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Everything posted by eMAeM

  1. you are clearly doing it wrong then, along with you servermates. I push 600-800k regularly on voidstar without breaking a sweat (will upload screenshots if needed), and dont tell me that BM gear makes up for that compared to champion. Nerfs are needed, but they went way overboard whose those changes. i could take any flat reduction to healing but screwing around with our ammo efficiency is just plain wrong. but since theyre gonna listen to lowskilled whiny *****es on the forums instead of elqouent feedback from people who actually know their class. so i cba to actually post up anything constructive cause it wont be heard anyway
  2. pvphealing is pretty superior high burst healing coupled with tremendous staying power makes em shine in group pvp
  3. doenst look gimped to me (: http://s1.directupload.net/images/120223/vv9sdv77.jpg
  4. I switched to CM when i hit 50 so i cant tell you much about the low level pvp. And i can tell you it really is about expertise. Once you reach 400-500 you really feel the difference. Im in a highly active PVP guild and am still the preferred healer over our sages cuz i can take a serious beating while still staying functional. Guard is always nice of course but your best friends are still corners and pillars. Making good use of kryo granade and concussive charge really makes a difference. Knocking away enemies and moving into cover usually provides precious seconds to heal up. You have alot of defensive tools plus a kind of mini-shield-wall from the PVP-adrenal, since 15% more expertise = 15% less damage so you might aswell view it as a defensive cooldown. Your AOE healing capacities are limited but that shouldnt be too much of a problem. Rotating heals and fast switching while SSC is active are key. Oh, and always keep Traume Probe on yourself exclusively. Most tips have been given already but feel free to ask! Heres a screenshot of a revent game! Keep your faith! Things will become beastly eventually http://s1.directupload.net/images/120216/4zqaz4by.jpg
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