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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. I'm currently looking for a "traditional demicot robe/top" it's, as far as I know, the only "half top" that a Republic Jedi can ware - period. Not only that, but it also includes a hood... like several of the Sith counterpart items.


    The fashion site I've looked over only says that level 32-4 boxes contain them, but it also says that only Synthweavers can make the item... so which skill, if any, should I spam to attempt to get this schematic? or item?


    Could really use the info! thanks!

  2. It shouldn't cost anything, at all, for the removal or for adding anything to items - we - ourselves, create.


    ME, or MY crewmember are MAKING it OURSELVES. US. Not an NPC from Tattooine... NOT some douche I met on the fleet, my own crew - who work for me - who help me - who are my SLAVES. (Sith side's so much fun)


    So, who exactly is getting the money for ripping mods, when the player *personally* does that part? The item is made, the mod is in hand, or in the item... who's getting the coin?


    Adding in sinks, so that we the playerbase will grind is fine. BUT - making anything and everything in the game cost money, a substantial amount at that, only brings boring grinding for boring grinding sake. You'll not find me spending 6 hours a day in the blackhole with 8 level 50's going in doing their respective daily missions... only to net around 1mill a day, so that I can then proceed to waste that money on changing mods, buying new suits and implimenting additional augments to said item.


    It's just not for me, 6 hours of SWG... I never spent more than 2 hours at anytime fighting... I spent more time moving around, socialising and spreading my hard-earned credits to *other people*... not some space pixie that we never see.

  3. Aye, the ability to actually work towards switching sides is a fun concept; would also reduce people's requirement to grind a miruluka to 50 and make a 2nd alt that would be Imperial :p


    Naturally, that would apply to all one-sided aliens.


    It would also be quite do-able, since all the classes, for now, are pretty much perfect mirrors.

  4. The point is is that your missing the point. These transfers were simply to make populations dense and they dont want anyone playing on the now super-dead servers. those people will be like "*** where is every1 no1 plays this game". the emails are to combat that.


    Expanded transfers are coming, and more character slots are also likely to come.


    More slots to come, yeah... should have been inclusive with the transfer service starting up, if that was the plan all along.

  5. Put them back in, if people want to be idiots with them - let them. Removing items from game only invites Elitists who think they should be the only ones with them... and doesn't solve the issue either.


    Make mailbox (10m around them) and the GTN terminals no speeder zones, period. Problem solved and it'll grief the griefers who can't grief with the speeder(s).

  6. I personally think the legacy system, as it stands, is one big stupid joke, End of.


    For the casual gamer, slow grinder or Alt-aholic alike, the legacy system is it currently is with all the perks is one huge waste of money that eats away at what savings you can keep for yourself - providing you aren't also trying to learn skills and grind a semi-useful crew skill.


    The non-character perks alone, should have been "points" ... one level, one point. With the race unlocks perhaps costing 3-5 points as they are "nicer perks".


    As for new slots, I'll have to agree with some of the posters... the slots should be tied to legacy level; 7 level's = 1 slot, meaning you'll get the last 2 of 8 at 49 and 50.

  7. I'm tempted to not count the Imperial agent ship, because although it looks the nicest over-all... it's Startrek.

    Plain and simple.

    Jem'hadar engines and a Starfleet interior.


    Excluding the obviously wrong place wrong time ship, I'd argue the Sith ship being the best. Practical, sexy lighting, decent placing of all things.

    However. If you were to imagine a ship invasion of any kind, the Trooper interior is best for defending inside of...


    But for sheer player-practicality(sp) would be the defender used by Jedi. Bop, boop, out.

  8. Not to bash your art, because it's quite good... but you do realise, you've just bashed the entire starwars world by combining it with Pokémon... then end the thread with a Twi'lek doing a Vulcan hand pose - not good :p


    To avoid flames or negative postings, I'd suggest changing themes.

  9. Either form a guild, or ackowledge the fact that the pug system will have rushers in the group.


    You're choice is simple, watch all the cutscenes, risking a kick... or spacebar through it and run it normally.


