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Everything posted by Ugugg

  1. Quote for truth, you can't really heal properly until you get that.
  2. You take little or no damage doing it this way.
  3. Stick with risha or akavi. They are more grey. Risha likes safe options and money. I find akavi dislikes mercy options. Suits my dark side just fine.
  4. This is what I do. Turn on everything and just heal through it. Doesn't work on flash points though. I'm rolling with Akavi atm. If you like to CC and stuff, then obviously turn them off, Risha seems to have really good single target dps and they don't hit cc'ed characters. At least Corso didn't.
  5. Captiann Urzil Edgewalker. I always make up names. I really wanted deathstalker, alas it was taken so I settled for something from Malazan book of fallen. Not 'sky'.
  6. I don't know how I did it, but one time, just one time out of all the pvp matches I did. I jumped from up from a ledge to platform above me as a smuggler. Apparently when rolling into the cover, it doesn't matter if its 5 meters above you, you can still do it using the default 'F'. Has this happened to anyone else? I suppose its possible that I got harpooned literally just before I hit F ... but with the green man an all ... Thought I'd share anyways. P.S maybe i was already mid air being ping ponged around like a usually do in huttball and managed to do it. lolol
  7. Quote for truth. bad enough they are virtually unkillable, but enter huttball and you can never catch those buggers. Also has anyone got untalented tendon blast to work? It slows down a sprinting sorc by like nothing??!!? wth is that about
  8. Until you mention it, it hasn't bothered me. Now that you mention, its like sonic remote, lol (a.k.a screw driver that does everything).
  9. Ugugg

    WarZone Credit

    This happened to me for the first time yesterday in my entire daily history. True that I'm only 1-49 bracket, but I've been doing my one and only daily religiously for maybe 3 weeks now. Yesterday was the first time ... The current pvp picture being painted on republic at level 50 really isn't a pretty one ....
  10. Thanks!!! I will take a look!
  11. The other day i saw a you tube vid of someone with what looked like 30+ epic armstech recipes reroll biochem. Armstech is great for leveliing alts, just don't plan on using that for antyhing else, not to mention all the problems this crew skill suffers. At least the biochem reuseable will now be useable by all. I hope one day aarmstech it will be useful.
  12. Is there a way to see what a companion is wearing without having them summoned? For example, when they are on a mission, or you are in your space ship.
  13. Imagine Ranked huttball, Sorc LF7M sorcs. The amount of knockbacks is so unfunny especially in hutball and what is a scoundrel going to do about it? Its extremely demoralizing sometimes.
  14. +1 I like this idea. but how would combat time wasters/afk ppl doing the 9 played matches? That would be huge issue. Attaching conditions (like objective points or something) to the played matches will be very tricky though. Good start to great idea.
  15. haven't read the whole thread, but saw the idea of being able to customize your companion's skills is a great idea. It should probably only be limited your companion class though. Corso healing would just be wrong, but having the option for him to be dps would be good.
  16. Where were the 40 man MC days? That was skill. No Aggro meters. No step out of fire. These mods kill the sense of achievement when you finally down that boss. Remember Onyxia back in the day. Those were the days. Who needs a mod to tell you to move out of <insert graphic description> on floor. I think mods are still a bit far away though. Game isn't stable enough and infact feels like its getting more unstable every new patch. For me it is anyways. I had 0 crashes for 2 weeks when I bought the game. Once the patching began I got some infrequent client crashes. Now i get them daily ....
  17. Who the hell is she and is she doing on my ship .... I remember for 2 days when i was rushing some stuff, I was mashing space bar a bit on some normal quests ..... Can anyone remind me please. Put it in spoilers not to ruin for other people. Thanks in advance!
  18. Maybe they are seeing a massive decline in other crew skills because biochem was the only thing worth having at end game. So, you make one of the most desirable items available to everyone wanted to stop 95% of people being biochemists. I am in a small guild with family and freinds and we lost our armortech guildy because he took biochem .... oh well. It could be worse, maybe you could be armstech, bottom of the pile with massive lines of weapons missing and can't be re'ed with nothing to sell end game, missing orang/purple recipes, barrles (lol?!) etc etc etc. Its still great for leveling though and its not bad since I'm not 50 yet. But after .... TL: DR Its not a bad idea imo given the current problem that only one crew skill is useful end game, its that the other professions are too useless end game to various degrees ... as already pointed out in this thread, "light years behind".
  19. I keep hearing scoundrel has mobility and stuff like that. They clearly haven't played hutball with a smuggler advanced class.
  20. T1 Rogue set is from wow!! :D . Sorry i don't know the answer
  21. Thats much better than armstech at least. sets? i think theres like 2 organge weapon schematics in total ... somewhere.
  22. You've missed the point. Its about time vs effort. No one wants gear handed out, but consider the following. Someone who has been L60 for 5 weeks without missing any daily/weekly and has less gear than someone who has been L60 for 5 minutes. You'd be happy about that if you've been trying to get gear for 5 weeks? No? Didn't think so. P.S Back in the day in vanilla wow (when i had a more time), before any expansions we raided MC (40 man) for a year for T2 pants from ragnaros. Never got them. I still remember that rng crap after all this time. Note now that its a shared token system. RNG is a deal breaker for a lot of people.
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