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Posts posted by Mrip

  1. Nothing relating to champion bags is listed in the patch notes. Either you can't read (since the guy above us just said the same thing) or you're a terrible troll.


    Check the 1.1.2 patch notes in the ptr forum. There's even a 13-page thread on the issue.


    This change has not yet been implemented.

  2. I have a 7970. I have issues but I don't know if it is the card or just the game. I get stuttering, fps drops and generally not smooth game play at all. I have a 2500k and 8gb memory so that's not the issue. The issues are confined to this game only. I can run BF3 on ultra and it's nice and smooth.
  3. Last night I soloed the Gault fight on Tatooine at 26, killing the 28 elite with his strong silver robot "pet". For some reason I felt like a boss but I'm betting that's how it was designed. I died twice. It was the first time I've legit died in battle all game (excluding pvp). I was thinking, FINALLY a real fight. Good times. Maybe I should just start doing all the quests 2 levels early.
  4. I'm sure having a quad core would help. Turn on your resource monitor and check out your cpu usage. I bet it's pegged to the top.


    You might be able to pop a core 2 quad in that board with or even without a bios flash. You could probably pick up a used Q6600 for about $100 and overclock it quite a bit. Or you'll need a new board, chip and memory if you want to upgrade to a 2500k which you could overclock easily to 4ghz+.

  5. My server is occupied. Has pretty much steady around the clock numbers lots of oceanic players so I have pretty good idea of what my normal perfomance is like. I really didn't have an FPS issue in the fleet before in that it wouldn't go way way down like some people but I have noticed an improvement. I've been running back and forth through crowds of people standing around and on average getting around 70fps. Before with this number of people it would dip down to 50. I'm even seeing FPS of 110+ which while quite common on planets I barely ever saw happen in the fleet.


    They've definititly tweaked something for the better. Hopefully it will be a bit better for most people, especially those who have been having major issues.



    I have a HD 7970, a 2500k@4.4, 8gigs of memory and a SSD. On fleet my fps can drop into the 20s if there are a lot of people around. What kind of rig do you have that you average 70+ ????!?!?!

  6. See, there's this thing in the working world called 'work ethic'. When you are paid to be working, you work; you've sold your time, now do your job.


    Seriously, why do grown adults act like highschoolers and post on forums / play games when they're supposed to be working? The lack of maturity in some people confounds the mind.


    I've worked in a few large companies and maybe a total of 3 people actually worked all day.

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