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Posts posted by scratcha

  1. Honestly, I can understand people who get aggresive when you say such things, since one could interpret that you think that rape is something that just happen to women, ignoring that it also can happen to men (and that is not even rare, but far more of a taboo in society to mention that). So, your claim that it is misogynistic could be seen as you are advocating misandry. I agree it is rude to talk that way, but there are women who do that too, those are not just men, especially in the gaming community it happens often enough. This is a hot button issue, I know, but that goes in both directions, so maybe be more careful yourself when you approach people on the use of that word.


    Because I could not afford college immediately after high school I enlisted in the Marines. I have heard all the words and can recite some of them in multiple languages. I've also been the subject of much of the off-color humor that can be directed at a woman in a male-dominated organization. I'm not complaining, I was forewarned, and though it was often unpleasant, even humiliating, I managed to thrive. Having grown up as the only girl in a family of four siblings probably helped. Nonetheless, I determined I would never place myself in that kind of circumstance again, which probably influenced greatly my decision to pursue a career in collegiate-level education.


    Back when games were entirely text-chat based I didn't have a huge problem with belonging to guilds and mixing it up online -- censors are not a new thing and 13 years ago the F-word had not yet become a requirement for beginning every sentence. However, with the introduction and quasi mandatory use of voice chat the situation has become intolerable.


    I do recognize my intolerance for coarse language and frequent female-directed humor is my problem. I don't currently belong to any guild, which limits my in-game options and overall enjoyment tremendously. But I'm not complaining, I was raised to be a lady and I'm not willing to compromise myself. No blame aimed anywhere, just thought it was important to convey in this particular discourse.


    Free speech is a paramount right, I just wish more people understood that freedoms beckon responsibility of equal import.

  2. that is true. my hopes are that we'll be able to at least change the colors of upholstery, and some of the placement of things. just trying not to expect too much and basically going by the sort of personal touches we can put on our outfits. where you can mix and match and you can dye... but only to an extent.


    If EA/BW does not provide that capability someone in the company should have hot bantha snot shot up his rear ejection port for missing a huge moneymaking opportunity. Just imagine all the furniture texturizer and wallpaint packs that can be added to the CM, not to mention the specific furniture items and décor. :eek:

  3. This would be a reasonable stance if women didn't do it too, in-game and in real life. However, since some of them do, this essentially boils down to a "you don't have ovaries, you're not allowed to use social norms to your advantage.". If you don't like it, you have no choice but to criticize both men and women who use such tactics, in and out of game. I think you will find you'll receive quite a cold reception when you suggest to women that they're not allowed to flirt to influence men favorably.


    FWIW, my main (Vanguard Tank) is female, and I don't play her that way because I don't think of Havoc Squad members as manipulative. If I were playing a female smuggler? I would consider it - it's part of the image.


    I think we shall have to agree to disagree for the most part; though, as a long-time guild leader in another game I certainly do recognize that some women/girls are not above leveraging whatever feminine wiles they possess. I'm not fond of this practice and have never engaged in it, but that's just me. Yet, as a member of the so-called weaker sex in the real world I certainly have used my femininity when I thought it necessary -- call it a sort of real life class balancing. :D


    Look, I recognize the divide in perspective; and it's not only limited to our respective genders. People posting on this issue represent myriad cultures and generations. For myself, I grew up in a very rural part of the northwestern US during the 60s and 70s. As an example of my provincialism, I was well into my late teens before I came to realize it was not somehow taboo for men to get their hair styled and have manicures. Happily, I spent a few years in the military before college, which broadened my perspective considerably. Still, you'll forgive me please when I read about so many men wanting to play females in games wherein they are not also suffering some underlying gender identity crisis. Worse for me, I suspect, my upbringing also imbued me with a powerful sense of morality; meaning, I have never been able to play an evil (or dark-sided) character in any game, and I shall always remain saddled with a negative opinion of players who willfully cheat and scam others. But that is entirely my burden to bear and I will now shut up, lest I be further perceived as proselytizing my obviously narrow point of view. Moreover, I apologize if I've offended anyone.



