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Everything posted by chimunga

  1. Okay. I understand now. See, on Ajunta Pall, we average like 50-90 played on the fleet, sometimes more. And at peak hours, there rarely less that 20 people on a given planet, usually more there as well. I know everyone has high level character that they're attached to, but why don't you make some toons here? The more the merrier! it might make you enjoy the game again!
  2. I like this game. I like most parts of it. No, I don't have a maxed level character. I have a few alts that a switch through, and level. I like the leveling process. And the in-depth story-lines. And I'm worries that the QQers are going to take over, and Bioware is going to give into their demands. I like leveling slow. Leveling is the best part of the game to me. Whenever I hit end game content in an MMO, I get bored fast. It's either farming PvP, or farming high level FPs. The only farming like to do is in my skills. So I'm worried that the QQers are going to take over, and that Bioware is going to make leveling faster, easier. I wish they would focus MORE on leveling. Make MORE worlds, so that I can have a totally different experience with every character. I'm not saying don't add any end-game stuff, but don't just focus on that. The thing that makes this game fun is the content, the voice acting, the storylines, the character progression. So, I just worry about people complaining about it so much that the game will be changed because of it.
  3. Or are people just QQing? I keep seeing people saying they have a dead server and asking servers to be merged or to add a server change option. I'm on Ajunta Pall, which is one of the ones that keeps switching between "standard" and back to "light." There are always a bunch of people on. So there are really just a bunch of dead servers, with nothing going on?
  4. I don't want addons. They become over-encumbering and downright annoying. I'm happy now with the GIU editor, so that I can make the UI not giant. The only other thing I'd want to see is a small notice on my screen when and Skill buff pops, so I don't have to be constantly watching my buff bar. Other than that, I'm good
  5. There's a difference between being on a PvP server just to plain PvP, and fricken camping the vendor. On my server, the Imps and Reps were actually cooperating. We were just all standing around with the plague, and when it got to the bad point, where you're all glowy, we'd kill eachother so that it would progress faster. And if someone started to get out of line, 50's would come and stop him/her. The coin has two sides, as well. If we noticed a Rep ganking imp lowbies, they would get reemed in gen chat.
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