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Everything posted by Darknessinme

  1. Will Subscription players and Free-to-Play members be playing together on the same servers? Yes, both subscription and Free-to-Play members will play together on the same servers. Interesting!!
  2. F2P…love it. I may be one of the few that do not enjoy pvp, wz, fp or ops. I pretty much like leveling, doing dailies, heroics and Role Playing. Now I can do that for FREE with F2P, unless I misread something. So Kudos Bio/EA, you saved me $15 a month! However, I do see some issues that might occur with the new system. 1. If you limit or restrict the GTN to Suber's and not allow F2P members access to the GTN, then the F2P players will just spam the general chats to sell their stuff or to find stuff to buy. This will flood general chat or chat in general. Supply and Demand, they will find a way to sell their stuff and the general chat is going to be the medium of choice to advertise their products. Let the F2P players buy the Suber's stuff on GTN and save everyone the headache! 2. By limiting access, you are really only hurting those who are trying to find groups for FP, PVP and etc. 3. Trolling will be a major problem, so get ready for that. Those are just some of the many problems I foresee coming because of F2P. Oh, when are you going to allow transfer (paid or free) to servers of our choosing?
  3. F2P…love it. I may be one of the few that do not enjoy pvp, wz, fp or ops. I pretty much like leveling, doing dailies, heroics and Role Playing. Now I can do that for FREE with F2P, unless I misread something. So Kudos Bio/EA, you saved me $15 a month! However, I do see some issues that might occur with the new system. 1. If you limit or restrict the GTN to Suber's and not allow F2P members access to the GTN, then the F2P players will just spam the general chat to sell their stuff or to find stuff to buy. This will flood general chat or chat in general. Supply and Demand, they will find a way to sell their stuff and buy stuff and the general chat is going to be the medium of choice to advertise or find their products. Let the F2P players buy and sell on GTN and save everyone the headache. 2. By limiting access, you are really only hurting those who are trying to find groups for FP, PVP and etc. 3. Trolling will be a major problem, so get ready for that. Those are just some of the many problems I foresee coming because of F2P. Oh, when are you going to allow transfer (paid or free) to servers of our choosing?
  4. When will you open up paid transfers to any desired destination instead of a predetermined one? Free transfers are great, but not every destination server selected is desirable for every person. So, when can I pay to have my characters placed in the server I desire?
  5. Chest piece is rewarded for both set for doing the Heroic 4-The End of Torvix ---Blackhole Heroic. Not sure about the boots, I am currently looking for them as well.
  6. Spoiler Alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imperial Agent can romance Kaliyo and Ensign Temple. My toon has married both during the game. Not sure if it was a glitch, but i worked on maxing out Kaliyo first, before Ensign Temple became a companion, and married Kaliyo. Once i got Temple, i was able to romance and marry her too. May be a glitch, but it was awesome. Currently working Scorpio to see what happens.
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