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Everything posted by chimunga

  1. You're totally right. It's just that he actually gave me a pretty detailed list of what I could be doing that might be sapping my credits. Considering I don't spend money on the GTN unless it's a killer deal, I've realized that most of my spent money is on my mission skill. I'll just watch it from now on. I didn't realize how easily that sapped things away.
  2. Thank you for being constructive instead of just telling me to stop spending money It is much appreciated.
  3. Having access to crew skills via phone would be pretty damn awesome. But it might be a tad OP.
  4. I'm a completionist as well. I get 95% of my mods from commendations, along with the mods for my companions. Ivery rarely spend credits at the GTN. I do, however, spend money on my mission skill to level my crew skills (mission skill, not gathering skill), but I'm not excessive about it. I do it just enough so that I can get the blue items for my level, then move on. If I can use a green I come across, I do. If I can't, I vendor or sell it on the GTN, even if green items give a very minimal return. I could probably save more money for it, if I put a large effort into it, but that's the thing. I don't think I should have to. I shouldn't have to spend time making money to get abilities that I should already entitled to through leveling. I don't see the point of it. What is the point to having new abilities cost credits at all?
  5. I'm a new-ish player. I have a few characters in their mid 30's, and I just find the cost of training to be ridiculous. Let me clarify. I like to spend my time playing a game. Not farming. I'm not going to complain when I can't afford the best armor or item mods, but I certainly will when my training leaves me broke. I don't understand the point of making training so expensive, or really cost anything at all. I've already spent the time leveling, I've sold a few things on the GTN, but I really don't think I should have to save up to learn a new talent. 5000-9000 creds a talent at level 31 is just plain ridiculous, especially when you don't have a higher level character to fund you, or the time to farm things that would make you the money. If I saw a point to it, maybe I would understand, but I just don't.
  6. No one's saying that. Everyone understands the family part of the legacy system. They're just saying they want more that one family on their server.
  7. I've seen a lot of complaining about Legacy weapons, and how useless they are because they're not moddable. I disagree, but I do see where something can be changed: Make the tokens reusable. Make it so that once my sniper is past the point where her rifle is usable, I can send it to my Jedi and turn it into a lightsaber. So many advance classes have their own specific weapon, that isn't used by anyone else. So when my consular was done with her double bladed light saber, it became useless. I'm not asking for moddable weapons. I can get moddable weapons anywhere. I just wish they were useful more than once, for like 6 levels. If that can't be done, atleast make the weapon a lvl 10 or 11, so that you can use it right when you get to your capital city,
  8. I love fluff. But I also understand it for what it is. It's Bioware saying: "Hey Guys! We don't have any real content ready yet, but we;re working on it, so... for your patience, have this cute lil' Tauntaun to follow you around and put a smile on your face." Not everyone is hardcore. While the Legacy system does have some hangups (i.e. The family tree, and exorbitant prices for silly social emotes), I'm fine with it. It's different and new, and I think BW takes a bit of pride in it. So, while I do love new content, I'm happy with being distracted by a little bit of fluff while I wait. It's better than nothing.
  9. While this is a good idea, what would you suggest? How would you go about it? Have a bunch of 50 lvl mobs on Coruscant so that you can have some more dailies? Because, that's esentially what it would boil down too. More dailies. You mention the Rakghoul plague, but that's what that was too. Dailies. And they'd probably have to make a zone specific for these because they wouldn't want all the little lowbies accidentally running into 50 mobs. So, while I think it's a good idea.. I just really don't know how it would work?
  10. I like this idea, and you're probably right. Your social isn't really about your character, it's about you. It's incentive to keep you doing things that require social activity. However, if BW ever did do this, they'd probably 1.) Make it MUCH harder to get to higher social levels, and 2.) Make it cost a sh** ton of credits to unlock.
  11. Crafting: Right now, whenever you ask anyone, people tend to say that Biochem is the clear and obvious choice, with Cybertech being second. No one seems to keep armor or weapons crafting skills because they can just buy armor that is of the same quality easily, save for a very few items. I understand that in 1.2 there was a slight revamping with being able to crit on moddable armor, but people are still not biting. Is there a particular reason behind having so little crew specific gear and items outside of Biochem and Cybertech?
  12. It esentially turned into a** sniffing. No. But if he really wanted to play, I'd certainly want to give him pointers on how to exersize and get better. If he listened, and got better, then sure. If he listened, and didn't get better, or just didn't pay me any mind, then he's SOL, but atleast I tried That just plain needs to be fixed with more worlds. Same order for every toon gets BORING.
  13. Hits the nail on the head. I think that the problem is that you can't add characters that you don't have. Meaning, your parents didn't live in the same time as you, didn't do the same missions. So give us a small little character customization to add people to our family tree that are not actually a character we have. Of course, you wouldn't get bonuses for them, because you haven't actually played them. But it would be a nice little feature to add to appease people a little. And you could make such a fun extensive family tree. It makes more sense than only having... 8 people in your history.
