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Everything posted by Prophetic

  1. I had this happen on my Smuggler also (maybe there's a trend). At the end of one of the questlines (Don't remember which exactly, whichever one had the protocol droid Sixer), you're given three options for how to deal with the questgiver. One is a very clear [Flirt] that leads to a fade-to-black get together, one is a clear [in your dreams buddy] type thing, and the other seemed neutral, but ended in the same fade-to-black as the [Flirt]. I was kind of miffed about the whole thing.
  2. Prophetic

    Healing and Kills

    I was the same way. I respecced to a DPS build for a day just for kicks and I was rockin' the medals. I'm a miserable DPSer and I know it, though, so I eventually switched back so that I could feel like I was actually contributing, 'cause there were too many times when I was thinking, "You know, I'm positive we could've held that door/turret/kept the huttball carrier alive is I was healing and not running around spamming random DPS.' At the moment, to offset the lack of medals, I usually run with the same groups of people and they all tend to shoot me MvP votes to make up for it. Especially since my numbers are never extraordinarily high, since I'm usually multi-tasking between healing by stealth capturing nodes and spamming DoTs on enemies trying to capture our stuff. I'm in it to win the WZ more than get medals, so the people I'm with usually show their appreciation for that.
  3. Haha, you know, I actually run into BHs that do just this ALL the time. I actually have a macro on my keyboard that /says 'Bad BH! No Tracer Spam!' and activates Distraction to interrupt their Tracer and lock it for a few seconds. You'd be surprised at how many Bounty Hunters just stand there looking confused until their Tracer is unlocked. Then again, maybe you wouldn't be.
  4. Prophetic

    Grav Round

    You mean the constant look of super saiyan style constipation when they're spamming tracer at you?
  5. I went from level 13 to level 47 purely through PvPing against vastly better equipped opponents without even the inkling of a chance of getting better gear to face them with. (Pre-patch) AND I LIKED IT, DAMNIT! Shortly, I'll be level 50 and basically just have to deal with the same exact thing that I dealt with during the prior 37 some odd levels, just with the chance to actually acquire gear. AND I'LL STILL LIKE IT, DAMNIT!
  6. Prophetic

    Healing and Kills

    Not sure how plausible this is. I mean, it would be nice to have a few more medals I could get by being a full time healer, but getting credit for their kill 'cause of healing them could get a little absurd. I know in Rift healers got credit for any kill that someone got while they were healing them. I was a HoT healer (the water clerics, don't remember the actual classes) and one match I got literally, like, 50 more kills that the top DPSer 'cause I kept my AoE HoT up at all times to keep everybody at maximum survivability, so EVERYONE'S kills counted towards mine. Got a little crazy.
  7. I haven't seen Illum yet since I'm at work...but I've seen the videos...and, as a Republic player, it kind of scares me.
  8. Prophetic

    10-49 bracket

    I still die pretty quickly, but I expected that since I'm squishy outside of stealth. The difference, though, is that I was actually doing damage to people. Like, NOTICEABLE damage! I'd hit them and their life bar would go down! Was a thing of beauty. Also helps that I'm undefeated in Warzones today. It's almost like the Empire players on our server forgot how to fight without their 50's. O.O
  9. Oooooh, you're so silly. Totally got me on this one.
  10. You know, I kind of have this issue on my Smuggler. I've noticed that, as far as companions go, I haven't really clicked with any of them. I hate Corso, Bowdarr is nice, but I miss a lot of his quips 'cause I keep system notifications off. The only one I really get along with is Risha 'cause we have similar goals. The others just seem thrown in there. Honestly, I feel more of a connection with some of the NPCs that I've run across, simply 'cause I feel like I'm starting this big, old, underworld empire filled with tons of contacts and shady characters that I have a blast with. The companions are...just sort of there. Except for Risha. I totally have a girl crush on her.
  11. Prophetic


