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Posts posted by scratcha

  1. What about those with health conditions that need the assistance, everything they could do to mitigate the issue has been taken from them, they can no longer use max gear to help, companions can't help now either and some of the content is now scaled to 80. 7.0 has taken quite a lot from those types of people and no amount of Learn to Play helps in the slightest.


    That would be me. Back in 2004, when I started playing another MMORPG I was often told that I had mad skills. My cleric was continually sought for difficult instances. But that was then and I've gotten to the point where I can barely keep my hands from bouncing on the keyboard, most days I can't click on the toolbar. Just sorting my inventory can be a real trickshot, let alone trying to keep a good fighting rotation going. Having OP gear and strong companions is my margin of getting by, and taking that away makes the game unmanageable. Frankly, nothing hacks me off more when some hump says "learn the game." It's an uninformed comment to make.

  2. Again if I could tell him to stop, the language early on I could excuse, it wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't so pushy. Or if there were a proper way to shut him down..


    I agree with you; as I said, I don't care for his smarminess either. HOWEVER, this game is on its last legs. Disney has contracted another company to write an open-world Star Wars game, turning their back on EA. 7.0 is clear evidence that BW is preparing to shutter the game -- at best they'll simply milk players until the SW license runs out. In short, BW is not going to rewrite Doc's dialog or bear the expense of hiring a voice actor. Not going to happen.

  3. Think about it ... the game was launched 10 years ago and it's quite possible Doc's dialog was written 12 or more years ago. I'm an octogenarian and can remember when Doc's smarmy language was pretty tame. Doc came along well before Me Too, in a time when his language was still accepted. His attitude rubs me the wrong way, too, but I've heard it all before.
  4. I sense a plot to destroy the swtor ea/bioware order


    While I have thought the same thing, it's a NO.


    In a carrot and stick game, they've merely added a couple feet to the stick.


    Make the game more difficult by nerfing companions, removing accessories, and screwing up armor. Make attaining armor much more difficult.


    The strategy is to fool us into thinking the game has more substance when, in truth, it has little to none. BW's intent is to milk its players while not adding to the game (read: not spending money).


    It's a rather duplicitous and dare I say because they've stolen things players have paid for, it's pretty damned nefarious. At very least, their ploy is sneaky and underhanded.

  5. I have an honest question for you:

    what kind of content are you doing that you wouldnt do without a companion? Only thing I can think of is a flashpoint that you enter without group and need a healer companion?

    Otherwise, how is the companion so important for you? Did you try to look up for a class rotation or, at least, a combo of skills, and apply it?

    Originally the companions were just s small help. I think lot of crafters and people who dont want to learn anything about the class or learn to move got too comfy with easy dailies heroics and constant nerfing of mobs and missions. That's not normal. But maybe Im wrong


    You are so fortunate to be such a stellar player with mad skills and superior knowledge of the game's mechanics.


    I'm not. My total knowledge of the classes I play comes from studious research of the top online guides. Granted, my 80-year-old arthritic hands and severe essential tremor hinder my rotation and, as such, there is no freaking way in hell that my i306 gold-geared character can handle four npcs or two mini-bosses without a companion. I use gold stims and medpacs -- still not enough. I envy you.

  6. Agree with the aforementioned, but it's not only that BW have decided to screw over their non-raider and non-pvp player base. They also decided to steal from us.


    I'm an admittedly horrible player and I've gone out of my way to make the game manageable. One of my tactics was to work through the horrible Amplifier RNG to up my Presence to 250. I'm a compulsive crafter and an awful lot of my gtn profits (many many millions) went to fine tuning my Amplifiers. 7.0 took all that away. It was blatant theft. Worse, it has made much of the game largely unplayable for me.

  7. At first glance this seems like a trivial issue not worthy of complaint. But it's about BW stealing from us.


    I loved my Trooper, but I hated the sewer pipe hanging on her back; so, I went to the CM and bought a more reasonably sized cannon -- about a month ago, before I'd gotten into reading the forum. Upon reaching level-75 I went to the GTN and purchased applicable item modifications. In all, it was a most expensive proposition that BW is denying me.


    Now, some hump will come along and say it's only temporary --- 2-3 months (or more, knowing these devs), but given the amount of time I spend on an alt each day, 2-3 months is a lifetime. In any jurisdiction in the US denial of purchased goods or services is a crime. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that BW technically owns all content, but in principal they have committed theft -- more so when they continued selling items on the CM when they knew full well those items would become worthless. Any reasonable business would have posted a warning on the CM, but BW are obviously not reasonable.


    It's not a small matter.

  8. I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


    People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

    People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

    People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


    All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


    Don't disagree, but this would let BW off the hook too easily. They also need to ungimp companions.


    Easiest path for BW is simply fessing up to a wretched effort and rolling the game back to pre-7.0. Let's face it, the lights will be turned off in about a year -- at least make it a healthy, fun last year.

  9. Most cost effective approach to fixing all the problems is rolling back to pre-7.0. Period.


    The player community was most vocal in warning of the train wreck.


