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Everything posted by Sideblaze

  1. Figured I might as well know this while I level biochem on my merc. My two current mains are an IO merc and a lightning sorc, if that helps narrow it down at all. Is it power when standard content, and crit when leveling down for content?
  2. Think I'll stick with merc, then. Thank you very much. Are both specs fine? I'd like to occasionally switch between the DPS specs, maybe occasionally heal - but IO is really fun so if that's the only good one, that's fine.
  3. Holotraverse seems so insane to me, it's like Snipers have no weaknesses now compared to pre-kotfe. xD Kinda makes me want to dust it off.
  4. I'm not too bothered by the skill floor for sniper, it was my main a long time ago. It's mostly just a question of effectiveness for both, if the gap isn't huge, I'd rather play merc.
  5. It's even dumber when you consider that the mirror classes can usually rock these weapons. Don't really understand why they coded it that way, some false sense of 'class identity'? Sure, that worked out so well for WoW, right?
  6. Thanks for the reply! I'd normally look this stuff up myself, but information for 6.0 and videos of gameplay are...shockingly sparse. How's IO's burst? Is it still fairly potent, or did it take a few hits? Is arsenal still kinda 'bleh'?
  7. Sideblaze

    Sniper or Merc?

    I'm thinking of a physical ranged dps class to alt, but can't decide between these two. I'm more familiar with sniper from years ago, but Merc seems fun as well, so it's really down to performance now. So between the two, which is... A: The better duelist. B: The bigger terror on the enemy team when freecasting. C: Able to deal with being pressured. D: Less set/tactical dependant. Thanks in advance.
  8. Yeah, it seems weird to downplay the 'gadgets' a bounty hunter has in favor of another gunshot. I never liked mag shot's animation.
  9. Sideblaze

    Stats for 6.0

    So ideally for lightning, you want 1895 alacrity, 3k crit, and all-in on power after that?
  10. There any decent guides updated for 6.0? Trying to get my stats in order as I build some funds for augments. Google just pulls info from 5.0, so that's fun.
  11. Apparently, crafting isn't worth the effort right now. Still, should things be fixed in December, I'd rather prepare now, rather than later. So let's say you want to pick three crew skills for the sole purpose of making money, what primary crew skill would you pick, and what would you use to support it?
  12. Returning player, here. I have Stormwatch and two of the Gathering Storm pieces so far. I just hit 306 ilvl and I'm currently working on funding my augments. What stat breakpoints should I shoot for? I have a ton of mods/enhancements, but I'm not sure how much of each stat I should be aiming for. Google still pulls 5.0 info for me when I try to search.
  13. I have a lot less time for alts now, so I'm probably going to pour everything in this character, so the idea of standing out by mastering the class appeals to me. You could always spot a good operative over a bad one fairly easily before. Bad single target, though? Figured stormwatch and that one set bonus would have patched that hole substantially, atleast burstwise. Also, curious. What are the utilities Sorcs should be using? Moving with thunderous blast is a given, but besides that and the cloud mind one, I'm lost.
  14. Coming back after a long time away, we're talking since before KOTFE. I played my agents and marauder to death back then, so I'm going for something new. How is Sorc right now? I don't remember them being in too good of a place when I last played, but I always loved them from a thematic standpoint.
  15. I'm on the same page as you here. But here's the funny thing. NOBODY asked for this nerf, NOBODY. Not the smashers, not the bads, not the whiners, not the noobs, not the ones who got killed by it. It is literally just a derp on BW's part.
  16. Remember a Sniper named Quickscope, by chance? :I You're a pain to deal with. I love it.
  17. From the perspective of those "Dissapointed with the changes made to the Operative" (Read: Bads.)http://replygif.net/i/120.gif From the perspective of Concealment players. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2837510/michael-jackson-eating-popcorn-o.gif From the perspective of everyone else. http://seahawksdraftblog.com/wp-content/uploads/meh.gif
  18. Hel and lo, I is bestiest smasher PVP person in game, You may rurnber me from word text on PVP form that Operative is overpowder because orbit strike hurts when stand in it. Now I is happy that tileware made red circle not hurt no more, but I is mad beccas when knife man stabs me in the butt, it hurts, and I don't like to be stabbed in the butt, I work hard to purse three butts and smash on knife-man's balls, but stabbing me in the butt hurts too march. Here is how to nurf operative and buff smash, Whenever smash hit operative with smash, operative explode into nuclear bombs that kill entire enemy team, and then deletes enemy team characters forever because operative is for people who have to do the noobish think of thinging. I am curdible because I been playing game since some time between launch and now, and I have valid onion. I wood also lick to rapport a troll for telling me to stop fighting without any gear, I is not robot, i no need girder. (Joke Post)
  19. Okay. Three things. One. Two. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/042/4/1/grammar_nazi_by_ozelotstudios-d5um0di.jpg Three https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVVLsUUWrQY
  20. Only spec I feel needs a nerf is smash, and really, just make it require more than one braincell and i'm totally fine with it. I hate deception sins with a fiery passion, but only because i'm an operative main who hates having to 1v1 them.
  21. And they get to invade the pylon with a whopping 15 energy.
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