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Everything posted by Ugugg

  1. Re'ed Purples can be RE'ed again? I didn't know this!! EDIT: Ok, this is when the base item is blue and not green. So basically everything can be RE'ed 2 levels?
  2. cool i'll look into this! Cheers
  3. Whats wrong with being at half health killing a gold mob at your level? I was sawbones and i need to heal my *** off to take down those L30 elites. If i was dps, it simply wouldn't have happened.
  4. Theres no ETA on this. Might as well carry on.
  5. Yep I am ^_^. Just dinged 400 and L50 and made a purples techblade ... Hopefully they might sell, or maybe not. I know the other stuff is not so great. And i haven't critted anything for like 25 levels even though affect has increased. So not sure whats up with that and I certainly wouldn't test it on those orange weapons.
  6. Where do you learn the recipes for these. Are they mission drops or something or just MIA? http://knotor.com/items?category%5B%5D=31&name=barrel&minrtg=&maxrtg=&minlvl=&maxlvl=&flt%5B%5D=null&fls%5B%5D=&flv%5B%5D= Cheers
  7. Adding my ideas again, can't seem to find the other thread. Basically +1 for this idea. Companions in flash points will always be inferior to players. Manually putting them on passive to move them out of fire etc, will always be more work and more difficult than a few players knowing whats going on. That's how it should be! However, when you can't find the players to do a FP then using companions as a secondary back up plan would be awesome., otherwise you will skip them as I have. I've skipped like everything post Maelstrom Prison, because I never spam the channel more than once or twice, i would do something else. In addition the only reason I did taral V and prison in normal was because I could solo them. Anyways, I would be happy seeing multiple companions with FPs having the same loot and no changes to the companion AI. You are supposed to control them and use them as a secondary and backup option when you can't find players. Its more challenging as well, which would be an interesting flavor. So the only changes would be an interface to allow you to summon multiple companions and leave everything else the same. Get more miles out of your companions and stimulate the economy a little as you need to buy gear, weapons, mods, etc. It sounds good to me. If we could get some new FP's designed specifically for you and your companions then that would be great too, but utilising whats there at the moment is good too.
  8. I didn't like Hoth, jeeze, some of those places, i just couldn't figure out how to get there and before i know it i'm hitting up a imperial zone and get pvp flag turned on. It was also annoying that i missed some of the flight points somehow doing almost all of the quests. So when i landed from the port I couldn't actuallty fly to the new place, because of a missing node in the middle some where. Belsavis was ok, except once i figured out that I should always follow the main roads. As a stealth class its not so bad, but its annoying somewhat dismounting, stealthing, un stealth, remount. Going to try voss next ... ^_^
  9. Try popping triage, shield then vanish. I think the other day I noticed that you can pop shield whist in vanish. But if you're unlucky you could be unstelathed. Triage, will likely remove dots and shield will absorb a few dots and not unstealth you. At least that what it feels like to me. ^_^
  10. I have noticed on occasion it can take ages to re-stealth as well. I can't pin down what it is though.
  11. Ugugg

    Rank 80+ Thread

    Why are ppl allowed to get to rank 80? Is there anything that needs valor rank that high? So when new content comes out needing rank 70/75 most of the BMs will get all that stuff instantly ...
  12. Ugugg

