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Everything posted by Prophetic

  1. Bubble is basically an instant, reactive heal that can never overheal. My simple PvP fix? Make Bubble be affected by Trauma.
  2. They're coming out with ranked WZs shortly. I'm sure they'll have some sort of system that keeps track of Huttball teams and such. Don't think mixed-faction WZs are going to happen. Special aesthetic stuff would be fun, though.
  3. You're not hardcore until you've leveled up 10-50 purely through PvP pre-brackets when Expertise infused enemies did nothing but stomp you constantly the entire way through, only to hit level 50 on the same day that they actually split the brackets, so that you were still PvPing against Expertise infused enemies that did nothing but stomp you. Oddly enough, since they now actually have brackets, I've determined that no one can ever be 'hardcore' again.
  4. 8 second group mez on a 60 second timer. 10m range. 4 second stun on a 45 second timer (can be dropped to 30 seconds). 10m range. 60 second out of combat mez to biological creatures (must be in stealth ; can be specced to provide 50% reduction to damage done for 10 seconds on break). 10m range. 60 second mez for droids with no cooldown and can be used in combat. 30m range. 12 second 50% snare on a 12 second timer (can be specced to be apply a 2 second root). 10m range. Shoot First/Hidden Strike can be specced to apply a 1.5 second root. Must be in stealth and behind target. 4m range. Shrap bomb/Corrosive grenade can be specced to apply a 6 second 30% snare on 3 targets every 12 seconds. 10m range. Soooo, basically, if we're able to get to something before the battle starts, we have very good CC abilities. Or if we're going against a lot of droids. The last three abilities are more situational and require speccing into it, though, but they're useful. As for using cover, it's generally not worth it if you're not a healer. Since the majority of our better damage ablities require us to be within at least 10m, sitting behind cover just doesn't cut it. I'm a healer myself and I didn't start using cover until just recently. Turns out it helps me quite a bit when I'm allowed to be stationary. Even just crouching helps for heals, especially in battles like Gharj in EV. Crouching prevents that knockback he uses from pushing you into the lava and forcing you to run back in range to start healing people.
  5. He should've passed the ball! Noob.
  6. Try to keep this on the down low. It's the only contribution I can make in a raid that a Sage can't. Wouldn't want it taken away. ....of course, Shadows/Assassins can do it, also. :\
  7. All of us were positioned so that our back were to the pillars in the center of the walkway, nudged into the corner so that we couldn't be moved. I died by getting pushed through the floor first. We'd already died twice to failed mechanics, so I told them to just finish the fight without me, 'cause I didn't care at that point and already had the chest drop anyway. Our tank got pushed through the floor as well and died just as our Sage DPS was using his knockback to throw Malgus off. I don't mind dying. I mind dying to failed design and bugs, though.
  8. This one isn't random. It's whoever had last possession wins. I've been known to grab the ball in those last seconds, then chuck it as far away as I can so that it'll reset. It takes a few for the ball to respawn and even if it does respawn, it still considers you in possession of it until the other team actually grabs it.
  9. You know, I kind of just want to coordinate with the Imperials on our server, get on after prime time hours (when queues hardly pop), then have both sides queue premades at the same time....then have both sides afk through the whole WZ. Wonder if it'd just randomly pick a winner if no one did anything?
  10. I dunno. I think there might be some sort of bug here, also. I logged on, flew into Illum, found an Imperial, then killed him. Immediately got the 'No Valor' message. This was my first kill OF THE DAY. I hadn't even touched Illum for a few days. I asked about it in chat and someone said that they'd killed that particular Imperial just a little earlier, so he wasn't worth any valor to anyone. It didn't sound right to me, but I have no other explanation for why my very first kill of the day wouldn't be worth anything.
  11. Just want to add my group in as well: Vanguard (Tank) Gunslinger (DPS) Sage (DPS) Scoundrel (Healer) The vast majority of our drops are JK. However, we've actually ran with a Guardian Tank instead of a Vanguard tank on a couple of occasions and have still received JK gear. The only exception to the 'JK gear all the time' rule seems to be False Emperor, where we always get a Trooper chest drop (Except for the one time we brought a JK tank and got a JK chest drop, so maybe it's dependant on the tank's class) and the bonus boss in Kaon which always dropped Smuggler headgear tokens (which is now changed). I swear, Bowdaar is SOOOOOO overgeared for both myself and our Gunslinger. Kaon's the worst. I've literally got 6 JK headpiece tokens. I'd remove the mods, but they're worthless to all of us and I don't want to spend that kind of cash on Bowdaar, especially since he's better geared than most players right now.
  12. It's fail design, not mechanics. I just went through this FP and both myself and the tank got pushed THROUGH THE FLOOR which instantly killed us and transported us outside of the instance. Malgus was then killed and neither of us got a chance at the drop or credit for the quest. And, of course, it was a chest drop for the tank, 'cause Malgus always gets the last laugh.
  13. I dunno, I've noticed that some things just randomly change targets for no reason. Especially stuff like Mentor's Claw in D7. I swear, no matter who the message says it's going to go after, it ALWAYS follows ME. It's lame.
  14. This also. At least make it so that if you're individually queued and get invited to a group, you can hit a 'join groups queue' and just queue up with them instead of EVERYONE having to drop, count to 3, hit group queue and all that jazz. The whole system is just so bulky.
  15. I found this entertaining. I'll be honest, though, I only watched the first couple of minutes, then skipped to the middle and watched about a minute, then skipped to the end and watched about a minute. I just don't have the attention span to watch a full 20 minute video of someone else playing. It's always fun seeing how some of the other classes play in PvP, though. I'll work on a shadow eventually, but I enjoy healing too much at the moment to do it.
  16. Prophetic

