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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. I think the "Yoda" option was, playable race.


    Amusing, but I think that's pretty much the only thing (aside from stealth, it's really easy to detect) that I don't agree with.


    Go go EA, use brains and make this happen.

  2. Pfft Please.


    I played Medic in SWG, by the time the game was ending... my HEALER could tank ISD solo or support an entire group whilst letting them suffer the agro.


    In Rift, I grew to love Chrolomancer, Aka the healer mage that uses dps to heal (along with some standard clicky party member heals too).


    Infact, the only MMO I played where my main was *not* a healer was Lineage II, where I played a Spellhowler - where an Elves DPS met the Human's Necromancer, forming the perfect combination of Survivability in PvE with DPS in groups and PvP. Fit me like a Glove.

    But naturally, my main alt was a Human Healer (aka, the best health healer in the game) and my 3rd character was an Elf Healer which could heal Mana and Health... the remainder were tanks and other mage types.


    My alts in these games were typically Tanks. As standard. DPS classes are the only ones that are never needed. Even when it's a DPS race, guess what? Healers can dps too... screw the DPS classes, PvE can be done 99% of the time without 'em.


    In PvP if I had to choose a class to remove, it'd be the DPS. Sure, it'd get slow because either the DPS isn't enough or the target is healed too much... but then ToR's tanks have ample DPS to take on healers from what I've seen... and Healers are typically DPS/Heal hybrids by nature. So no need for DPS classes.


    All MMO's need Tanks and someone to keep them alive. Otherwise it wouldn't be a multiplayer game. Someone always takes the Agro and someone always backs them up. Anything else is just gravy on the side.

  3. A simple solution is this : Level lock the chests.


    I should be allowed to fly to any planet, under any circumstance.


    Granted, a fair portion of those would get me shot at and chased by the other faction, but the point still stands.


    Simply lock the level to 4 levels below the recommended and boom. Credit farmers will have to grind.

  4. Several things need to be changed, about all proffessions in this game when it comes to weapons and what we are allowed to actually get our hands onto and actually blast, slash and maim with.


    Trooper :

    - Pistols: In all quest cutscenes with the trooper, not once has my Vanguard ever actually used her Rifle to threaten, shoot or kill with. Infact, the entire time she has used a pistol - which in all respect, is way more officer material than a rifle - so why not?

    - Rifles: Remove the penalisation of the Commando using a Rifle, they use rifles to begin with... how the heck did they forget once they got the shiney death machine?


    Bounter-Hunter :

    - Scattergun or Knife (and/or) : The tanking type of bounty hunter should be allowed to put a knife in their hands if they so wish, or a scatter gun. Instead of limiting them with a Pistol and-or Generator.

    - Rifles/Sniper: The Cutscenes may all be pistols, as are the cinematics, but Bounty hunters used any weapon they could grab onto, why can't they use what they want?


    Sith/Jedi :

    - Lightsabers : Both sides of the force are trained to use all melee weapons, both single and double ended. Yet they are forced to use only one type and if they dare use another, become penalised. I'm sorry, but anyone who is actually as well trained and powerful as a force user that has reach master/lord status - can and will be able to use any weapon at any point.

    This applies to all melee weapons currently in game, uncluding knives for extra Non-force dps (although Jedi/Sith friendly versions should be avaiable).



    - Pistols: I may not have played Agent long enough to find out, but an Imperial Agent would be more than able to use a blaster Pistol if they start the game with a Blaster Rifle, so why can't they?



    - Rifles: I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but Vette, the Sith Warrior's companion and most arguably the most smuggler-ish companion you can get after Andronikos can use Blaster Rifles... and since Smugglers are just civilians using any weapon they can get ahold of, why wouldn't they use a rifle if one was on hand?


    Anyways, I've said my part. If I had it my way, the only exclusive weapons would be the Heavy/Assault cannons for BH/Trooper... otherwise, any other weapon should be fair game. (Aside from melee/ranged cross over, naturally).

  5. I freaking loved the whole chapter 2 end battle.



    Although my poor kitty was out of commision!! - serves the idiot right for disobeying my orders




    My only regret was not bringing a friend along to enjoy a truely starwarsy and epic fight.