    PvP progression

    I would like to know as well. I can answer the first bit. By doing WZ when you get 800 recommendations, you trade 600 in for mercenary commendations and buy youself a champion bag. Thats one way to get bags. Then there are dailies/weeklies, but I don't know where to get them and they also give champion bags as rewards. When you get valor rank 60 you get battlemaster bags instead. I guess the quests are at ilum? Its goes Centurion->Champion-> battle master. Thats all I know, i hope to get 50 tonight. So if anyone can fill in the rest that would be cool.
  13. I've got 2 blue recipes since the patch. Both L49 items. One was barrel with 22 and the other was a L50 techblade. First blue recipe was 1st try actually. L50 Techblade 2nd Blue recipe was about 7. cunning barrel 22 the 3rd one is 10 tries and counting. aim barrel 22 Going for epix now and the tech blade, counting at 5.
  14. I like the idea, but as pointed out it would only work with some kind of rewards. For example. If each planet had a pvp objective, lets call it a beacon for now and if you faction owns it, then everyone on the planet gets 5% more or something. 5% more creds from quests/ or xp / or valor / or in combat regen / unlocks a daily quest hub or something else. This could encourage people who are not level 50 to participate as well if they wish. (fact that its easy to level is a different problem). Maybe use the warzone 'boast' for ppl not L50 to bridge some of the gap. If you were to measure which side had the most beacons and the beacons owned, (must have at least 3 beacons), then make that faction have a server wide benefit. Something along the lines. Also it should reset at intervals so that once you gain that benefit it can't be switched for x hours. Food for thought - If the server wide buff was say 5% endurance/main stat in Operations/Fps or something. Guilds might oraganise an extra hour to go out their way to get the 'beacons' for your faction so that it helps with their ops. a.k.a stimulate ppl to do these objectives and organised guilds might do it. I like the idea, but giving ppl an incentive andbalancing the incentive is the tricky part. Think faction imbalance.
  15. Just to clarify, the penalty should be that you can not queue for 15mins for leaving. Oh yeah and you shouldn't be able to cancel the debuff ;D
  16. I'm sure there are no battle masters in the 1-49 bracket. Buts its funny watching those leavers re-entering and re-entering. Then when we win, they happened to be out. lol I don't suppose if you see your side losing, that you give any tips? You know, a bit of friendly advice more meaningful than L2P. I suppose every new L50 must be bad because they have green gear or L40 pvp gear and in order to get more pvp gear they need to .... pvp? I suppose all those battle masters never had green gear ever at L50 ever and never had to learn tactics. Maybe you can speed people along that road by giving a helping hand? You were there once. If you are a battle master you will probably be ops leader. Even if all you do is say "kill marked targets first" and mark a healer or two, it can turn the tide. Most ppl don't know tactics that well, or something that seems obvious to you may not be so obvious to the next guy, help them along, help your team through that path which you've walked. Ultimately you want more wins right? Surely you see the same regular people a few times? Give some hints/tips and it will help your side and yourself get more wins quicker. Don't be a quitter.
  17. This will be difficult. I can put on crap gear to queue and good gear when I start. You can't really stop ppl fidding with gear at the start, theres nothing else to do. :/
  18. I'm not even 50, but after queuing some time, the screen pops up I load and I get the score sheet already. Literally not even 1 second to survey the surroundings. ^_^ This fine in 1-49 as you get xp/creds/valor, but not so good when you're trying to get the daily. Agree that its really starting to get out of hand.
  19. 2 days ago i was doing pvp and for the first time ever we had a repub vs repub huttball. True that this is a 1-49 bracket, but at least it means there are enough alts for this to happen. So maybe our L50 will imporve from 4:1 to maybe 3:1 imps to pubs.
  20. Never thought of that combo. I might have to put one of those skills back on the action bar. ^_^. But then again, i probably don't need it as sucker punch uses most of my energy as it is.
  21. I've had ppl steal kill my quick shot medal whilst I was getting my scatter gun out before. I'm like lol you're mine, let me pull my gun out ... ... ... ... Still looking for it ... ... ... Gimmi a second ... ... ... Kill steal, no medal. Apart from that i don't mind actually.
  22. Usually any time you get stuck and you're inside a 'green' area, logging out and in will put you at the entrance. This doesn't help if you get stuck under a lift outside though. Do not play with elevators/lifts. Especially going underneath them. Stuck is on a 2minute cd. You can't use your fleet pass, because its thinks you're moving. Same with Quick travel ...
  23. 386 armstech .... what is there to look forward to .... ?
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