  4. pissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoanpissandmoan






  5. Funny, over on the ESO forum (a game where a dearth of bank space really is a problem) the OP and subsequent posters would have been flamed immediately for wanting to add an Easy Button to the game or for not being able to prioritize their inventory.


    But, yes, I agree with those wanting additional space. Not only is BW missing a direct income opportunity, but I'd guess limited storage impacts negatively on many players' willingness to spend on Cartel Packs.

  6. MMORPG =Mostly males online roleplaying girls. I am a male i have 5 toons total only one is female , she is a buxom sith maurder :p. Personally don't see anything wrong with players playing a character of the opposite sex


    The following is undoubtedly a troll, but it's based on a long-held belief that has yet to be disproven.


    Lewdly dressed and heavily endowed female avatars are most frequently played by:


    • Misogynistic men;
    • Prepubescent boys;
    • Thirteen-year-old girls; and
    • Forty-something divorcees.

  7. So, from what I've seen, men playing women are more likely to be treated with favoritism while women playing women are either treated neutrally or poorly. Obviously I"m basing that on a tiny sample and it's far from scientific :p


    My observations are also purely anecdotal; however, I posit men playing females in MMOs, as a whole, are treated just as marginally as women playing females in MMOs, the chief difference being that male tolerance for marginalizing behavior is greater than that of women, therefore they will report said behavior less frequently.


    My play style has varied little in the thirteen-plus years I've been doing MMOs -- I converse seldom, stick to business, and don't flirt. I also keep my alts dressed appropriate to their respective in-game missions. Mostly, I have been left alone, but occasionally I've been stalked, have had blatant offers to cyber, and very rarely have been offered gifts to which I invariably decline -- there's no such thing as a free lunch.

  8. I'm a male, and of course I roll female characters!


    The game is so much more fun and cheaper playing girl toons. Just find the "right" men and you pay for nothing.


    I get free cartel packs, power level runs. Millions in free credits. I even got my first Revan's mask from a smitten fellow gamer.


    Say the right words. Flirt. Call them Honey. Give lots of /hugs and kisses. Amazing how simple it is.


    Yes, I've ended up with a stalker or two, but that's when it's really fun to share that I'm a dude.


    I really do hope you're lying for two reasons.


    1. If you're being truthful then you're no better than the worst kind of scammer; and
    2. You're precisely the kind of player who makes MMO'ing more difficult for legitimate female players than is necessary.


    I'm female in real life and choose to play nothing but female characters in games, principally because I identify closely with my characters and doing so with a male alt has never given me any measure of enjoyment. That said, I have nothing particularly against those who roll opposite genders, except in the case of the uniquely reprehensible example given above.

  9. Off topic much?


    This thread has become nothing but a pile rotting horseflesh, kept on life support only by misplaced egos and would-be white knights. Definitely way past time to put this thread out of its misery and move on to some other train wreck of a thread where you can troll and flame one another.


    Some of you people really need to get a grip on reality; SWTOR is only a freaking game, not exactly the kind of thing where rational individuals should be trying to legitimize their life's worth. God almighty, what a sorry lot you are.

  10. I heard it myself, watching gameplay videos on youtube... and in each of the vids it was constant chattering...just no end to it...this was after hearing so much about it on fleet that I got curious and youtube seemed the simplest way to find out without shelling out 1Million just to satisfy curiosity.


    And everyone can argument as much as they want to make it acceptable why we have one in-game, the fact it is here destroyed any logical barrier to not have other 'future' elements brought in. Because there's always some absurd explanation to be found if they want.


    One of my alts started with Treek at level-10 (now 47). I grind grind grind and, yes, Treek was annoying in the beginning. Now, I don't even notice her constant banter.


    I used to live close to a main railroad line. When we first bought the house the constant rail traffic woke me up at night. After awhile I simply became inured to the noise. Same with Treek.


    I've had almost every in-game companion, Treek is among my favorites.

  11. Remember : "Human Imagination is only surpassed by Reality."


    I let Trooperclay's incredulity pass because I figured he didn't understand my reference to "MS" was an acronym for multiple sclerosis, a disease that progressively reduces hand-eye coordination and muscular control, in addition to a number of other fun things.