  14. So very unhelpful. Why comment on a thread if you're not actually going to contribute?
  15. You're right. This does take up unneeded developer time. It's just that it gets taken advantage of too easily. DBM much? I think that while people are jerks everywhere, it becomes more aparent when tools for them to be jerks with are more readily available and easily accesible. But do people check it for every player they come across? In understand this, but It also dehumanizes people, and it got to a poit where people weren't even trying to help eachother get better. It was "Do more Damage, or ****." There wasn't any teaching. I love leveling. End game content tends to bore me. So I got heirlooms thinking they're nifty. Which they were, at the time. But then I noticed how fast I was leveling, and I wasn't really enjoying the game. You're probably think, "well, you didn't have to use them." But there were times when people would say "3+ heirlooms pieces, or no group." That got defeated quickly with dungeon finder, but people that weren't using heirlooms started to be looked down upon. I think there should be a cap on dungeons, so you can't just farm the sh** out of randoms. Maybe make the cap three a day, and then if you want to do more, you'll have to find PUGS in server. Yeah, it give a disadvantage to lower-pop servers, but hopefully BW is addressing that as we speak.
  16. Srsly. Not a big deal. I'd rather have BW working on other stuff. Fixing glitching, merging servers, all that nonsense. I'm not saying your argument is invalid. I'm just saying give them some time to work this all out.
  17. That's a good point. I like that, I just don't see how it would be instituted. Would you have a bunch of people for different accounts running around with the same name? I'm just thinking Logistically here. But I'm kinda happy with the legacy system how it is (except for the exorbitant prices). But I'm not an RPer. I could see how an RPer would have hangups with it. Although I still really don't think that people with different families should get to have legacy bonuses. Meaning, if you were going to have a totally separate tree, one not connected to one with your legacy unlocks, why would it make sense that that tree get's those unlocks? It doesn't. Your dad wasn't a bounty hunter, not jetpack fo' you.
  18. I don't really think the point of a surname is to actually be a surname. That sounds kind of ridiculous. But it's just something that links all your characters together. Also, think about this logically. Surnames are unique, meaning no one else has them on your server. So.... You want, what, 8 toons with different last names? Sure it doesn't seem that well thought out, allies and enemies having the same last name, but there's really no other way to do it. If you're going to have different last names on your legacy, then you shouldn't get the bonuses for the people with other last names
  19. I just have to put my support into this thread. I don't have much more to say that hasn't already ben said. We don't need addons. Just some tweaks to UI. We don't need damage meter. We don't need item level. If we get a dungeon finder, please make an option for it to be server only, and DO NOT nerf the dungeons. We do NOT need heirlooms. It's not that the people who don't want this are bad player, and they want to hid their damage out put or crappy gear. It's that a player is more than their gear and/or damage output. People have been whining that the Lvl. 14 inheritance items from the kits should be heirlooms. Heirlooms RUINED leveling in Wow. I don't understand what this has to do with anything? If there had never been horse-drawn carriages, car's might have never existed, but that doesn't mean we should go back to them.... Okay, terrible example, but you understand what I mean. While this is an issue, I really think WoW is gonna be dead with the pandas. This is true. Wow was great at one point. But it has been nerfed so crazy much. Dungeons are boring and can be done in ten minutes. They made an already fast leveling process even faster. I never die in Wow. It's too easy. Games should be kinda hard sometimes. Good ideas that Wow has had: Dungeon finders. Just don't nerf the dungeons, and I'll stay happy. Infact, make em harder if you have to. W/e. Duel speccing. Nothing bad about that. It just saves everyone some cash. Server transfers. Not gonna explain that one. Okay. That post was long. I'm done.
  20. I just made an honest go at an Imperial player. I looked up which story line people thought was best, and the general consensus is the Imp agent. I leveled her to ten, and I already find it much more interesting. It's wonderful. I keep finding myself staring at the screen trying to figure out what to do. Minor prologue spoilers: I made more difficult decisions in the first 10 levels than I have on both of my jedis, and they're both past Ch. 1. Most of the time I stuck with doing what my employers paid me to do, unless it directly harmed the Empire. This is way more fun. I really wish they would the republic this dynamic. It has all the potential l for intrigue, there are just too many expectations put upon it. They so badly want them to be the good guys, the obvious good guys, but there's always two sides of a story, and rarely is only one party at fault. I'm not big on Star Wars lore, A couple of fluff books and the movies and games, so I'd really like to know what the republic has done that would actually be considered bad. Coruscant touched on it, with their corrupt politicians, but they could have done more. Made it deeper, gone into the characters better. There needs to be more bad for the greater good, and not just plain bad. There's just no happy medium with the Republic. You're good or bad. No grey area, and that's not how real life works. It's also doesn't work with lightsabers, but you know.
  21. I'm also wondering why content nerf would be part of it? Dungeons would be easier because you would easily find a healer, tank ad DPS, and not just have to make do with what you can find.
  22. I think an important part of any dungeon finder is to make it in-server. I'm not a big socializer, but when I do dungeons, I talk to people. Makes it easier to make friends in-game and makes in *much* easier to find a guild that suits you. Some people in "dead" servers might not like this, but I think it's important.
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