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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. Way I see it, all but a handful of the companions would not be able to pull off a same gender relation.


    Vette for example, although I'd love to see, seems to be the type who'll never taste the sweet sugar lips of another vixen - whereas Elara Dorne could easily pull off being a Dyke.


    I'm looking forward to the same gender relations, not to mention all the content coming for companions... after completely finishing my trooper... it became kinda boring.

  2. Some games, like SWG, the gear was easy to get... it required 2-3 people, several days grinding parts making parts and putting it together, once set up... could crank between 3-14 suits a week of mods.


    It worked a charm.


    The problem with games like this, is that you have to play some kind of lotto with the resources or go out to very specific spawn points ... taking forever.

    Then you have *all* the good stuff needing some kind of massive grind in flashpoints, heroics, raids... the name really doesn't matter.


    The only thing(s) that should EVER be in end game content, is vanity and bragging right items. Such as that silly hat off the slug. Things like that, work. The elitist crowd get their amazing rewards, looking silly or better than everyone else... whilst even the lowly 'casual' can still get the same gear.


    The other issue is that everything from a flashpoint, binds. That really doesn't work. It only annoys people and in some cases, loses subs. The elite crowd end up getting spares... and the casual crowd who never get an invite go without - for good.

    The entire point of an MMO is to have fun, to reach fun goals. You want challenging, good. But don't stick unfairly amazing gear at the top of the mountain - stick a funky pair of pants or a really cool slick gun.


    How cool would it be, if they added a storymode hard (8 player) drop that was a rip on the "worms 2 Bazooka" ? That a Trooper could get... the stats would be normal for an Assault cannon, but, only the elite could get that funny looking thing.


    Anyway, I'm a firm supporter of the casual crowd - you need them. They bring in money, which is goal 1 of any company in the gaming industry. Goal 2 is to make sure to come up with more money making ideas. Goal 3 is their own pockets. Goal 4... maybe the customer, after the company.

  3. It would take a single, yes a single, Lightsabre to end the one ring.


    If we forget the whole story and put world against world... starwars would win with a single transport vessel from orbit.

    Would take a few weeks... but eventually the whole of middle earth would be blasted from existance.


    This was never a fair fight to begin with.

  4. Personally, I don't remember voice actor names too well... so that gets thrown out of the window, right away.


    Female Counsular over male, hands down.

    Female Trooper, male sounds WAY too cliche. She actually has spunk, plus she actually sounds like she has power.

    Not yet tried male smuggler, so I'll reserve judgement.

    Female Knight, she sneaks a little sas in there... which seems lacking otherwise.


    Male Sith warrior. I don't mind the Female, but the acting for the male beats her.

    Female Inquistor. Not even a competition. Whoever voiced the male needs to do an overhaul of his general choice of voice - I kid you not.

    Agent, can go either way... but I do like the tone of the male.

    Not yet tried a male bounty hunter... but I'm loving the female voice actor.


    If anyone disputes the female inquistor, shut up. lol. She has so much... sarcasm. Subtlety(sp) ... so evil. Granted, a few lines when she's on the ship she needs shooting. But otherwise, a flawless role.


    "There will be no Survivors"... my favourite commonly used line by the class.

    The male sounds bored and quite bluntly, crap.

    Whereas the female one... oozes vicious intent.

  5. I played SWG before this (see, sig proves that :p)... and I could ware hoods (grants only two in the game) one allowed Female Twi'leks to ware and SHOW their lekku drooping forward like longhair would if you didn't want it tangeled inside/behind.


    The other, you could get a mod to do the same. But the point is, the previous game also had several Rebel and freelance helmets and some hats that were Twi'lek friendly. Not removed altogether. In some cases, several *IMPERIAL* suits also allowed Twi'lek lekku to come out, clipped by the art department and some helmets changed altogether - See "Mandalorian helmet" via google search and you should find one.


    This game uses a new, more advanced game engine. Movement and graphics are way beyond starwars galaxies - at least in the player character department and combat... so why is it, lekku and long hair alike, pose so much of an issue that you cannot for the life of you - implement or allow to ware hoods with, altogether?


    Wake up Bioware. You're going backwards instead of forwards.


