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Everything posted by Chaqen

  1. I love a really good shadow/darksin... i hate really hate sub par shadow/darksins and bad juggs/guards... vanguards/PTs good or bad about the same to me.
  2. If you look at the math inspiration/bloodthrist isnt quite as strong as you would think. Let say during a burst phase all 4 dps are pushing 2k dps, so a total of 8k dps total. BT adds 15% for 15 seconds, so it adds 1200 dps.... for a grand total of 18k more damage, which isnt game breaking imo.
  3. You ever take the time to think that the people in those 8 man raids played better as a raid group then your 16 man raid? It has already been proven that the dps checks in 16 man raids are lower then 8 man, i imagine the hps that are needed on a clean run (if alot of people taking extra damage then yes you will need more heals on 16 man) are less then what is needed on 8 man. There use to be quite a few good 16 man guilds out there, but the majority of them left the game due to the easiness of it. I imagine that a great amount of what is left of 16 man guild's rosters are players that would most likely be on a B team, and not a progression.
  4. I have done this fight on 8 man NIM, and have to say the KB from the tanks isnt that brutal and just a lil bit more damage then it was in HM. You shouldnt be flying into trees or walls though, not to sure if that is causing excessive damage or not, because i didnt have that issue. On a sidenote i was wondering if someone could post how much HP they have on 16 man, for we can figure out how much dps is needed in 16 man compared to 8 man. As it stands i would like to think that 16 man should be a bit easier with the fact that if you get a second double destruction you have people already on the tank that can eat, and dont need to have dps switching tanks mid fight, or having to be very creative to avoid the second one completely.
  5. More or less yes you can, you will want to replace accuracy with alacrity though, and maybe pick up a lil additional surge.
  6. I say dying because you take damage while traveling between platforms could be seen as a mechanic, since it should be easily avoidable, and is the only time i have experienced or seen the bug outside of jumping off a platform to get back to the starting platform. On a side it seems like all of his attacks are small frontal cones, meaning if he is attacking someone on a back platform, and you're jumping between two platforms in front of the one that being attacked you can get hit and get insta-killed. Disinfection seems to be tied to someone running into a color circle that they shouldn't (ex. i am yellow, but i was standing on a circle as black obtuse start, and that circle ends up being blue; at the end of black obtuse someone gets hit with disinfection). Have killed him multiple times w/o seeing disinfection at all, then have seen it a few times where people have admitted to messing up the color circles. It would be great to hear some other people's thoughts on this mechanic though.
  7. Had a guildie roll a 2nd sniper because he didnt like the race choice he made on his first. On a side note most daily heroics can be soloed with any class, with maybe EOT and poisonous strategy (need in combat cc for this one) being the exceptions. But if you enjoy your assassin that much and dont care to play any other classes so be it. You may enjoy playing a shadow though... a little bit different being a pub... but i have heard the story is better if you play it from a dark side perspective.
  8. A bit off topic, but hopefully BW changes this before it is released, since there isnt any direct reasoning for them to share a lockout timer when they have different loot tables.
  9. The most used one in a MMO, loot. I guess you could get the gear crafted but where is the fun in that.
  10. I think that may of just been an incentive to do NIM EV/KP since there was no other incentive in place besides bragging rights. NIM EC has a very clear incentive to do it, and really doesnt need such a title imo.
  11. I have always healed on my operative, but the other day i respeced into lethality to mess around on a dummy, and was able to do about 1500-1600 dps being camp/dg geared (my gear was optimized for heals btw). I figure if i was to optimize my gear and learn the rotation (which is tricky and sorta messy), i would be able to break 1700... In a operation though where i wouldnt have the greatest uptime (mainly due to the lack of being able to gain a TA from >4m range) i would be rather lower majority of the time, but still high enough to get things done. I also have a lethality sniper and a annihilation speced marauder though, who can break 2k dps on a dummy with a bit more ease then playing the lethality operative. Hell i have an arsenal merc (yea i know i have to many alts) who can break 1800-1950 dps, with an extreme amount of ease. The thing is that operative dps isnt viable, it is that other classes do it better, and are easier to play (easier a class is to play, more likely you will see people play it well; harder a class is to play, more likely you will see people fail; if you see 90% of OP dps fail rather hard, you will start to think OP dps is crap.), so there is no incentive to play one. I think if they added a few QoL (Quality of Life) changes to the spec things would be better. The two biggest things i would like to see is, overload shot granting tactical advantage (they could make it share a cooldown with shiv even to balance things out if need be), and make it where hidden strike can be used when you're not in stealth but for a reduced amount of damage, or add a special effect (ex. armour penetration, energy regen, damage boost) when it been used from stealth.
  12. Been doing it with a raid group with 2 OP healers since it been released. I have also done it with a op/sorc combo as well. The key thing i have noticed is to avoid stacking completely in the center, less people that get hit by chain lightening the better. Another thing to make sure of is that people are using some sort of cool down to mitigate some of the damage from lightening storm, as well as med pack. Damage in the 2nd and 3rd phase is very tamed if people are playing smartly, or it can be very devastating if people are playing like idiots. In the 2nd phase people need to be aware if they are going to drop a green circle and make sure not to put it in a place where others will be effected, tanks need to be aware where the green circles are as well and position the mob for melee dps will always have a safe spot to stand and to drop. 3rd phase requires range dps/heals to be spread out to make sure multiple dont get the dot, as well as a burst dps to be in position to kill the caster add (the one that casts mass affliction) at 75,50,25%. 2 Merc healers should be able to heal the encounter, but it will be dependent on the other members of the raid are playing smartly.