    Happily, as I've indicated in another thread, I've found other aspects of MMOs to entertain myself. :)

  12. 2 / 10. Nice attempt, but failed mostly.


    Because you assume that if people are more financuially skilled, then you'll get less in-game income ?


    I'm always astonished about wealthy, materialistic oriented people laughing over those who are spiritualy rich. "What do you have ?" they might say, "Nothing !" And then I will answer : "I'm rich on the inside. With that, I can throw away almost anything that I'd need and live as an ascetic one ... My inner richness gives me power for survival ..."


    LOLOLOL ... lighten up, no one is impugning your "spiritual" beliefs, for whatever that means to begin with. Inner richness in a freaking video game .... LOLOLOL ... oh, well, maybe I'm impugning it just a teentsy. :D


    Have a nice day :)

  13. This is an absolutely horrible idea. :D


    My accumulation of wealth is based almost entirely on other players' greed, hair-on-fire need to level rapidly, crafting-is-boring attitude, and their desire to acquire all the cool stuff right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know players eventually catch on to how things work, but such is my confidence in the human condition that I know there will always be a constant stream of new meat.


    I'm also stingy in my spending habits, neat mounts and cool pixelated armors are of little value to me except for selling to others. I'm also an inveterate crafter and grinder, and never gear my alts with more than is necessary. LOL, when I always keep my alts ground to four levels above their current quest line how good does their gear need to be? At the moment I've got four alts, each of which is nearly maxed out with planetary commendations, but this is a bother I can live with :cool:


    I'm likely one of the worst MMO'ers you've ever encountered; I'm so bad I don't even try to group to do stuff because people will only yell at me. My game is completely about achieving wealth -- this is something that started way back in my WoW days, when I figured out how to corner the Hides trade on my server. I finally quit when I reached my gold-carrying capacity on all three of my hunters. Never did do a raid, didn't have great gear, but still felt like I left having "won" the game -- my game, at least. I was going to try this again with Elder Scrolls Online, but for now the economics are too gimped.


    I don't mind that you're encouraging players to become more financially adept, just don't be too aggressive about it please. :p

  14. Just an observation, and I do apologize for being snide, but I can't avoid seeing the irony in a few of the foregoing posts. How on earth can some of you people be so critical of the developers' inattention to detail when the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your own writing is so obviously remiss?


    A game like SWTOR, with literally hundreds of thousands of items is probably something of a management challenge insofar as proofing and copyediting are concerned; and these functions are never given high priority during production in MMOs to begin with. In a perfect world there would be no inconsistencies, but humans do make mistakes, as is so painfully obvious in reading through some of the posts in this thread.


    Come on, folks, there are definitely more significant nits to pick.

  15. My face-palm, or rather head slap occurred on Hutta when I was trying to retrieve a datacron -- that one on the island only reachable by the aerial pipes. Coincidentally, I have retrieved that particular datacron many times before without a problem.


    However, I hadn't played the game in a couple of years and my MS has gotten worse. So on that day I tried continuously for 2-1/2 hours. Finally, I'd had enough, was in tears, utterly frustrated, and had vocally said to myself "this is the last try." Of course, I ran right through it without issue.

  16. More content that can be done solo. Maybe a new companion.


    I'm not very fussy, SWTOR (or any MMO) is not my life; heck, I haven't even logged in for three days because I ordered the complete Patrick O'Brian Aubrey-Maturin series of books from Amazon and have been immersed in them. I'll return to the game in a few more days and will play along until I decide to read something else or finally break down and watch all ten seasons of Grey's Anatomy, which I've thus far resisted.


    SWTOR is a good game; for me, it's as entertaining as most MMOs, but after all is said and done it's just one form of entertainment -- it's just a freaking game and while I'll be pleased with any expansion, I'm not going to get all giggly about it.

  17. True story. They could get a bottle with a genie, make 3 wishes, and find something about each wish to complain about. Welcome to the human condition. :rolleyes:


    (Underline added for emphasis).


    You do comprehend the difference between fact and conjecture, don't you? LOL, sorry, couldn't resist -- I have a low Ohm rating. :D

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