    Yeah, we have a couple of well known AFKers on our server (Sanctum of the Exalted) as well. Ryodin on the Republic side and Dawei on the Empire side. Everybody in our WZ was reporting them for awhile. Everytime we went into a WZ with them, we'd report for spam, then we'd send an actual report at the end of the match. I personally haven't seen Ryodin in the last day or so, so I'm hoping that's 'cause something was finally done about him. It'd gotten to the point where we'd purposefully scheme with the opposing side just to grief the hell out of them...which, in the end, doesn't really do anything 'cause they still get the Warzone points, but at least it forces them to move their character into a safe spot everytime we kill them, and quite often another of us will just be there to kill them again. I actually get the solo kill medal pretty easy off these guys as I gank them repeatedly, since they don't seem to know how to use a single ability on their bar to good effect. Haha, one epic WZ I actually went into the middle of Alderaan and said, "Hey, I know you guys are down one person, so I'm going to focus on killing your AFKer so that we're down one person, too. Promise not to kill me and I'll promise to do nothing but grief him the whole match." And they agreed!!! The AFKer actually ran into the middle of 5 of his guys guarding the middle at one point in the hopes of them taking me out, I think, and they all just sat there and /laughed at him as I slowly ticked down his life again and again. It was pretty amazing.
  12. You want to take away a class defining skill 'cause you can't deal with it? I agree that the Smuggle thing is a little cheesy and I don't use it at all, but, honestly, what the hell? Let's make healing unavailable to healers during WZs, 'cause they're making the ball handler in Huttball last ENTIRELY too long. Let's also take away damage abilities from DPS, too, 'cause they're taking down the ball handler in Huttball ENTIRELY too quickly. Oh, and let's make range attacks unavailable as well! Why should someone be able to hit me from 30 meters away? Completely overpowered if you ask me.
  13. I've been leveling up purely through PvPing since level 13. I am now level 46, valor rank 46. You know how many champion bags I've opened and how many pieces of PvP gear I've gotten? Zero. Try PvPing for the joy of PvPing. And this is from someone who primarily pugs who's had to deal with the level 50 premades throughout her entire PvP career. I still come out on top at least half the time, 'cause I actually think, use legitimate strategy, band my pug team together into a cohesive unit, and I have fun and joke around. Try not to take things so seriously. Of course, things might be different for you 'hardcore' grinders. PvP is my relaxing time, so I relax and have fun. You can probably tell I'm not the most hardcore being that I've been playing pretty consistently since launch and I'm only 46 right now. So, take that as you will.
  14. Some people just like the tension that being on a PvP server adds. Constantly being on the lookout for 50's trying to roll low level guys running through their quests definitely leads to some interesting situations. Plus, if you have an Empire character and a Republic character, it gives you an outlet to gank a*hole botters farming nodes.
  15. Open the level appropriate lockboxes you can buy with Warzone Commendations. I've gotten some pretty decent gear that way. And...really, there isn't anything else worth spending your comms on pre-50.
  16. I just wish they'd make it so that champ bags weren't unique. If I'm PvPing before 50, at least let me invest in my future. Give me something worthwhile to spend my commendations on. At the moment, I've only been buying stims and those gearboxes with gear I just vendor so that I'm at least doing SOMETHING with these commendations.
  17. I think they should just make the daily available from the same menu that you queue for PvP. You can queue from anywhere, makes sense that you'd be able to accept the quest from anywhere. I mean, it doesn't effect me TOO much since I always log off on my ship, but it is a little obnoxious, especially when I'm off somewhere else questing while waiting for my queue to pop, then having to return to fleet to turn the quest in.
  18. I hope this isn't true, 'cause it would really depress me. I've been leveling purely through PvP since level 13. My Valor is currently capped at my level and will stay that way as I level, so it should be 50 when I'm 50. If somehow PvPing more actually gets me less, I'm going to be peeved.
  19. I agree with this statement! And, for the first on topic post, I'll vote for Scoundrel Sawbones. We don't have the great out of stealth-burst options that Scrappers do, but we're limited to the same melee range for everything, including our CCs. We have two CCs that don't break on damage (Shoot First and Dirty Kick), but one's a stealth opener which doesn't do much damage when not speeced into Scrapper and also fills the resolve bar, and they're both melee ranged. Stealth is nice, but the second you pop out of stealth, everyone jumps to melt your face 'cause they automatically assume you're a Scrapper. You're squishy and out of stealth when you're healing and everyone jumps to melt your face as soon as they realize you're healing. PvP healing is more about burst healing as opposed to sustained over time healing, so our energy pool makes it slightly harder to deal with bursts 'cause it drops very quickly. We also don't do a ton of damage as a heal spec, but, honestly, we shouldn't be trying to top DPS as a healer anyway (despite what WZ medals would have you believe). In PvE, though, we totally rock. It's easy to keep sustained heals on a tank and we always have that vanish panic-button to prevent a full group wipe that sends everyone back to the beginning of a Flashpoint. It's also great for maneuvering through mobs that you've outleveled in a quest, or for just running around gathering stuff.
  20. You know...this actually makes me feel kind of stupid. I didn't know you could right-click the little icon to leave a warzone. I thought you had to physically log out, then log back in to quit one. X.x Haven't really needed it, though. The only time I've had to quit a warzone was when I'd accidently stay queued when joining a premade group, so it'd queue us all seperately and I'd have to quit to try again.