    I quit my subscription, but wanting to give the devs benefit of the doubt I ponied up for one more month.


    But the truth is, I feel profoundly betrayed by SWTOR because:


    1. By gimping companions you literally stole from me, negating the huge effort I made to gather credits for gold amplifiers, and all that time required to acquire legendary legacy. Shame the on you.


    2. Screwing with armor and accessories that I similarly spent too much time earning credits to acquire it.


    3. My skills are severely hampered because of physical handicaps and, because you decided to tailor the game for highly skilled players, you quite literally screwed people in my circumstance.


    4. Since 2011 I've spent generously on weapons and armor -- all currently rendered mostly worthless. More theft from players.


    You've got 27 days (my remaining sub time) to fix this 7.0 abortion. And please do not bring up respect -- you disrespected your player base utterly. You owe us a prompt remedy and one HUGE apology.

  10. Haven't read the forum in a few days because with 7.0 I've quit caring.


    Haven't logged into the game since Feb 15 because I totally dislike the changes and deeply resent that so much expensive stuff was stolen from me.


    Probably my last post here because, as I said, I've quit caring. That's likely the harshest indictment of 7.0 -- I'm beyond angry, beyond mourning what used to be an okay game. Now, I simply don't care.


    Resubscribing to ESO because those guys at least know what an expansion is.

  11. OMG, the entitlement in this thread...


    Most of you complainers treat this like a job. It's not. This is a game you play for fun. Period.


    Uh, yeah, that would be the point of 99% of complaints -- said complainants want to have fun, not get stuck in yet another repetitive, tedious, job-like gear grind. I'd also harken that having gear stripped away (read: stolen) is absolutely not fun.


    In my particular case -- owing to serious physical challenges -- I'm a casual player quite limited to easier game features. I've crafted my butt off so I could afford equipment on my alts that makes the game manageable. With 7.0 much of that effort is being made fruitless. I've also played through all eight classes to achieve the Legacy perks that make the game more playable (even though I really disliked some of those classes/stories). By stripping away my gear and EXPENSIVE fine-tuned RNG amplifiers 7.0 is spitting in my face for having done that. NOT FUN. Moreover, BW has committed the ultimate disrespect by saying my casual-player subscription money and time are not as good as raider-players' subscription money and time.


    I'll quote a line from the movie Avatar: They're just p1ssing on us without even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain.

  12. Ideally, the sunset of this game will be it getting token maintenance long into the future, or it will get turned into something people can do with co-op or offline, but you never know with EA what they will pull. They aren't exactly compelled by ethics.


    It's funny, a few days ago I suggested BW were minimizing the expansion and cutting features as a means of slashing expenses -- this resulting from Disney shunning EA in favor of UbiSoft owing to the latter's ability to produce an open world, next generation Star Wars milieu. One individual compared my supposition to Qanon conspiracy mongering.


    I'm still inclined to believe putting off the initial 7.0 launch and subsequent making 7.0 more of a contraction than expansion has a fair amount to do with EA telling BW to slash overhead. In near future, we're likely to see the game being quietly place on autopilot as BW staff are laid off or redirected to other projects. Sunsetting, yes, but EA will want to milk the diehards until the bitter end.

  13. No, only those that pay for a subscription to the game are getting it, so it's not free. If it was available to everyone that has access to the servers, then preferred and free to play customers would also be given access to the content. So, it is not free in any way, not even technically.


    Sadly, all the worst parts of this so-called expansion are free.

  14. A number of people have speculated that BW is purposely sabotaging SWTOR with the 7.0 abomination.


    In that vein, with Disney shunning EA in favor of Ubisoft's open world Star Wars project, I wonder if EA hasn't given BW marching orders to slash overhead, in order to milk players for revenue until they shutter SWTOR around 2023.


    Seems like the most plausible explanation for rolling out such a dismal, low-ball expansion that is more about eliminating than adding content.

  15. Do you think 100 Credits is a fair compensation for the tacticals taken?

    shouldn´t you at least pay the 1000000 Credits cost?


    Tacticals are bad enough, but consider them stripping away Amplifiers that we've spent millions to fine tune. What about the Mods paid for, or all CM armor shells rendered largely useless except for appearance.


    I get that BW "owns" the content in one respect, but there's all the bits and pieces that we've thrown away hundreds of hours to acquire. This is utterly outrageous, even criminal.


    Moreover, as a strictly solo player -- encouraged as such by 6.0 -- I feel violated by the upcoming 7.0. Having put my head down (with unlikable classes) to acquire Legendary Legacy status and the resulting perks, all that effort is being rendered largely worthless as BW nerfs other features. I have cancelled my sub as a result, as are my daughter and son-in-law. And while I would not wish ill upon remaining players, there is a part of me that hopes SWTOR will crash and burn.


    Whatever BW decisionmaker came up with the 7.0 scheme should have flaming hydraulic fluid forced at high pressure into his posterior ejection mechanism.

  16. After all the stuff removal in 7.0, playing this game feels more akin to being a sharecropper.


    Bioware want our continued sub money for little return on something we've already paid for, while simultaneously sending a distinct message that we should get off the property or put up with them removing items we've already bought.