  13. If you get lucky/creative with your gear optimization a sin can break 29k hp and still maintain 65% shield, 60 absorb, ~25% def. To the OP sin tanks shouldnt be to squishy, they are a bit spiker then the others, but should require less overall healing then say a powertech.
  14. The majority of the members of Sedition went to play with Pandas, but i am sure you will see them around again in about 3 to 6 months when they are bored there. MJC is still around in game, even though their leader switched guilds, i dont beleive they have an active presence on these forums though, or care to have one.
  15. I think overall this thread is filled with healers that span across the spectrum of player skill/gear and hence why there is so much disagreement about different things. At the top of the spectrum a healer will want to minimize downtime as much as possible, as well as killing the trash encounters as quick as possible. This usually means very little to no CC is wanted, as well as constant movement between the trash pulls. There is never a need to stop and regen resources because resource management is second nature for the healer. Majority of the time someone healing at this level will find things to be rather easy, and boring. At the far end of the spectrum you will find healers that will burn through their resources before a fight ends. They wll struggle healing more then a single target at a time. They will CC on every single pull, and will still struggle to keep people alive. The tank will need to use their CDs at an excessive rate to survive. The majority of people on these forums are most likely somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, with a few people on the top and a few people on the bottom. The thing to remember is that everyone is on a different skill level, and will require/want different things from their group members to make things as stress/annoyance free as possible (please remember that someone will be annoyed having to play below their skill level, while feeling stressed to play at a level above them).
  16. I currently have 3 dps, 1 tank, and 1 healer at level 50, i have 1 tank in the 20's and a healer in the 30's. But honestly i have stop queing my tank and even my healer in the group finder due to boredom and frustration with the quality of the groups. It wouldnt be to bad if people were willing to learn and admit that they have room to grow, but most of the time the people i get most frustrated with are self-acclaim pros that dont have nothing to learn from another player. But back to your original question, it could/would benefit the group finder ques for some if you had a tank you played on occasions, but the effect would sorta be a drop of water in the ocean. Que times are still going to be a pain majority of the time, especially since your friends/guildies will want you to tank for them most likely. There is also the question about personal growth as a gamer, and as a player in swtor. Playing a tank will help you experience the third side of the trinity, and will make you a better healer and dpser. Also if you understand the role of a tank well, and get a fair amount of experience you should be able to contribute more to the development of strategies for new fight (that is if you do progression raiding). Overall, there really isnt a reason not to try out tanking... i would advise you to level a new toon to 50 though to be your tank instead of just respecing a dps toon. This will give you the chance to develop your skill as a tank, at the same rate your abilities will develop.
  17. It is more along the lines of 3k-3.5k as a OP healer in DG/Camp gear. It use to be rather useless before they changed it to scale with power, but after that update it is very useful.
  18. I have given up healing random pugs anymore, but when i did heal them i would tell the tank that i could heal them through anything, as long as they could keep the majority of the agro. 90% of the time the tank would ask for CC on about half of the pulls, and i would find myself tossing hots on them and then alt tabbing for 10 to 15 seconds at a time, due to complete boredom. There were other occasions where i decided i would dps while healing, but usually got *****ed at for pulling agro off the tank, or once again feel rather bored. CCing reduces the amount of damage done to the group/tank...More damage that is reduced, less healing needs to be done...Less healing that needs to be done, more likely i will be bored as a healer. I have played with some healers that dont like to heal, that will request a massive amount of CC for they are not challenged in any way and can continue to eat their hot pocket and play with one hand. If that how you choose to play so be it, but there is no sense in telling someone they are a horrible player because they like to have a challenge.
  19. I have had it disabled for some time and dont see much of a point in it either. I am not to sure how people are running out of hotbar space, unless they have abilities that are completely useless on their bars.
  20. Opps, thanks for noticing that, I guess i should post late at night.
  21. I run with 3 on my OP healer;: Attack adrenal, which is mainly used if i am participating in a burn phase and dont have to worry about heavy healing for a period of time (ex. 1st burn on the walker for the kephess unyielding fight). Triage adrenal, which is mainly used when i expecting or knowing that my heals need a bit more healing power behind them to help top people up (ex. Foremen Crusher when the tank may not have a CD or a good CD for a frenzy, after lighting storm on the DG fight in TFB). Alacrity adrenal, which is used the least (mainly because how healing works in this game), but is used truly as a "OH ****!" button, when i need my injection to have completed it cast yesterday to save the tank's ***. (ex. due to the random nature of a "OH ****!" button, it is hard to give an example, but the most i have used it was during the progression period for kephess undying, when the tanks and healers were running quite far distances to get in range of the towers)
  22. ^QFT Also dont role a dps, we dont need anymore bad dps either! Actually just stay off the Harbringer
  23. First off i would like to state i use to raid with Dulfy when she was in Sedition, i raided as biskibis, OP healer. Secondly, that guide was written based off of Sedition's kill the first week, where we did hit hard enrage on one occasion (dps and mechanic issues), then we killed it in another pull where we didnt see no twisted horrors at all (we were unaware of some of them spawning in the walls and getting stuck). There was a discussion on mumble later that night where a couple of us, were talking about the adds and how we didnt see them on kill, there was some discussion about them being on a time mechanic opposed to health percentage, but we never came to a definite conclusion of when they spawned, due to killing it it within 4 or 5 pulls. On a side note, Dulfy's site is great for information but not all of that information is always correct, or complete, and isnt the best source to be quoting about boss mechanics imo.
  24. it is 15% but like most HP percentage mechanics, you can drop the bosses HP below the target amount before you see the effect, due to lag in the script, and or another mechanic is happening. A good example of this is kephess in TFB, and where he starts his 3rd phase at 4% hp for my raid group on a regular basis, even though we know it should start at 10%.
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