  21. Good advice if you're a ranged or casting class vs. a commando gunnery. Good luck breaking LOS when you need to be within 10 meters to use any of your abilities, though. Interrupts are an option, but I know for Scoundrels we have Dirty Kick, Distraction, and Flash Grenade for interrupts. Dirty Kick is on a 45 second cooldown (can be specced down to 30), Flash Grenade is on a 90 second cooldown and fills the resolve bar. Both of those don't work if the resolve bar is filled. Distraction is usually the best option, but it only blocks an ability's use for 4 seconds, only blocks that one ability, and you have to be in melee range to use it. It's good to piss of someone trying to heal, but not as good during an in your face confrontation when you don't have stealth available. I'm only level 39 at the moment, though, so there could be more options available to me later. I could agree with this for Scrapper Scoundrels. I've seen them pull crazy burst right out of stealth. Personally, I haven't been able to pull the numbers I've seen others get, but that might be do to lower gear, not stacking stims/adrenals/buffs, or just not being as good at DPS as other people. For CC...yeah, we get a lot of options, but a lot of those kind of screw us later. Shoot First (our in stealth back attack) knocks someone on their face for a good 3 seconds or so, but it fills the resolve bar. Flash Grenade is for 8 seconds, fills the resolve bar, and breaks on damage. Tranq dart is for 8 seconds, fills the resolve bar, breaks on damage, has to be used from stealth, AND has to be used on a target not in combat. Tendon Blast can be specced into a 2 second root that ignores resolve. Dirty Kick is actually our best CC, since it doesn't break on damage and doesn't have all sorts of extra conditions associated with it. Also, all of these you have to be within melee range to do. So, if we want to avoid a face to face confrontation (which all Scoundrels should), getting the hell out of there with Vanish is really our only option if we can't get you down a significant amount of life with our opener. I mean, I've popped out of stealth using Shoot First before only to have the Sorcerer I was trying to kill pop his CC break, stun me, then rip me apart in the duration of that stun with Lightning spam (at least, that's what I see, I know there're a bunch of abilities used in those three seconds). At least, this is my experience, which is admittedly limited, since I'm a heal-specced Scoundrel. If you were to take away every heal I have, all of my cc, and make all of my attacks only do 1 damage each, I would still rock Warzones 'cause I play to the objective. I stick around in stealth, skirt the borders of the WZ, wait for my opportunity, then stealth cap objectives while the enemy's distracted. When I'm defending, I do the same thing, I stealth around the borders, wait unti until they try to cap something, then hit them at the last second with a DoT. I then continue to DoT anyone else trying to get to an objective so that it delays them enough for reinforcements to come take them out. In Huttball, I'd be much more limited, but I could still stealth to the enemie Endzone and wait for a pass from the pit. So, feel free to take all of that stuff! Take away my stealth, though, and I'd be screwed. X.x
  22. Haha, this has happened to me on several occasions, usually early in the morning, though. The countdown timer for the game ending is 120 seconds. It was 3 vs. 8 for us. 2 minutes is a loooooong time to be competing against that in Huttball. The funny thing, though, was that we finally got 5 other people for the match 10 seconds before the game would've timed us out. By that time, we were already down 0-5 and they had the ball. Good luck on recovering from that. The funny thing was when one of the guys that had just joined on our side, upon seeing the score and the time remaining, had the gall to say, "Wow, you guys are really terrible at this" <--- in not as nice wording. Wish I could've punched him in the throat.
  23. I agree with this completely. I'm level 37 now, been leveling solely through PvP since 13, and I'm constantly just buying crap so that I don't max out my commendations. I have my ONE champion bag...and that's it. When I hit 50, I'll have maybe a total of 6 or 7 right off the bat, but with the way the RNG seems to be, that'll barely get me anything towards my set. If they're not going to make it so champ bags aren't unique, at least give us something worth buying. I'm constantly just selling off useless gear from those lockboxes and stockpiling stims. I disagree with this statement. If you're leveling through PVP, you ARE working towards your set. You're putting in the same amount of PvP time as someone who's 50, you're just unable to get the rewards. Centurion is essentially tier 1, isn't it? I can understand tiers after that being exclusively 50 to get, since that's the only thing that differentiates it after max level, but the first tier should be available to be collected before that, so you at least have a base and aren't curbstomped immediately upon entering the new 50's bracket. This I also disagree with. When the 50's bracket is releases, all adding expertise to lower level gear will do is create MORE disparity between players and recreate the very problem that the implementation of the 50's bracket is trying to solve.
  24. Honestly, I think you're going to have your problem wherever you go. I just stopped doing Pugs for Warzones. It's much, much easier to win rolling with even 2 other people who understand the basic Warzone mechanics. If you roll with a couple of 50's who know what they're doing, it's even better. I was running around with a premade of 2 level 50 Shadows, a 50 Vanguard, and myself (Scoundrel Sawbones) and we dominated every Warzone we came across, even when the other team was full of level 50's (damn you Pax for being up so early). We did have a bit of trouble with Huttball, though, and even lost a couple of times in really close games, but I really attribute that to the Empire getting FAR too much practice with it.
  25. Think this just got overlooked 'cause it was written pretty early in the morning and it's a pretty long read. Personally, once the 50's bracket comes in, I think expertise in the 1-49 bracket will be a non-issue, so we don't have to worry about it. Adding expertise to those levels at this point would just make things more confusing. What I think they do need to do, though, is make it so that Champion Bags aren't unique. Gives us something worthwhile to spend our commendations on, since it's basically just investing for the future, while also limiting that 'shock factor' once you hit 50, 'cause you'd already have a pretty decent amount of gear to use. As is, I'm just spending my commendations on stims and the random lockboxes with gear I'm just selling off, 'cause I'm in constant danger of reaching the cap on my commendations.
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