    If you enjoy, or have yet to see many of the cutscenes, the 'low level' version has it all. Anything below Colicoid wargames is very easily solo'd as a 50.

  10. To unlock 'all quests' to first need to finish Act 2 on the character, the coversations are linked to class quests - for some reason, they chose to end the quests with act 2; even though some companions send you to Hoth - bonus series (46/47).


    I hope this at least clears things up for you.

  11. The Voss Social gear hood seems to be the only one that still works, there's a non-social item varient that is light armour, you may want to see if that'll do... it hugs quite tightly to the head/face, it even removes the evil ponytail. Looks so nice in the character select, something I'd have changed if I knew it clipped through hoods.


    Anyway, yeah... only one I know that doesn't hide itself anymore.

  12. The fail is in combat stealth, not the pet seeing you


    Combat stealth has been used for quite a number of years, predating WoW by a longshot; that said... the fail here is that combat stealth doesn't pause dot's for when you unstealth -or- remove you from a "pet" targetting system regardless.


    To the OP, I'm not sure what class you are but - if you're an Assassin or Shadow, you may wish to use your "immunity to all force/tech" defence buff, as it removes all DoT's.

  13. Once you're lvl 50, it's pretty easy to raise 1.5 million credits if you work hard enough. Pick a gathering profession and raise it to 400, then sell stacks of what you found on the GTN. Generally stacks of 99 level 3 items sell high, just over 100 thousand. Doing all the dailies in Black Hole a day will get you another 100,000 credits. Keep doing this for about a week and you'll have raised probably over 1.5 million credits!


    That basically implies, play as something you *don't want to* before you can play as something you do want to.


    Granted, I've shut up and put up personally. But you know what?


    We should not have to pick something we hate, in order to play a *race* that has NO benefits other than looks somewhere down the line... or play as that species until 50, just so we can use it in other areas afterwards.


    I don't know, maybe SoE set the bar too high for EA to follow suit. I can understand unlocking content, unlocking perhaps even an AC... but racial stuff, in a starwars game, where you need to slug in 100 hours of grinding, or a week grinding credits doing daily and crew skills, is not a step in the right direction.


    One of the reasons I play a starwars game, is to play an Alien - NOT a human. Although, when you look at the options this game has... they are *all* way too Human, even the Twi'leks and they are the most alien of the bunch.

  14. One of many things SWG did right and SWTOR has done wrong.


    It's one thing to make us level up, but the alternative is 1,500,000 credits... which to be honest, is quite unfair.


    Not everyone is a money tycoon; some of us don't even care if we hit 50 in a year... Completely stops us playing what we want to play.

  15. If you had finished all of them, your class quest would be the only one left, telling you either to go to your Airlock or ship.

    Once there, the next will point towards ship or planet (cut scenes included) - if you cannot find any of this, then you should just head to Belsavis; as instructed by class quest.


    But, some may send you to your homeworld - or - a station/ship where a smaller side quest comes first.


    Long story short - read your class quest.

  16. You have Pull.


    Knockdown (2sec).

    Ability to resist all force/tech attacks for 5sec (60sec CD iirc)

    Ability to bring over-all defences up by 50% for 12sec (45 CD iirc)

    Minor-self-healing throughout the fight. (Greatly reduced thanks to the major shaft of 1.3)


    and my personal favourite(s).


    + the ability to 'be 15 level's higher, aka 65 at 50' in terms of stealth level every so often, meaning you can walk *through8 NPC's without being detected.

    + Combat stealth, mixed with the resist all ability to remove dot's, clean cut from combat - 2min CD.

    2 sec of 150% speed every 20 sec, removes all snares.


    All you need to do is pick Assassin or Shadow, although just between us... the shadow (counsular) storyline is kinda boring and some may argue the most boring.

    So it's pebbles or purple lightning. You decide.

