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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. This game spent the bulk of it's money for those who grind, something that I love and hate at the same time...

    What was it? $300,000,000 on voice acting alone?


    I can't even think of spending £1,000,000 on any part of a game, but, Bioware (and then EA, after buying them out) picked up the bill... all of which, save a small % of the end stuff, was for those in the leveling phase.


    So to go around all this, seems somewhat insane. But to each their own.


    If you want an end-game where the highest level truely is the start... this isn't the game. Not really. They'll cater to the alt-aholics before the endgamers.


    I could suggest one particular game that actually caters to all levels, but primarily to the end-gamer; if another MMO is not to your taste, I would recommend playing something like TF2 - or one of the many Battlefield games.

  2. I'm up to Hoth on Consular, finished Inq twice with both Sin and Sorc.


    Played LS Consular story is dull, but man, I feel like I want to vomit over it all, it's so nauseatingly good. Wish I'd gone DS now lol, but I want to unlock the LS legacy ability. :D


    Could you perhaps clarify, class plot or skill set?

  3. I think Wookie would be a pretty decent faction...Im sure Kazhyyk has lore alone beyond imagining


    If you're going to even consider a species as a faction, at least spell them correctly.


    Wookiee, I know... why two E's, but they have them. Two of them. Use them both, otherwise you might as well be typing wookey.


    Kashyyyk, they are fond of their S sounds and the Y's... three of them.


    Geeze, why do people say they love the giant furballs - yet NEVER spell any of it right?



    On topic, the criminal underworld would be a good start - but don't they *technically* intermingle and in most cases, listen to the Hutts? Thusly, the Hutt Cartel would be them in the same?

  4. All it takes is one, lucky, sonic grenade to knock a Jedi down for less than 5sec; you then proceed to use other normal grenades; sonic grenades and rocket fire (if luck is on your side to have one) ... after all the explosives, walk up to the 'corpse' shooting for the legs/arms; once you're content that they are indeed... dead, shoot twice in the body and once in the head.


    One dead force user.


    Anything that can't be deflected back at you... is useful. Sonic weapons, for example - cannot be force pushed your way.

  5. To be fair, there was *always* a third faction... it's just that both Starwars MMO's have failed to incorperate.


    Imperial (Sith Empire, for this game)

    Republic (Rebel alliance)

    Hutts, or the Hutt Cartel.


    As for Rift, the game's lore actually supports 4 factions... they are just being slow about incorparating what they need to... and I actually like games with more than 2 sides. Even if the 3rd side was greatly weaker or smaller in size than the first 2 ... the curveball is always welcome.


    Back on topic, the cartel is pretty much a huge mixture of Hunters, Smugglers and Bodyguards - you may argue that some Force Sensitive cults, or Ritualistic bunch may freelance for the hutts... but basically, you'd have re-skinned two new classes... and two old classes.


    Amusingly, it would require only a few different class quests for Bounter Hunters and Smuggler alike.


    I'd like to see some Echani though, take on the "Knight/Juggernaught" roles - with unarmed weapons.

  6. I'm quite fond of the medpacks, I've been in more pvp' warzones with few or no decent healers than I've been in with decent ones... a medical pack is sometimes the only way to get that 35% back.


    The fact it's on a 90sec cooldown seems to have escaped your understanding, if you can't kill them in those 90 seconds without a decent heal... you are doing something wrong. I play tank classes more than any other type, and I can quite contently kill DPS classes within 30sec - I would assume, a DPS class can kill a DPS class in much less time and roughly the same time if the target is a healer.


    The only possible time this *might* be a real issue, is if your target is another tank... guess what ... you're both attacking the wrong target; tanks are meant to hold up DPS and healers... it's just going to be slow and boring when two tanks converge... and naturally, the 35% that *we all can buy* will play a bigger part.

  7. I tend to use my AoE knockback on my Counsular or Inquisitors because of several key reasons...

    - I'm pretty much gonna die, best way to annoy mass targets.

    - I'm trying to tick the other side off by sending them all over, works wonders.

    - They are on the voidstar bridge, whee!