    1.000.000 Damage

    Yeah, I'm going to go with this. If we believe the OPs claims (I'm not disputing them, really), then he only really did damage abilities for 11 minutes. That's roughly 440 GCDs worth of actions if he did nothing but either stand and hit abilities, or used instant cast abilities. A person doing nothing else but spamming their basic attack will get it off 600 times during the course of an entire Voidstar match. To get his numbers, he'd have to pull off 2,150~ damage each GCD. Not impossible. The part that has me thinking it's sketchy is when he says that he hardly uses AoE. Also.... 10 buttons per second? Really? You're either mashing one button over and over until the ability you want goes off or rolling your face across the keyboard. Unless the 'ten buttons a second' you push go something like 'wwasdaww22.' Overall, I'm still impressed. I'm just doubting the claims about how you did it and your need to express 'I can jam buttons that don't do anything due to global cooldown at 5 times the speed of the average person!'
  17. BW's already stated that server transfers are in the works. They haven't given a time frame or anything, but it's coming eventually. Until then, best advice I can give is to just roll on a new server. Then, when server transfers become available, you'll have a few high level characters to work with.
  18. I actually remember having our entire team convinced to do this pre-brackets. We got slaughtered multiple times, but it was fun. I'm sure it was a little demoralizing for the other team, also, getting jumped by a bunch of naked people.
  19. This will be a perfect addition to naked raid night!
  20. This. My character name is Violet. Simple, easy to spot, easy to remember. Also doesn't help that I'm one of the very few Scoundrels that I ever see and even fewer Scoundrel healers. It's rare that I'm out of stealth and turret healing for more than a few seconds before someone is on me. This also. I run into my guild quite often in Huttball (we're a pretty good sized guild) and the second they notice I'm on the other team, all I see in guild chat is, "Sorry Violet" before I proceed to get brutally massacred every single time I'm visible. That said, I'm impressed. The most healing I've ever gotten in a WZ was a little over 200k. Honestly, though, and I'm not saying this to snub you or other people that turret heal, but I think it's 'cause I've realized that there are better things I could be doing with my time than just standing still and healing. If I'm defending a door/turret, I spot heal, take potshots at cappers, and make sure every enemy has some sort of DoT rolling on them, as well as blasting my Orbital Strike AoE whenever it's available. If I'm attacking, I usually keep in stealth and look for an opportunity to cap until someone knocks me out of it, then I heal and CC to keep people off the person trying to cap the door. If I'm in Huttball, you'll actually hardly see me healing. Hell, you'll hardly see me at all. If I'm on offense, I'll be stealthing all over the opponent's ramps, setting myself up for an easy pass that doesn't involve walking through incinerators. I'll pop out of stealth to heal if it looks like the ball carrier is going down before they can make a pass, but other than that, I make myself available. If I'm on defense, I'm stealthed all over my ramps, waiting to dirty kick the hell out of anyone trying to walk across the incinerators, or moving behind that character waiting for a pass and stunning them right as the pass is heading towards them so I can intercept it. Honestly, there're very few instances where I find myself purely standing around and healing, mostly 'cause I get jumped a lot and can't afford to stay still to do it. Really, the only time that I find myself just straight healing is in Alderaan when we're taking a turret, or in Illum.
  21. This ^ Trust me, I'm not above vanishing my a** out of there and leaving you to die if you constantly stand on the GIANT RED TARGET on the floor. Really, ask any of the DPS I regularly run with.
  22. *blink* Come again? ver·sa·tile   /ˈvɜrsətl or, especially Brit., -ˌtaɪl/ Show Spelled[vur-suh-tl or, especially Brit., -tahyl] adjective 1. capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc. 2. having or capable of many uses Utility: Scoundrel: Stealth, 10m Flashbang (area mez) - 60 seconds, 4 second stun - 45 seconds, Vanish - 3minutes, 15 second 4 -person group stealth - 15 seconds, 10m Single Target 50% snare - 12 seconds, 8 second single target mez (must be in stealth, both parties out of combat). Sage: Rescue - 60 seconds, Force speed - 30 seconds, Force Armor - 20 seconds per person, 4 second stun - 60 seconds, 8 seconds single target mez - 60 seconds, PBAoE Knock Back - 20 seconds, Single Target 50% snare - 12 seconds This is not even going into healing, since it's been covered. So, for Scoundrel 'versatility' we have....stealth....stealth....and stealth. Then we have a melee stun, a 10m single target mez, a 10m group mez, and a 10m snare. Keep in mind, Half of these abilities require you to not even be in combat to use them. For Sages you have a friendly pull, an AoE knockback, a 2 second speed burst, a shield (technically a 'heal'), a 30m ranged stun, a 30 m ranged mez, and a 30m ranged snare. Calling Scoundrels 'versatile' is a sham.
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