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Everything posted by Dlema

  1. 1. At this point of time u can only view the scoreboard at the end. 2. Medals count toward your valor earnings, tho since the last patch its capped at 4 medals per game to stop medal farmers. Each medal is worth 500 valor and 10 WZ comms. 3. Each vote u get earns you a small amount of valor and WZ comms. 4. No, they are adjusting the tab and click targeting mechanics I think. 5. I think the ops leader is chosen from your valor rank. 6. No macros so far. Hope this help.
  2. 1. At this point of time u can only view the scoreboard at the end. 2. Medals count toward your valor earnings, tho since the last patch its capped at 4 medals per game to stop medal farmers. Each medal is worth 500 valor and 10 WZ comms. 3. Each vote u get earns you a small amount of valor and WZ comms. 4. No, they are adjusting the tab and click targeting mechanics I think. 5. I think the ops leader is chosen from your valor rank. 6. No macros so far. Hope this help.
  3. Healers are fine, tho some classes should have 50% heal decrease skill similar to warriors mortal strike in wow. With the upcoming rated WZs I hope this gets looked at cause most teams will have 3 healers.
  4. Specced heals and still ave tracer?? Hax mate hax.
  5. Dlema

    Resolve & Roots

    Yer cause ops have no ranged moves right? Grenade, autofknshoot, dart, just qft.
  6. Dlema

    Resolve & Roots

    Yer cause everyone is going to use it on something that does nothing to your resolve.... FACEPALM
  7. Dlema

    Resolve & Roots

    Absolutely agree with this. Being a melee class and getting rooted with full resolve is just plain frustrating. A root to a melee class is just the same as being stunned imo. Either add it to resolve or give melee classes something they can use to counter this, ofc with a cooldown.
  8. This post is just rubbish. People NO matter what will either do pvp/pve or both. I myself hate most pve and dont want to be forced to do it just to stay competitive in pvp.
  9. Does alacrity increase the dot ticks like wow? If it doesnt gimped hard. If it does plauseabale.
  10. You will get over it. There not unkillable, just harder. I doubt 95% of the 49s even join WZ to farm lowbies. Who cares about them low lives who do. Simply tell your team to focus fire him first, again still very killable.
  11. Ok so after reading most of these post I can honestly say I dont think it needs a nerf. I play a sin so im not saying this simply cause I play the class. The ability only last 6 seconds, maras arent to hard to kite.
  12. Lol I'll stick with my L2P comment. Vanish has a 2 min cd we cant spam it.
  13. I dont know hoe *********** old this post is but seriously L2P dots unstealth me fine.
  14. Maybe just maybe pubs are bad on your server?? Pubs seem to do fine on mine well atleast more cooardanated. Wins are up and down really depends on the 4 puggers we get if we beat pubs or not. Make a premade or stop your crying.
  15. Dlema

    Fun at 50!

    Im so sick of these post. Do you seriously think you can ding 50 and then join a WZ and be effective in starter gear. This game has been out for a while, so expect to fight geared players. When I hit 50 on my merc healer I went into WZs with fresh gear, tho I had replaced the mods with lvl 50 mods. I was getting absolutely destroyed. I couldnt heal thru there dmg. But in a week or two after grinding more comms and doing dailies/weeklys I could feel with every.new piece of cent/champ gear I got, I started to survive alot longer and heal alot more. Just stop ya crying and actually get some *********** gear before you make another AW post.
  16. You obviously dont get what he means. Below lvl 50, every 1 has b stats equivalent to lvl 49. Sure you may start with less talents but are able to put out enough dmg to matter, where if you joined at 50 and ur in starter gear you have 0 chances of a 1v1 win vs a full BM geared player unless he is afk.
  17. Dlema

    Commendation Bug

    This still needs to be fixed, I myself didnt realise of the 1k cap and wasted a small amount. It is a small bug and not really a high priority but still needs ti be fixed.
  18. No truse on our server atleast not the time I play just pure gank
  19. Well im very disappointed to hear this, why advertise with the release of the aus/Asia servers that those who purchased it alot earlier could move? You got my hopes up and now im reading this and finding out thru the forums. You didnt even bother to announce that we couldnt xfer till April. This imo is why so many people are pissed off. Lack of communication = bad business.
  20. Now all they have to do is remove the cd on purge/cleanse like abilities.... Because not be able to remove annoying slows is just plain frustrating lol
  21. Dont get me wrong I think its great you took over the imp base on hoth and I play imp. Its just that im kinda sadened to find that you are restricted to earning valor/comms to certain areas especially on a PVP server. Who ever thought that up needs to be fired imo.
  22. Well that's cool and all but what did u get as a reward? Any valor? No. Amy coms? No. World pvp will always be dead until they allow valor/comms to be earned no matter where you are so long the guy u kill us worth valor ie: around ur lvl.
  23. Who cares about illum I play on a not so populated server where illum dailys were pretty much only completeable thru the armaments which was so freaking tedious when theres like 10 imps fighting over em. Atleast now u can actually pvp to earn gear. As for the new medal system that's great news I think it will encourage team work. For all you complainers about the 4 med cap, you can still earn more to flex ya e-peen
  24. Well I actually think this is a good idea, I really hope that this encourages team work now. Really over joining teams that are geared as hell but dont give a **** about the objectives and just farm medals thus making your team lose.
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