    Although this does answer a few questions in my mind... bioware simply does not care for the alien playing populace, or those who want long hair.

  6. I too, want to kill my companions at time. Just so I can find replacements that look better!


    Seriously, if you've played Sith Warrior, Quinn just makes me Shiver - in a cold and unwanting way. I end up forgoing my healer altogether in favour of DPS Vette!

  7. I always considered Revan to be a Blonde ... and male.


    Where-as the Exile to be a Brunnete, normal speaking, female.


    Ontopic, I'd like to see the darkside of those two choices as Canon, the very ideal that he may come back to screw people over is way more fun than simply dying in a cruddy way in prison.

  8. If you are doing Essles, I recommend dragging another in with you for social boosts...


    When you get to the point of talking to the pain the baackside Twi'lek on the Imperial ship, have the friend select "We need to talk" everytime and you pick the lightside, if they win... pick lightside again, you'll get *another* 100 lightside over the normal amount.


    You can leave the Essles with 250-350 Lightside.

  9. One question: Since PTS has been down all this time, where is there an opportunity for the players to test all the bug fixes that are in the weekly updates? If they were smart, all the weekly updates would be posted on PTS one week in advance of hitting the live servers. Maybe then they wouldn't be adding as many bugs are they have lately.


    The 100% amazing staff behind this game decide that the PTS doesn't need patches before live, unless it's major. Thus allowing any and all bugs 10 minutes of QA time doesn't catch to fall into the hands of those who play on live server.


    Great tactic, right? *yawn*


    I'm hoping the patch, that hits in a little over... 3 hours? or the downtime... is the patch, which unlocks the PTS.


    I'll say this, EA, wake the hell up... once 1.3 hits, continue patching the PTS 2-3 days before live, minimal. You need players to test every patch before live.

  10. The dude from Nar Shaddar, the creep on Hoth... that first guy in Coronet Spaceport (it depends on first choice, cannot for the life of me recall, but any female toon can get that)


    and a few others along the way. Seems though, you have to play it smarter than Smugglers or Counsulars.

  11. I'll agree that Agent and Warrior Stories are far better than the best Republic Story I have played so far, but I still haven't played Trooper or Knight yet, so there might be hope. Smuggler is the best story I have done on the Republic side, but still can't touch the awesomeness of the Agent and Warrior stories.


    Trooper story is kinda slow, but it picks up some pretty damn good speed once you finish gathering your squad.

    A little tidbit, you basically have to make your own squad.


    The Class quest(s) after Belsavis are freaking epic :3

  12. I actually find it *easier* to pvp as an 11-15 than to enter pvp in the high 40's. Less buttons and the Bolster seems to bolster you better if you're lower. /shrug


    I'd not mind a pause button for the 47-49 area; or even before that.

    Heck, give me a Revert button that makes me 49 and forced to use 49 gear (so we couldn't use the expertise riddled stuff).

  13. Because it's a game, where the AI should know its place.


    Starwars Galaxies had something in place, where anything 21 levels or more below... would not attack unless you spent a prolonged time around them *or* was factionally flagged for PvE (Imperial or Rebel, or other depending on planet and NPC).


    It makes perfect sense that once the NPC is grey to you, they only attack if they are Champions. A level 11 NPC is meant to stop a Teen player, not someone who's over triple their level range.

  14. I seriously doubt anyone who says they are/have been playing this game on a single-core system. Single core processors have been obsolete for over 10 years, and even dual cores are very close close to that point. A single core processor computer can barely handle a modern desktop web browser or PDF file.


    The "standard" today is a quad core, although 6 and 8 core machines are starting to become more common.


    Besides which, load times are largely driven on our end by hard drive speed. If you are using an old IDE platter (also obsolete), you are going to see ridiculously long load times. A modern 7600rpm SATA II hard drive (standard, not exceptional) will give you marked improvement. An SSD upgrade would reduce load times to almost nil (assuming the rest of your board was up to date and can handle the data transfer speed).


    As it stands now, the load time can be pretty long, and fairly aggravating, even on a standard to above average modern computer. But I don't believe for a minute that anyone is or has been playing this game at any time on a single core machine. And if you are, you have no right to complain. A single core computer is worth literally $2.50. Spend another $5 and buy yourself an obsolete dual core, where you'll at least get 10fps and might actually have a SATA hard drive interface.


