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Everything posted by Jrovak

  1. when I saw the changes I went and respec full Pyeo using COmbustible cyl insteaf of aion gas cyl the aion gas as normal The difference in survivibility is huge. with aion gas cyl I proc shield with combustible i dont. this makes APP irrelevent you are dead bfr anything procs . I bet that as soon as they see yu on a healer at 1'2 they alpha yu as soon as you start hiting him I am not even sure deep Pyro is still viable ib 1.2 pvp AP is just terribad leaves us with deep Shield tech which does provide some 3k+ rocket punches and a survivibility, yu can hit healers all day and really take some punishment while focusing them In upcoming ranked WZ with jet leaping ability and quell on a 4 to 6 sec CD talent yu can pretty much shut down a healer while your team kill the opposition. food for thought
  2. if only yu were doing less P[]RN and more gaming yu'd BM now see what I did there?
  3. yu need a social valor rank to wear some pve gear yu don't need a Pvp valor to wear PvP gear see where this is going?
  4. you will not be able to use AIon gas cylinder anymore with APP ( wont proc with aion cylinde only combustible cylinder)which makes yu choose between full tanking tree or pyro full dps with some ap THROWN THERE for both build. dunno id yu mentioned that I didnt see it . yu will not be anle to run SHtec along with pyro anymore that imo is the real nerf. nicely presented however I am doubtfull they even care what you think they busy giving away stuff and nerfbating randomly to keep subs..
  5. how? why? I ve made my argument at least make yours Why not completly remove social valor? I dont Pve at all and yet I need some social rank to wear some gear ? how is this different that removing valor to wear Pvp gear? why cant I spend my wz tokens on Pve gear as well as Pvp gear then why cant I get free Pve gear like PvP gear is?
  6. stomping geared baddies isnt the issue here I and others I am sure would like to have the opportunity to play ranked wz against meninfull oponents taht arent just queing cause they have to be here to get the gearz.. and they made it to the queue getting welfare from bioware
  7. let me grasp this.. you want the free gear no effet and at the same you don't want a hardcore server where ppl would CHOSE to go of their own free will to something that is a bit harder? I reapeat YOU CAN still play normal server and get ezymode stuff WHY NOT? cause you would feel compelled to go ? burt then couldnt ask free stuff being harcore and all? and .. that would make yu FEEL LIKEsecond GRADE Player? disclaimer ONLY CLICK SPOILER IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME!
  8. kk I dont understand the criticism here, I dont want to get gear to destroy everyone I am arguing for a competitive server with a clear path gearing system. or is it that you would be upset cause you want to play hardcore server for prestige but dont have time? It seems to offer a solution for both casuals and hardcore players at the same time
  9. no the solution 2 or 3 will see ppl like me that want real competition out of your face and yu can still play eZY mode casual everybody wins
  10. the ranked gear with an augment conqueror Valor 80 for elite stuff yes seems fair
  11. Devs, Stop Listening to baddies Implement this BATTLEMASTER GEAR REQ: Valor 50 to buy 60 to wear CURRENCY normal warzone commendation WARHERO GEAR REQ Valor 70 both buy and wear Currency Ranked WZ comm Ranked Warhero Req Valor 80 both to buy and wear same armour a normal warhero but with an empty augment slot CUrrency: a normal war hero ( with its mods intact) piece +ranked commendation OR Implement this on current PVP servers rename them HArdcore servers and free transfer all the ppl (b... herm casuals) that want your 1.2 free for all I personally pick 2 and make a PvP hardcore forum so we can flame each other after WZ Edit Or make 1 hardcore server with free transfer to it any of those 2 I sub again in 17 days
  12. In previous MMo I played (* Aion) ppl complained that their was too much OWPvP so it got nerfed, Then lvling was too hard so it got easier. Then PvP gear was too hard to get and they couldnt compete ""game should be about skillz rant"so they Made the gear easier to get. Sounds familiar? they still left the game for the shiny Swtor . I now kick myself to even have subbed to a game where all the "I dont want to compete to get gear" went in drove I should have known better . I should have realized that they have the numbers that they make the bulk of the comunity here and they have the mass power and influence over develoopment and direction of a game. I have a plea though please stay here, when all ppl who want gear progression have left and in 2 months you guys are bored cause you have all gear and done all there is to do, please do not go to another title and ruin it to. you guys are the locusts of gaming devouring titles faster and faster killing the entire MMO genre. In the hope not to see any of yu again in any comunity this is good bye. 18 days in my sub not gonna bother loging back in