    My sub runs out in two weeks; highly doubt I'll continue after learning more about 7.0.

  17. Was anyone here playing the ORIGINAL Guild Wars when it was placed on minimal life support, with all customer support automated, if available at all? The game was there (is still there), but it feels dead. There continue to be "events" and anniversaries, but everything has been automated. Like I said, there's a very dead quality to everything and these days it's quite rare to encounter another live player.


    Even though SWTOR is far from dead, with such a lackluster so-called expansion created by an unenthused skeleton crew, I cannot help but feel SWTOR is on the same Guild Wars trajectory -- everything increasingly repetitive and little to no life support. It's as though EA is moving to completely reduce development costs and cut maintenance to nothing.


    Maybe I'm all wrong, but having gone through this with another favorite game, I'm having deja vu. Nothing lasts forever, I guess. Hate feeling this way because today, for the first time in a couple months, I didn't bother to log in.

  18. Due to age and a number of physical challenges many of the jumping-puzzle datacrons are inaccessible. I'm sure I'm not the only player in this circumstance. In my case, I'm also a completionist and I've spent literally 3-4 hours on one datacron trying to make the jumps. It's simply not possible. I'm certainly not looking for a free ride -- see my recommendation.


    Recommend datacrons be made accessible; for instance, 100% completion of a planet per the Legacy indicators.

  19. Hey. ... .


    I've been fretting about a game I generally enjoy immensely, and while I'm a bit concerned about 7.0's impact on me, I'll certainly hang in there. I generally don't care for melee, so my first 8 characters included only a Jugg and Knight. Now, I'm playing a Consular Shadow and Inquisitor Assassin; and despite them being melee they're quite possibly my favorite characters.


    Because of my stress issue it's a real joy to stealth around everywhere. I'm more at ease exploring everything and I don't have to worry about fighting my way every few feet. Heroics are also a lot easier. My Shadow and Assassin destroy everything so comprehensively I guess I'm worrying too much about 7.0 -- even if fights take a bit longer, it will still be eminently doable.


    Thank you, everyone, for your input and encouragement!

  20. As an old timer, I'd have to say that clicking a mouse button to activate a skill, isn't very stressful - unless, of course, you're using some sort of $5 Walmart mouse that requires brute force. Get yourself a good, sensitive, Logitech (or similar) mouse and a good mousing surface.


    Also, spend some time arranging:

    - the speed of the mouse so you don't overshoot the skillbars.

    - the size of the skillbars, to reduce overshoot.

    - the placement of the skills to reduce mouse travel distance.


    I have used Razer mice, keyboards, and Tartaruses for over a decade. I like them because they are almost infinitely customizable. Though I was never a programmer, I was able to suss out Synapse 1.0/2.0/3.0 to great advantage. Moreover, my UI is arranged to help compensate. That said, despite heavy meds to stem the tremor, and devices like specially weighted tableware, I'm still challenged to get a spoon of food in my mouth, and my signature is an unpredictable Picasso scribble gone wild. Stressed, I cannot type as my fingers will bounce all over the keyboard.


    Now, I'm not complaining -- old age and its baggage are facts of life. Notwithstanding, it still hacks me off when developers make playing their games more difficult for no specified reason. I'll likely continue playing SWTOR because I'm enthralled by the theme, but I think for many of us we'll be returning to a time when more challenging game aspects will be denied to us because we either can't do them or the innate fear that often toxic groups will deride us for sucking at the game.

  21. My main beef is why in the heck would anyone want to walk up on a story's principal antagonist and have a protracted -- largely pointless -- conversation before squaring off and fighting to the death. This occurs EVERY freaking time and it's ridiculous, particularly for gunslingers, snipers, and bounty hunters who'd have no pause in gunning the SOB down from a distance. This pattern is absurd and brain-numbing predictable.
  22. Aside from being an old f@rt, I've got some serious physical issues that make playing this game almost impossible.


    First, with rheumatoid arthritis and an advanced tremor, mashing buttons on a toolbar is pretty tough. Worse, because of strokes I stress easily, which makes the tremors more pronounced. As a result I seldom do group events or PvP. Mostly, I do the story quests solo, in addition to some Heroics and the easier Flashpoints (again solo).


    Back in 2011 I couldn't do any of this and quit after six months. I've come back a few times, but it was too hard and certainly not enjoyable.


    Little over a month ago I returned and paid to have my character at 70, but still worked through the class and planetary stories. With good gear and being over leveled the game has been enjoyable such that I'm on 12-15 hours a day and have my legacy to Legend. All the Legacy perks have been a blessing, too.


    Here's the problem -- on February 15th the game will strip away my sets, mods, and amplifiers. And as a solo player I can only look forward to inferior gear for a long time. I'll lose much of my advantage and I'm not sure I'll be able to get through Chapter 4 and above on my characters. This is a potential game-stopper for me.


    (I'm sorry this is so lengthy, but I needed to explain my circumstances.) Am I over-stating the potential problem, or should I really be concerned?

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