancing is one of the things I hate most with this game and 200 players per shard is pathetic.
  7. Same server is never enough. Rift tried it then realised the have to go the whole hog and cross server it. Pointless have single server systems when many servers do not have the populations to make it work. Therefore either BioWare merge servers then add a single server system, or just add a cross server system to save forcing people to move.
  8. Spamming channels for ages and ages looking for players is NOT playing, it is wasting valuable play time for many.
  9. What are you going to be doing to improve EU maintenance times?
  10. Achieving 25 legacy is enough. The self entitlement in this post is amazing.
  11. Where is the statement Stephen Reid promised us on how they plan to improve EU maintenance times? A lot of blah blah blah it seems.
  12. They are fixing yet another patching screw up and EU get shafted once again.
  13. 1. I disagree, I like the traditional system. 2. This is a theme park game, not a sandbox and therefore you cannot expect to find those types of things in this type of game. It has been very clear for some time that this was NOT going to be SWG2. 3. I would LOVE to see some meaningful World PvP (though more like DAoC and nothing like SWG), but it seems to me that developers just don't know how to do it properly. I used to be a UO nut. I played the game for almost 5 years, I loved it. But, as my real life started to become more important, I had to play much less and in the end I was finding I just didn't have the time to commit to a sandbox games. I then moved on to other things like DAoC and eventually WoW, games I could spend less time in yet still have enough time to accomplish things. As the MMO base has become more casual, I believe that sandbox games are less appealing because of the sheer amount of time required to commit to them. I do not see sandbox games as the future of MMO gaming, but I do believe that a theme park game with a decent amount of sandbox features would work. With all that said, I do firmly believe however, that we will never see a MMO with the popularity of WoW. The market is too flooded with games and the player base is far too diluted and diverse. WoW is an anomaly and will remain king of MMOs (at least in terms of subscribers) forever.
  14. Lol, why sit in chairs when you can KIIIILLLL!!!? It also offers more immersion for the characters you roll. Putting the RPG back into an MMO is a good thing in my opinion. I fail to see how the story in this game is not immersive. Ever get that feeling that you bought the wrong game? Because it really looks like that is exactly what you have done.
  15. The right time is when the least players are impacted. This means it should be done through the night in ALL regions. This is the time the least players are logged in.
  16. For many, I think it's just an opportunity to troll, for others, they fear that by changing EU times it will somehow have an impact on their own times. Ultimately, it's very easy to support a terrible feature if you are not affected yourself in any way.
  17. This isn't a game to appeal to an Asian market, it will never pull 10 million subs. It's estimated that there are only around 3-4 million EU and US subs in WoW. Considering this game is not even 2 months old and has 1.7 million subs, it's doing pretty well. Hate it all you want, it's not going to change the fact it's a popular game in relative terms.
  18. You can quote those numbers til you're blue in the face, but it's far more relevant to look at how many it's lost over the last 18-24 months. The reason it has so many subs is because it's living on past glories.
  19. Try levelling in other MMO's it's not much different. Unless you kept up with the initial levelling curve from launch, it's to be expected.
  20. If you have to try to like a game, it's probably not for you.
  21. OP, why not join a guild with people that actually match your playstyle?
  22. What are you doing to make maintenance times fairer for EU players? I don't expect a reply to this as you've all ignored it since launch, but if you don't ask, you don't get...
  23. Vanilla and TBC might have been better, but in all honesty I've been less bored in this game than I was during WotLK and Cataclysm in WoW. If that makes me ignorant, so be it.
  24. My net has been down for a few days. Stephen Reid promised some news on EU maintenance, I checked Dev Tracker and didn't see anything, but was anything actually said on this matter that I might have missed??
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