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Everything posted by Ngamok

  1. It just depends on th4e actual details of the vote to kick system. Like I said, WoW had to change theirs because of how much it was being abused. You know it will be abused here as well.
  2. But there are lots of people who desire to hurt other people's feelings. Look at Call of Duty for example. Lot's of people who wall hack and aimbot (played a match this morning with one in it). They have a desire to win and hurt people's feelings at the same time.
  3. Actually, on PvP servers only, they should add a system in place where you can only rez in the main city and no where else. Make it cost you more money to take a speeder (flying dolphin) back to your quest area. It would also solve the world boss issue too. Wipe out the offending team and continue, rather than wipe out the offending team only to have them be back in 30 seconds again while you are engaged. SWG was the best. Send everyoen to the cloner.
  4. True as well. But I am just saying that the OP is leaving out details. There might have been some name calling in there too. Don't really know. but yea, they needed to deal with one threat first before going after the other threat (world boss). Also, when you die, you know how to come back instantly right? Maybe they were doing just that too and that's what the warning was for.
  5. But here, he openly said they weren't going for the world boss. Just kept tagging it to prevent the others from getting the kill on it. So what I am guessing is: The Republic team gets wiped while fighting, they come back to attempt again. As they go in, the Imperials tag the world boss first and the Republic team runs off to reset it (or whatever) they get wiped. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like harassment to you? Does to me. I am betting this is what happened and the OP is not telling the whole truth. Then they get a warning for just tagging a boss to prevent the other team from doing it. notice how he said after awhile they all left. No intention to kill it, just to harass. Now if the Republic team was smart they'd get more people to help wipe them out over and over. But whatever.
  6. Yea, like how he left out important details in his first post and then makes another post on what he says is the whole story. I am sure there was more but he is not telling it.
  7. Can I have your stuff when you quit?
  8. The only part of this story I get out as harassment is the part where you guys tag the world boss with no intention of killing it. Then yea, you deserve the warning. Rest of it is fine.
  9. Pretty much this. Remember when WoW did this for their dungeon finder? It was abused so hard, they changed it from needing 3 votes to 4 votes to kick someone out. People will abuse any system in place. World PvP? LOL, you know what command is being abused right now. If you don't know don't worry about it. If you do know then you know how it's being abused.
  10. I bought it for the Statue, Soundtrack that I can put on my iPhone and play in my vehicle or wherever I want to take it, artbook, and journal. The Tin case is ok. Use the iPhone app over the physical security key thing.
  11. I notice this happening sometimes if I make a new character on whatever server. It will reset my Show Alignment options, my party chat color I switch from purple to blue, my chat timestamp. Sometimes it changes by itself. I think this happens to all characters when I make a new one and it goes in and resets all the UI settings on those 3 options for me and if I don't log them all in and change them I will always have the4 same problem because one has been reset. The moment I log in that one, it will reset those 3 options among all my characters again.
  12. People called Molten Core, Molten Bore for a reason.
  13. I only played like 2 months of AoC, just couldn't get into the combat system but I agree. If you make things too hard, people complain and then you end up spending lots of time making it easier (Ragnaros got nerfed 3 times in vanilla WoW). You make it too easy, people complain they are bored and want more stuff now. I say give it 6 months and I am sure things will fall into place more. RIFT was more the same way. people said Greenscale was too easy. Fast forward to Hammerknell and all of the sudden, people are finding it harder to clear.
  14. Only played SWG and WoW but I agree. Latter half of TBC brought about the welfare epics and that is what people expect now. Instant gratification about doing something solo rather than doing end game content with others since MMOs are all about Massively Multiplayer. Maybe we should rename most of these games MSOs (Massivle Singalplayer) because all people do is log in and do dailies for coin and Q for battlegrounds by themselves and then complain they got killed by premades.
  15. Animal mounts make no sense really in this game. yes, you saw Imperial Troopers riding dewbacks in the movies but it's usually been speeders mostly. If anything, they can have varied speeders.
  16. My iPhone is usually always with me. I bought the CE but use the mobile app instead.
  17. It has to do with a certain someone reloading a UI after some conditions are done. You can get more than 8 in. Certain Imperial guild on my server does it.
  18. I am. I enjoy the game and the story arcs for the most part.
  19. I am sorry, but that was too ridiculous for what it was. And you are complaining about not getting X number of medals.....really. That thing needed to die. It's for a quest.
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