  6. I'm pretty much in agreeance with the above posting.


    Keep *them* mobile and interupted. Anything you see with a green symbol, send them flying. Interupt. Keep them ticked off and unbalanced. Use a shield generator and the tank buff, you'll be fine.


    If you can't, or won't... use stealth to your advantage, in combat stealthing and using the *I think* blackout ability followed by sprinting behind, unload... perfect midfight tactic, providing no DOT's are on you.

  7. Hey, I got an idea.


    Remove the freaking locks on Lightsabre and melee weapons.


    All Jedi (and I'll assume Sith too) are trained to use any and all melee weapons before they rise up in the ranks and are granted the stereotypical single-bladed lightsaber.


    Unlock the requirements.


    Also, let troopers use pistols... she has one in every cutscene, why can't I use one?!


    Maybe I'll make my own thread, hm.

  8. I'm curious if this will work for companions too, if so... the Belsavis slave collar (aka prisoner headgear) will be going on numerous of my companions, at least on the Imperial side.
  9. SWG and Rift had this ability from the start, or at least, ever since the day(s) I played it.


    It's strange that ToR is sold as an MMO, but lacks basic MMO tools like the guild mail.


    All you guys had to do was add a button for guild leaders and members with permission to mail the guild... that disabled sending items; boom. Done. Simple.

  10. They replaced a SANDBOX MMO of Starwars with a Singleplayer LINEAR Starwars game with Multiplayer functions.


    Instead of EA buying out SoE and hosting SWG alongside with ToR, they just kicked it out and likely paid off SoE to not release the code. (Lucas, not EA)


    MMO's need to have Sandbox features... Starwars, although dated, made huge... and I mean huge, steps forward.


    Player housing, the ability to decorate housing perfectly.

    Ships, again that you could decorate.

    Planets that, although not really that big, took half an hour to speed one end to another; walking took literally hours.


    Although the plots are great, the combat system - spot on. This is still basically a singleplayer game.

    It feels like Diablo 2 did... you can finish the game alone, but sometimes... you might want a *little* company.


    and if you want epic 15+ people fighting, guess what... Rift has that covered and then some.


    ToR, you really need to Sandbox up or you'll continue to lose subs.

    (Massive hint: Buyout SoE and launch SWG!, I'll even freaking sub to it!)

  11. Being a pvp server, have you considered leveling by pvp'ing in warzones? I understand even Huttball can get boring, but it should still be an option.
  12. For starters "Havoc Squad" is copyrighted to BioWare, and we wanted to set ourselves apart from the 40+ "Havoc Squad" guilds in SWTOR. Those who do not know Alpha Company was created back in SWG, almost 9 years ago, we wanted to carry on that legacy here.




    You mean "Acoy" From Valcyn? The-Acoy?


    I erm, served... for a brief time, alas, I moved on from Valcyn to TCPrime when it came out... I still have fond memories of the guild. Nice to see it didn't die, only moved.

  13. I seemed to have little issue as a Vanguard... but as a DPS, I would suit out my Tanking and Healing companion(s) over my dps ones, since I'm the DPS.


    Upgrade Tanno by doing the Maelstrom a few times, get him geared with the drops and buy the Quesh tanking mods that the planets only good for.


    If that isn't for you, then yeah... a guild member or friend is the only other real choice.

  14. SWG had it down to a 'tee' - to a point. Of course, alot of servers were subject to one faction being amazing and the other just a straggling bunch of outnumbered idiots. - with rare times the lesser number being composed of elitists, which made for interesting pvp.


    Before Restuss, especially, pvp was spntanious. Mos Eisley especially, was funny to watch groups of people just flag randomly and boom. Suddenly it was fun. I remember chasing down a spy before experitse was added... 40 minutes of hide 'n seek, without the stress of organising anything.


    Restuss then was added, years later... Bestine and two other cities became attack/defend pvp places for currency-rewarding pvp and pve (flagging to kill players was optional!!)... and we also had some fixed warzone-ish like system as well, which awarded different items etc.


    Open world pvp can and will have those who camp, pick on low levels... all games have that kind of thing. The fix would be simple. Anyone who flags is buffed to level 49 against players (but kept their level against mobs, no idea how that'd work).


    Anyways, short story - the thrills of open world pvp cannot be found in fixed locations that you can only get to by lining up and waiting. Doing the same thing over and over. World pvp has the advantage of being potentially different every time.