  13. Crap I got owned by a Ptech in full BM Gimme BM so I can compete.. Ho wait I have BM.. NERF EM..! In fact in PvP was balanced I shouldnt lose ever cause I have skillz and equal gear therefore I DEMAND a nerf he went down 30% then he was invisncible *** is it with that, this alone is proof they OP anything not droping after I use my 1.2.3 key mashing combo has either too much mobility or defense or both dunno clearly unfair why is that guy even alowed to run around with an hybrid class its exploiting yu shouldnt be able to run an offensive build with defensive buffs.. fix it nao
  14. I am about to get full BM in 1.2 I am ranked 50 I have already saved 30 WZ comms last week, man I keep buying champion bags with 7 comms it s so hard to get BM. its too much work doing daylies and my RNG is terribad no comms in the dayly I completed last week and maybe I ll have my weekly done bfr 1.2 comes live. I mean poor me I have done like 300 hours loging time since i hit 50 I still dont have champ gear I did like 50 wz in these 300 hours really feels like a grind. Ths is so good now I just wait 1.2 and buy my full BM with last week comms I have saved. I aint wasting my time pvping till 1.2 comes after I finish this weekly. then I ll be so ready to rock up ranked wz. you know being equal gear with others that have more time to play than me. awsome patch bioware keep up the good work
  15. this thread is so un constructive, however we APPRECIATE YOUR FEEDBACK we will now close it incoming soon
  16. Apparently its all about equality in PvP its all free anyone can wear it but they making some orange modable so Pver's are more equal in Pvp cause yu never know they might stilkl get owned even if they get PVP gear.. we wouldnt like them to get owned at equal gear would be so unfair.
  17. this is because 90% of the population have no understanding that people that PvP a lot have a different mindset to them. I will If I have to reenter WZ 100 time in a row for an objective I have set for myself because its going to be a milestone in term of gear, a Pver does 5 10 then goes how fair is it ? this guys fully geared *** destroys me I want his gear beccause its fair fight if I do get the same .But there is noway he is prepared to think ahead and set himself goals towards a particular PVP set up. I am no talking purely gear either, lets say I want a heavy crit surge set up I plan the gear I will need and grind it. the pver will say hey its way too hard unbalanced whatevere but will have made no effort so because there are 90% like him the devs see subs going down and give them what they want..simple Bioware doesnt want a Pvp comunity in this game that *** pwned the Pver's cause they will get overwhelmed and leave this is why BM will Be virtualy free, why expertise is caped as well ..and all ranked requirement removed I have canceled my sub already enjoy the Pve
  18. Jrovak

    Gear requirements

    scrubs will demand a ranking blanket then complain they get owned whine for more gear more nerfs and whatnot Unless its locked somehow it will not work.
  19. try a different spec alltogether and see if one fits your playstyle better. dont be afraid to respec 3 4 times to find something you like. then when yu find something adapt your playstyle to it start thinking in terms of gear what could enhance the strong points of your playstyle. then its experience based
  20. no I want to compete against players that have worked on their set up not some scrub in BM that will get pwned anyway and diminsh the numbers of decent fights. I am playing to be competitive somewhat and y prepared to get owned by better players ( there is always better) hence a req on valor to enter RANKED WZ yu kiddies can waddle in the normal WZ till yu have enuff experience to play with bigboyZ yu can have BM I dont really care as long as you dont waste my PvP quality time till yu at least get valor 60 I'll play with yu then .. is that clear enuff for yu?
  21. lol WTB HArdmode server wihere you cant demand welfare equipment .
  22. k I want a mercedes there is bo reason why I should drive a corrolla while my neighbor has a merc I demand a merc..
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