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Posts posted by Mrip

  1. What happens with the champ and bm commendations in 1.2? I know that we will be able to buy the new gear with warzone commendations but can I bank champion commendations now and buy the new gear with them? I'm just trying to figure out which currencies are worth banking for 1.2. Thanks!
  2. In a recent huttball match I jumped out of the spawn and noticed I wasn't moving quite as fast. I looked at my character and I was crouched and had the stealth effect. I'm a merc and don't have a stealth ability. It only lasted a couple seconds and I've never seen it again. How is that possible? Am I going crazy?
  3. Announced 1.7 million subs

    Released game in Asia

    Announced that game has 1.7 million subs


    US+EU subs (the most profitable ones) dropping, which would explain the decreasing server pop.


    Am I missing something?

  4. And I hope you realize that a merc that goes any spec will not have these abilities as they are powertech only abilities.



    Right, I'm just saying that pyro doesn't really work for mercs so they have to go tracer missile. People dump on arsenal mercs but don't realize that pyro really doesn't work for them.

  5. Honestly i love the TM missle spammers.


    Start casting - I electro dart

    they start casting again Quell.....they stand there for 4 secs or auto attack, usually i get jet boosted.

    3rd cast attempt - Grapple

    i might get rocket punch knocked back or an electrodart to give them time to get some distance.

    4th cast im out of stun- Jet charge, if playing shieldtech hybrid. By this time quell is back up.

    And all of this time im flamebursting railshoting and rocketpunching their face in. All uninterruptable.

    My flameburst are around 2k crit with a semi significant dot equivalating (pyrospecd) more over all dmg than a basic non 5 heat sig TM.

    I think that Im the broken one.


    I SWEAR, the main reason people notice the TM spamming is because of the unique annoying *** noise it makes. Otherwise people wouldnt notice it. The main abilites i notice in games are TM, FL, and Voltic slash b/c of the unique noises and animations they make and thats why those abilities are picked out and called out as being "spammed"


    If u see a TM spammer just interupt them.. Game over they lose. They can do very little against your ability to dmg them, but you can do a whole lot against their ability to dmg you.


    You do realize that a merc who goes pyro won't have jet charge, quell, or flame burst and their rail shot does a lot less damage...

  6. I think people overlook the difference bwtween merc and powertech pyro. The powertech version is significantly more powerful.


    I'm a merc and switched to pyro for a bit and loved the mobility. I also did more damage. BUT, that damage is more even so it's a lot harder to actually kill people. Easier to get away, yes. Easier to kite people, yes. I'd be topping the damage charts but be way behind on kills. When I switched back to arsenal my kills went back up and my win % went up as well. Being able to just blow people up is great. You can get a burst with pyro but it's like a 35-40% health burst and then nothing. They heal, they get a second bubble, their friend comes along, whatever.

  7. BW said that battlemaster gear will be available for warzone commendations. Will mercenary comms have any value? Can they also be used to buy battlmaster gear?


    I'm basically wondering if there's any reason for me to bank 1000 mercenary comms before 1.2 hits.

  8. I have a question on Unload and Alacrity; I am assuming that Unload has a base total damage spread evenly over 3 seconds. Does that mean that Unload hits harder per second if the channel time is shorter due to Alacrity?


    The ticks of damage are closer together but each tick hits for the same amount.



    I just switched from Arsenal to Pyro and my effectiveness has shot through the roof, except when facing healers.

  9. No, Mr. tinfoil hat.


    What the OP describes is simply a late rendering of the flames, so they appear to be still off, when they just went on and vice versa. This is caused by bad latency or unsufficient specs and I experienced it on both ends.


    I don't know about speedhackers - maybe they get one tick, maybe they don't - but this is clearly not what went on in the above scenario. Apart from that there is no exploit, that I know off (and I check up on those boards frequently to know my enemy!).


    I know for a fact that there is an exploit. This here might be late rendering, or it could be the exploit.

  10. Just got a response from a live GM in game. He asked the approximate time i made my purchase and said they would be going through the logs to try and help me out. I did not expect to actually get to talk to some one lol. Bravo BW


    Also am i smoking crack i swear i visited the "Reclaimation Officer" where you could buy back your old preorder crystal and he was the one with the new ones. But he only has the old 4 endurance one now. Did they hot patch them out?


    White crystals were a limited supply. Something like 30 of each type.

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