  15. I've found playing a DPS Bounty hunter and a Tank Trooper have the same level of consumption in terms of abilities when firing... which seems really, really strange.


    I was led to believe that Trooper/BH were mirror classes, yet, they feel completely different.


    My trooper's Ammo consumption was only made barable when I started taking the boxes that gave ammo back, reduced costs in certain things.

    My Bounty hunter on the other hand; I can use the over-height ability which reduces way WAY more than 3 Ammo gained; so from the off-beat my ability to fire more attacks is noticable.


    Maybe it's just my playstyle, but from my point of view - the Non-tanking Trooper needs a review on their ammo consumption abilities - or have boxes changed to include reductions etc like the Tank Trooper.

  16. Strange, I've defeated him whilst he was shielded... but I've done this quest 3 times. The other two times, I instictively ran to the polar opposite terminal to him and clicked it - which then debuffs him for (I'm thinking 60sec) and take him down rapidly.


    One work around, for other quests, is to wait 10 minutes; stay inside... but wait 10 minutes.

    Some day log out, if you're going to do that... switch to an alt and pvp. Then log back in, whilst remaining inside the instance.

    Leaving the instance, only invites the bug to return.

  17. ^ Nice. Just glad I've already done that part with my Trooper... otherwise that's a lovely spoiler you didn't tag.


    As a Female trooper, the quest is simply a "Girl's night out" with no rewards, to to speak of. But you do get to meet a few other officers and get drunk. So for a laugh and giggle, it was worth the trip to Coruscant.


    Since it's been spoiled.




    I would have liked to have Jaxo join the crew, but that trap you end up falling into was basically to break any ties you may have forged with Jaxo - either in death, or the loss of her sanity. I kinda wished I was darksided with my trooper, would have been *awesom* to have seen how mentally damaged she would have become.



  18. Seems strange that I must first grind to a certain legacy level, to then unlock the privilage to buy something.


    One legacy level should = one legacy point.

    Points = buy perks.


    Not this credit system, not all of us are level 50's who powergrinded all the way then exploited credits. Way to many creditsinks in this game, Way to many.

  19. I share your pain. For over three weeks, the PTS (which is kept online during no testing times as well!) has been broken with the Evasion 'bug'.


    Numerous threads and replies like this randomly placed and nothing.


    So I'm struck down in any normal gameplay on my chosen server; my only choice is to either play on live or farm flashpoints (which are currently the only place NPC's don't auto reset if melee).


    So I'm all for people complaining in a fair manner to get what they need or want fixing.

  20. Apologies for the double post.


    But, we are still waiting.


    I'm told my latest ticket has been elevated - but I've yet to actually get any definitive answers from anyone as to why this as yet to be fixed.

    When it could be fixed.

    and another why, why are you ignoring paying customers?


    PTS's population has gone from 20-50 a side down to 5 a side at 'prime time'... sometimes I'm the only one online during 'prime hours'.

  21. I wonder if they'll fix the PTS before they update it with 1.3... we are still waiting to be able to play normally, thus allowing us to level up and be 50 for when it hits.


    Not happening.


    Please, Fix your testing server before you patch it. Otherwise, in all likelyhood, the issue will affect the 1.3 testing and you'll go from 100 angry people to several hundred angry people.

  22. Since I don't have a 50, yet, my understanding is that PvP is fair and fun until you hit 50.


    Unlike SWG, where gear was relatively cheap and easy to get; only a few items had minor boosts some deemed unfair; Tor adapts a Rift-like system that I'm sure also applies to WoW.


    But, ToR doesn't bundle ranks up together - they just bunch you all into one instance. Meaning a maxed out PvP'er joining 15 other people who are barely geared, will utterly dominate the side they are not on.


    For the slower to level, for the casual pvp'er... for those who don't actually have time to pvp for the entire time on the game and actually enjoy the plot and side lines of alts; it is game breaking.


    Only two ways to make things right.


    One: Easy mode for gear. Simple as.

    Two: Splinter the well-off from the not-so-well off.


    and the only way to splinter the better off PvP'ers is to outright ban certain items or mods to enter the 'casual' level 50 pvp - enabling an equal playing field, leaving only skill to gain advantage.

    ... and as a casual pvp'er who comes out top in several stats more often than not, Equal playing fields are more fun than stacked.

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