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Posts posted by Mrip

  1. At the summit they mentioned that they were doing things to address afk'ing. They also mentioned that they were limiting the medals to 4 in 1.1.5 and would be increasing that number in 1.2 as part of their anti-afk and participation incentive efforts. However, they mentioned nothing about what limiting the medals to 4 would do to WZs between 1.1.5 and 1.2. I enjoy warzones and am worried that the devs have basically flushed this period down the drain.
  2. Gross exaggeration really does absolutely nothing to help your cause.


    Do you honestly think that anyone believes this?


    Not really, but I feel better.

  3. Huttball against 4 or more sorcs is the dumbest thing ever. 3 is really all it takes. Spawn...Slowed...70% health...45 lightning bolts....dead... sorc already on the other side of the map. Repeat.


    Good thing it only happens 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time there are at least 4 mercs. /wrists

  4. Buy the less expensive champion pieces and work your way up. Buy the Centurion weapons first and work your way down in cost.


    Starting with the least expensive champion pieces and most expensive centurion pieces you minimize the chance of buying a pricey champion item only to get the token in your next bag. Basically you'll minimize wasted commendations.

  5. It contributes to your already astounding one-button-spam playstyle, i.e. Tracer Missile hits even more accurate.


    But it doesn't though. Tracer missile is a special attack that has a base 100% accuracy.


    Needing to buy 2 sets of gear is some bs.

  6. All of the DPS Merc champion and centurion gear is loaded with accuracy, but as far as I know it's basically useless in pvp. If I switch out the my orange lvl49 gear for centurion gear I lose a lot of stats. I don't understand why purple level 50 pvp gear is worse than my lvl 49 orange pve gear.
  7. are you serious? guarding and healers should be out of the game for cheating? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


    I didn't mean it should be out of the game. I was just pointing out the huge advantage a dps gets from having a dedicated guard and/or healer(s).

  8. jetboost is close ranged... and you are a ranged class, healer is too...


    also rocket punch is ONLY KNOCKBACK WHEN SPECED


    I suggest using talented rocket punch. Spam tracer. Dart. Run at the healer while using instants. Sit on their face. ???. Profit.



    Actually you probably need a 2nd person to help kill them.

  9. *Hits pass button*

    *Moves cursor over ally*


    *Clicks, nothing happens because stunned*

    *Hits pass button, nothing happens because stunned*

    *Hits pass button, nothing happens because stunned*

    *Hits pass button, nothing happens because stunned*

    *Hits pass button*

    *Moves cursor over ally, clicks*


    *Since clicked, ball throws anyways, ball is thrown to different area*

    "That was the worst pass in Frogdog team history. Really, REALLY bad!"


    THIS. Or, stunned until dead.

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