    - Trying to take some kind of point or planting a bomb.


    9/10 times I've knocked back someone with others around, I *then* see an AoE where everyone was... at times, the targets on the other side will stupidly run back into the AoE and the damage is done either way, or it forces them to walk around - saving time.


    Sadly, saving time doesn't do much in terms of medals or comms.

  8. PTS. Server, not realm... Sci fi game.


    That said... yes, you basically need to reset any and all phases you may or may not be in (right click your icon, before every que you do, select group, reset all phases).


    If that doesn't work, group with someone beforehand, idealy within your level range or the level range of the intended flashpoint - give them lead - then see if it works.

  9. The feel of both classes, are the same. But~


    Here's the kicker.


    You then *look* at both classes... ask yourself this, do I want every little ability to be involving a rock or gust of wind, or do I want to spew lightning into everything and generally look like fun?


    Also, Khem Val... compared to some idiot who's QQ'ing over what happened to him 10 minutes ago, no real choice between the two.


    The story involved between the two, also, I'm loving it... a little strange, but seriously... after almost finishing the counsular on live and my PTS 'Sin, Voss alone... WAY more fun.


    Counsular quest is just so... dull? I guess. Dull is good... dull gets done, but urgh... I'd rather be playing on Hutta for the entire game. Seems a shame, shadow/assassin are my favourite playstyles.


    Counsular shadow... I'll give it a 6/10 - the plotline lets it WAY down.

    Assassin gets a good 9.5/10 - the strange plot lets it down a little.

  10. An MMO should pick a target auidience, and stick to it mostly. It's that simple.


    SWG started off being close to what Korean MMO's would call "Normal" - they proceeded to make things easier, until the NGE hit... at first, many would argue it was a step too far.


    When they finally removed Smed, Blixtev and someone in the middle of those two... the team developed a clear target and grew more and more; even in their dying months, the game improved with the introduction of systems that were previously thought impossible to implement into the engine, but they did it.


    I don't, personally, agree with a system that plants any *required* gear into high end content, to me, high or highest end content is designed for one VERY simple thing - Fun. The challenge.


    Anything, everything, should be fun loot. Looks great, applies unique effects that don't mess with stats or anything - for example, Elder Jedi in SWG could glow blue because they earned it... fluff content.


    You cater to all, but provide for a niche at the same time.


    Anything, everything, stat wise... cater to all, casual and elitist alike.

    Fluff, you make people - anyone, casuals included, work for it... making the biggest, most fluffiest items (for example, amazing speeders... unique hats etc) looted in places only an organised and determined group of people can acquire.


    If an Elitist is really an "elite" ... they don't need gear that makes it impossible for a casual to even try to fight them, they'll already have the skill and knowledge to do it... gear is a crutch, get of it.


    Elites should be the ones in pink tophats and a thong, killing everyone... Casuals will hate it, the elitists can lol all the way to the 'bank'. (A messed up image, I apologise, but the point should get across).

  11. Republic might have the morale high ground... but - they - are - so - freaking - boring. Period.


    You look good.

    You have real power, and respect. Sometimes both.

    You have better quality storylines, period.

    Your companions look good.

    You don't get told off for being greedy - ever. (I've not yet been told off, anyway).


    Simple reason - being Imperial is *Fun*... I love how so far, both Starwars MMO's have let you played the Bad guys.

  12. Not looking forward to a higher level cap. Does anyone actually? Or do

    They just say they do to fit in?


    I'll have to level up my 50s and it will add too much to my load, and I got too much

    To do already with damn legacy


    Btw what happens to our darth titles?


    We reached Darth, we would remain Darth. As it does with any other title, like lord.

  13. Any family of a shamed Sith Lord or Darth, can be turned slave.



    It's just how the self-destructive empire works... for all the pro's... there's alot of Con's... this is one of them.


    You could be a planet killer with a pinky, if you manage to betray the empire and are completely disgraced, your family who've naturally been elevated to the top... will now be the sow's and work horses of lesser nobility.


    The shame would just be THAT much more degrading, being a sith "pureblood".