    Actually, I was running a single core... when I started it was fine, but this game *killed it* alongside with the Graphic card. I was triple logging SWG and Browsing on two different browser types and running Skype... all at the same time with my old card.


    Point is, my load times have gone back to what the single core used to be a little before it died. That should not happen.

  15. It's not a graphical issue. This game is getting slower, with every major patch.


    My computer has been upgraded from a Single-core CPU to a double-core over the course of my sub; the graphics card also saw a replacement.


    But the load times are getting slower and slower as the patches keep coming.


    Someone in the development department is screwing something up, because it ain't the playerbase.

  16. Nice cropped picture.


    I'm gonna call you on this, and say it's a Troll thread.


    Belsavis prisoner headgear is a Shockcollar. If you can provide a full picture and a mouse-scroll over the apparent buff... I may be inclined to find out about it, until then. Nice trollin' ,)

  17. Imperial side tends to have more fun quest content, typically. Sadly, the placements of said quests is just *WAAAAGH!!!* ... Seriously.

    The opposite is true of the Republic, quests seem to be in better placements - makes more sense whilst handing them in etc, but the content is usually more - dull?


    More of the Imperial companions better appearances too, over stories (not saying all stories/app are good or bad) and again, I find the polar opposite is true for Republic.


    If I want stuff to make sense and have the moral high ground and sanity in check, Republic.

    If I want to be a sadist tool that looks freaking awesom but has lost their sanity along with a random quest hand in, Imperial.

  18. Does anyone else feel like Abandoning Nadia? Everytime I call her, tell her to do something... it just screams "Jail bait trying to get me in trouble" ... and I'm on a Female character hoping no one can see what she's saying and how! O.o


    Just me? Hmm

    *Finds legal loophole to kill off Nadia and get a replacement, older padawan*

  19. To mindtrick someone, that someone has to have several things set up, or down... depending on how you want to look at it.


    - They can't be strong willed.

    - They can't be mentally damaged, as the trick won't go as planned.

    - They can't be smart.


    If a Girl, or guy hates your guts... no amount of mindscrewing will change that. But~ This would mean you'd get alot of easy lovin' from those who tend to open their legs for anyone anyway.


    I know if I had this ability, I'd just take money from the local "Chav's" and Kiddy-boy racers. None of them seem to have the brain capacity to use their money wisely, so I might as well have it :rak_03:

  20. For those who played on the PTS last month, will remember we had around 30 days (a calender month) or an Evasion bug making fighting Melee combatants a gamble even with lowly weak NPC's... would they reset, or not?


    The problem increased with the targets number and type; making Golds impossible to defeat unless they glitched twice over (the standing still bug).


    That aside, you finally patched the server, which broke. A 2nd patch hit the PTS - as well as not reopening the server.


    I only play this game to play with my friend, who cannot play on live due to lag issues. I've effectively lost a month's normal gameplay as did my friend. So I was wondering -two- things.


    One: Will the PTS players receive compensation for time lost, through either goodwill items or a reduction in costs for their next subs to reflect the substandard levels of gameplay during the time?


    Two: When will you be opening the PTS, if the answer is a cookie cutter "with 1.3" then a simple timeframe as to when 1.3 hits would suffice.


    I'm making this thread, because as it stands... I'm paying my sub to login to an Offline server.

  21. As stated above, it really is the only way to connect to a "Themepark" character.


    ToR has nothing on SWG... you could really be you. Or should I rather say, you could really make an entirely new person.


    Here, you have to come up with a new personality and accept the rails you're stuck on.

  22. Nice to see some support.


    As to what someone said about Animations... guess what, if the skill is *not* channeled in some way, you don't need to link a unique animation to it.


    As for any and all gun animations, we have enough ranged specs to allow for any animation to be used by another ranged class. I just find it strange, my trooper, seems to act pretty much like a bounty-hunter in cutscenes... would it *really* be that hard to allow a trooper to use the pistol the entire time?


    The same applies to Smugglers and Bounty Hunters, why couldn't someone who's not trained, a civilian, use a rifle?

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