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Everything posted by Sideblaze

  1. Also, Does the tooltip account for talents or just weapon damage? Say i get the talent that buffs acid blade Would that show an increase on acid blade's tooltip, or not?
  2. Good to know. At 38 on quest my operative has (At his current level, it will get lower soon.) 25 crit and 71 surge, And i notice whenever he crits he makes my marauder look like a pushover (So far, he's doing more burst then my marauder could, Granted at 50 he's a goddamn machine, still, high hopes for this guy.)
  3. Hey, Search brought me nothing on this, But let's suppose i have 75 surge multiplier and 35 crit chance (The cap for both, i believe) Let's also assume i am a concealment specced operative, since its probably the best way to describe this. I have the 35 crit chance and the 75 surge multiplier (Due to diminishing returns) and i have the talents that increase critical chance of backstab and hidden strike by 16 and the one that increases crit damage by 30 Does this stack with the softcap for both or does it do nothing? So for these abilities, would i have 105 surge and 51 crit chance?
  4. Sideblaze

    Buff Operatives

    In my experience, What i would do is lower the cooldown on shiv by 1.5 seconds. That way you could chain Shiv>Dart>Lacerate>Shiv>Lacerate(Proc) Lacerate> Shiv It would help the sustained damage ALOT. Though someone correct me if i'm wrong.
  5. Random necro, This topic still needs discussion.
  6. Sideblaze

    Buff Operatives

    Very impressive, Can i have a screenshot of your gear? Too many accomplishments are being shot down by egotistical *****s.
  7. Sideblaze

    Is SWTOR dying?

    My problem with the game is the following. Pvp for a bit as a marauder, get stun locked and owned by someone who was almost dead. I don't call nerf i just stop playing, ( Oh, and if you want a insane republic pvp server, Ruubat republic never lost a single game, Every pub i joined loses on a 86% ratio.) Go to explore planet to kill things on. Realize there are only about 3 planets worth exploring on a 50. Get bored while grinding daily commendations for 30 mins. Quit the game. I'm going to repeat what others have said, we need more endgame content, Maybe a continuing story (Not sure about republic, but inquisitor and warrior endings are really open ended)
  8. Just now i got like 9 medals on my jedi shadow, Died and got forced pushed, so when i respawned my character stayed down and did not get up, not even /stuck helped and i got kicked out. **** bioware.
  9. As a marauder main, I find it odd that operatives are getting nerfed. I wanted to level mine up, but id rather not waste time with an apparently dying class. Back on topic, The fact marauders are getting buffed and operatives are getting nerfed is strange to me The first operative nerf was justified. Maybe a little overboard. But cmon, 10k crits? ((I would like the old acid blade back)) But the thing is, marauders can DESTROY operatives if played right...My poorly worded point is, Operatives kinda need to have LOWER cooldowns, Because face it, You guys have **** chains. Really once you use all your knife attacks your kinda just doing nothing for 5 seconds while you get focused. Sorry for wall of text and possible poor grammar, tired.
  10. My main concern is how the hell does a DARTH OF THE SITH Not know force pull/push? ------- Emporer: Lord vader, Would you be so kind as to pull that rebel ship out of the sky? Lord Vader: I can't master. Emporer: ...And why...Not? Lord Vader: That would make the game unbalanced, Master. Emporer: ಠ_ಠ GET OUT OF MY CHAMBERRRRRRRRRRRRS! Lord Vader: Sorry. The instance hasn't been reset so- Emporer: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  11. The battlemaster gear gives more willpower, along with more crit and alarity, Which is generally more important for PVP
  12. The greatest argument i can bring to these threads is that Marauders WONT (underline) get nerfed, no matter how much people whine. The merc has a POSSIBILITY of being nerfed. So if you're a worrier and like melee, go marauder.
  13. Ha, These people have all the luck If anyone from rubaat crystal is here, You know how absolutely wretched the Empire Pvpers are over here, I have to apologize for the other team sometimes xD
  14. What now? o.o But yes, I don't have a problem with the damage, My real issue is that its almost impossible for MOST classes to counter it, The damage is fine, maybe a little overkillish, but again, my gripes are all related to the fact that you CAN'T DO ANYTHING usually. Nerfing is only going to encourage bioware to go down a path that doesn't bode well :\ If they somehow found a way to nerf powers, but have the nerfs ONLY TAKE EFFECT IN WARZONES AND NOWHERE ELSE then i would be fine with it, Otherwise i don't want my PVE ability to be hampered by whiny level 20 Newbies.
  15. Before i go to bed, i have to comment on this, Hes a juggernaut fighting poorly geared ops, Not everyone is going to be a goddamned tank with max health and heavy armor to survive the shanking, Think of sorcs bounty hunters and warriors (And the republic mirrors) that have alot less defensive abilities a tank has, I DEMAND YOU to think of a strategy to use when your face down and a guy is shanking your ***hole for 5k per hit, You cant, Because your FRIGGIN' DEAD.
  16. You know a class is ridiculous when it could totally anal **** a battlemastered juggernaut. And i Don't have my own op ("You cant whine because you dont have the clas-" Shut up.) I'm not saying nerf the class until it becomes useless, But my god, That knockdown is F*************************************************************************** ANNOYING! and apparently they have some weird sprint move that makes it impossible to lose them, Im not asking for a nerf, but i want someone that isn't a butt-hurt op fanatic or a butthurt "NERF THIS CUZ IT KILLZ MEH" type to write up how the hell to counter these guys? Aslong as the mez break is on a 2 minute cooldown they are going to remain unkillable, but that's not skill, that's just the INABILITY TO DO ANYTHING IN RETALIATION Poor grammar, Sorry, Bedtime. Bai.
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