  14. Delete? No no. Keep around, they'll eventually become playable again... since they'll go in a nice big circle of nerfs, followed by a circle of buffs... and around they go~


    That aside, I despised spies in SWG.


    But, I really like Stealth in this game. SWG style of play, I would definately say the Inquisitor and Counsular "Tank" options Aka, Shadow/Assassin are most definately close.


    The ability to shrug off DoT's and In-combat cloak once every 2 mins... the other utility skills combined can make for some nasty take downs.


    As for "Carbines"... remove that train of thought.


    Rifle - Operative, Trooper.

    Sniper rifle - Sniper.

    Pistol(s) - Bounty hunter, Smuggler.

  15. I have seen the emu of swg and honestly, it is dead. There are no levels. Its the old pre-cu and everything. I found it very boring...


    Off topic, but the cap was raised to 3k people and was still lining up to log on... it's anything but dead.


    Lucas Arts really screwed up closing down the contract with SoE, they could have pass it to EA at least.


    That aside, I seriously doubt a Re-release will benefit TOR at this point, they deserately need to improve their community relations and services - not to mention get their heads out of their person. Currently the dead servers or over-populated servers were a direction in the wrong way.


    They should just concentrate on working on an expansion, be it DLC or microtransaction(sp) - along with all the service issues.

  16. A New ability eh?


    I'd think of something that both the Inq and Counsular could use...


    Something along the lines of a range boost, would be the first - bringing them in line with Snipers, gunslingers too I guess. Where-as the Assassin and Shadow would gain 2-4 meters allowing them to mid-range tank effectively.


    Something only a master force-user would use... lightsabers, that follow you around. Dealing 1 basic hit for anyone within 5m of the user every 3sec. Consider it a toggle-pet skill.

    Assassin's and Shadows who are tank specced, not only enjoy a double-bladed lightsaber, but would get to opt for a defence based toggle skill instead, which raises ranged defences up by a %; along with a slower base attack than the standard one.

  17. Assassin/Shadow is the scum class of SWTOR. It needs to be brought in line with other classes. Badies should be motivated to stop playing an easy faceroll class. Inquisitor/consulars have zerged WZ for way too long. No other class can fight 2 enemies at once. It has some of the most ridiculous abilities.


    It has very powerful talents that are placed ridiculously low in the skill tree that caters to all sort of stupid and overpowered hybrids. No other class is so loving of hybrids like inquisitors. Most marauders, mercs, powertechs, juggernauts, snipers, operatives are forced to go full 31 pts into a skill tree to be effective while you abuse the crap out hybrids.


    Force speed on 20s CD, Invisibility, Tanking, Force Shroud, 50% deflection, pull, knockback holy jebus guys, you had a field day in pvp.


    Scum, really?


    I pick a class, from the start, no reading up. No mass research. No cares in the world. I started straight off as a Shadow.


    Why? Utility. Survivability. It is by far my favourite class. I also stick to what I am, a tank. This means Tank gear and tank mods - end of.

    If the issue was DPS with tanking, they should have nerfed DPS alongside with certain boxes in the tanking tree. Anything hugely beneficial to tanking, would equally weaken total DPS - fair right?

    1% less damage taken? Okay... 1% less damage dealt. Fair game.


    It's funny though, I completely stumbled into the proffession... the Knight tank playstyle isn't that fun, the trooper isn't a Glowbat user... so for some, the playstyle and look are exactly what people want.


    Freaking pvp'ers... QQ with useful suggestions, everyone might get nerfed less and changed for the better more.


    Bleh, got me ranting.

  18. Depressing? I don't really see how pretty much any of the current female forms fight, aside from Type 1 ... even then, it just doesn't seem to, fit?


    4 Body types, petite, 'normal with ample bosom', Helga and slightly big bonned... they need to increase the types, I don't partically like any of them. Type 1 has the bosom and bottom that I feel suits a combat type, whilst type 2 has all the correct postures and facial/normal body muscle.


    If anything, they need to add several more body types, or just let us customise as we want... then add the customise option for any of our companions. Editing what we want to - within reason.

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