  17. In the later part of SoE's SWG, a Sandbox game run by players (in game, naturally) for players... 99% of what happened was player controlled in some way towards the end.


    Eve online, players make it how they wish ... naturally, you have to fight for it. Again, Sandbox.


    Dust 514, Sandbox.


    World of Darkness, Sandbox (in production).


    CCP are pretty much the only MMO company currently producing games for the player, as it stands... EA is basically whiplashing Bioware into what cotten pink and blue themepark they want; wasting time and effort on things without actually figuring out what the base wants.


    I don't know, Maybe it'll take this game going F2P or a change in management... but this game's not going to cater to players wishes anytime soon, EA take the whole 'nom nom nom money' thing was too seriously and forget, the food comes from the source of pockets owned by the customers.

  18. The whole bodytype system was pure lazyness; could have very easily scaled camera angles via % in height/weight to specific body types if that was the reasoning.


    As for your particular, bodytype 2... I'd rather it be an arguement between 1 and 2, but if you like 3... go with 2. Type 3, looks more of a "Juggernaught" bodytype, if any.


    Infact, I think only a commando would really suit that bodytype, it just scream... 'give it a BFG'

  19. Sound advice indeed.


    As you've said you are new to melee, period, you may wish to consider a tank type instead - or to step over the line - assassin/shadow instead, this will of course mean you need to role a new character; but that means twice the lowbie pvp.


    Assassin/shadow's gain the benefits of being able to pick dps or tanking, with mass utility for both sides of the coin - I'd personally stack all in one way - I spec tank, I gear tank. Works for me.


    The Maruader types, for me, aren't that fun because you really have to think of which targets to down first. All about waiting on the right cooldown and unloading on a tank type, or harrassing a healer with this class type. You may find it isn't what you're suited for.


    Worst case, you run back to being a ranged fighter; but whatever works for you... works for you, just have fun with it.

  20. If there was no penalty, teams would just leave to avoid a point loss.


    That wasn't the issue they were trying to get out, they are complaining about the poor coding involved with many aspects of the game, flashpoints and warzone alike.


    I'd not be too happy if I died 5 sec before the end, period. Winning or losing. But then to find I would lose more points than if I had left by my own account... isn't fair, at all.


    I agree, if the game is still in function - your instance ID should remain and be able to rejoin... you can't even relog in a flashpoint LFG group if something gets stuck or you simply just need a quick relog. Very annoying.

  21. As far as I know it prevents aging. However, for your story, I am not sure if carbonite freezing was around 500 years ago in SWTOR era though. If I read the codex entry on carbonite freezing it says it's a rather new development.



    If you complete the flashpoint "The Red reaper" - you'll find the end boss has kept the Sith Purebloods in stasis for 70 years+



  22. Revan did not die he just disappeared, BW would not kill their most beloved character without an epic ending.


    Suddenly, Revan found dead at the hands of a baby Miraluka that isn't force sensitive armed with a spork.

  23. Would be a step in the right direction... with the closure of SWG and the contract of "No competition" in there - means it is down to EA/Bioware to come up with a starwars MMO with *Useful* and *interactive* and *multiplayer* space combat.


    It's all well and good saying you're a Starwars MMO, but saying you have to go play another game to get space content is just plain... redundent. The arcade game they call space is nothing more than a single player minigame and it has NO place in an MMO; where they label is as 'main content'.


    I personally think the guild ship would have the following:

    - PvP mission terminal

    - PvE mission terminal (flashpoints, world bosses etc)

    - Stims vendor/Medical droid (level's 8 through 50)

    - Guild and normal bank

    - Mailbox

    - GTN

    - 4 Escape pods, leading to various class hangers/ships.


    But... what ship type could either have? A cruiser sized destroyer may work... and the corvette for the republican, perhaps. Although the Republic vessel would lack a freighter sized hangerbay... hm.


    Anyway, I hope EA remove the cork they have up Biowares you know what ... buying them out and then limiting them to what they can do is bad form. This game deserves decent space content, amongst a VAST list of other things.

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