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Everything posted by Spiderbubble

  1. Every time there's patch notes, I hope to read something along the lines of "An issue that caused cover to sometimes fail to activate has been resolved for Imperial Agents and Smugglers". It's been over a week and there's been three little patches since then. Where's the bug fix? It's gamebreaking, and it still has not been addressed!
  2. I would use this as well, but I would put two points into Augmented Shields instead of Efficient Engineering. 4 Energy isn't really necessary considering you can spam Adrenaline Probe. I tried Engineering a few days ago and felt it was the weirdest spec ever. It didn't feel like I was playing a Sniper when compared with Marksmanship. It melts single target, does good AoE damage, and has more survivability, but I really didn't like the long cooldowns and I don't like placing the plasma probe (the AoE placing system always felt wonky to me). I'll probably try it again in the future, but for now I don't have enough reasons to stop playing Marksman.
  3. On my pre-50 Sniper, it totally depends on what I'm doing. If I'm defending at Void Star, I die a LOT because I usually end up just wanting to stop caps, and I get focus-fired quite rapidly. If I'm doing like Hutt Ball or attacking on Void Star, I end up doing considerably more damage with considerably less deaths because of it. I haven't played my Marauder much since 1.2, but I could generally get pretty good ratios per game. Usually sat around 35-40 kills with about 5-10 deaths depending on which Warzone it was. I typically die the least in Hutt Ball though, because I don't have to commit suicide onto their entire team to stop them from capping.
  4. I see a lot of Agents in general, both sniper and operative. I did a Hutt Ball a few days ago. We had 3 snipers, 2 healing operatives, a concealment operative, a PT and a Jugg. Needless to say, we wrecked that game 6-0 within a few minutes.
  5. If they made level brackets, they would HAVE to do cross server PvP queues, else there would be no way you could get into a game. I have trouble getting a game in the 10-49 bracket on my server as it is (depending on time of day) so I'll take my uneven bracket with playtime over even brackets that you never get to play in anyway.
  6. I did it before 1.2 and spend probably 55 tries just to get ONE. Using a 10k affection companion with +0 Artifice Crit. After that I gave up and switched to Synthweaving for the augments in belts/bracers (which I got with a 10k affection +5 Synth Crit companion - Jaesa - in about 3 tries each) and then to Biochem for PvP/Raids. Then I went on my assassin pre-1.2 as Synthweaving. Got belt on the second try, and bracers on the first. Using a 8.5k affection companion and +0 Synth Crit. So yeah, you're not alone on any of these. It's just odd to me that so many of us are noticing the same things.
  7. Don't attack them with Cloak of Pain up. If you don't attack them for 6 seconds, their 20% damage reduction disappears. The best way to keep them at bay while they activate it is to snare/root them and get some distance until it runs out. When they blow Undying Rage, CC them (roots preferred) and wait until it runs out before re-initiating. What people don't really understand is that Marauder wins 1v1, and always did. You're supposed to team up to kill them, and they melt very fast under pressure. Undying Rage is only up about once for every two times a Marauder dies (assuming you're focusing them properly) since it has a long cooldown. Saber Ward gives them defenses too, but this cooldown is even higher. Their best defensive cooldown is in fact their Camouflage. The problem is that it's also sometimes mandatory to use as a gap closer, so keep that in mind. Without defensive cooldowns, Marauders would be useless for a Melee DPS. DPS Assassins and Operatives have stealth to fall back on and Juggernaughts have Heavy Armor. What this means is: bait their defensive cooldowns, and kill them, because without them up they are squishy as hell.
  8. Indeed, I also felt that Annihilation Marauders were plenty strong, and the buffs to Ravage astounded me. I was fine with Carnage/Rage getting some buffs, but having Annihilation be nerfed in one area and buffed in another would have kept them largely unchanged, but Ravage's changes turned it into a buff. I also forgot to mention that Rupture can now be a 50% slow, which is quite a big buff, actually. I didn't use Ravage much at all pre-1.2 because it was glitchy and easily stopped. Now, you can Rupture>Ravage and they can pretty much not escape unless they CC you. I recently respecced to Rage for the fun factor and to try it out again, and I notice that I absolutely suck with it XD. I just need to get used to it again, though.
  9. This is a really nice idea PROVIDED we can still bring our mains into normal WZs. I'd honestly love playing as Vette or Jaesa in Warzones. It'd have to be a new type of WZ Queue. I agree that companions are entirely useless once you hit 50. They can't help in end-game PvE content or PvP. Sure, they can help with dailies, but those are boring beyond belief unless you have a group (in which case you can't use a companion anyway).
  10. I say just make it so that ANY craftable item is Bind on Equip. Reusable items would be Bind on Use. This includes grenades from Cybertech and all stims/medpacks from Biochem. I never understood why some craftable things are BoP anyway. It just takes the fun out of the economy of making those pieces. I like how craftable oranges are at least BoE, but it still isn't good enough. Having things be BoP gives too much power to Biochem in PvP, and too much power to Synthweaving/Armormech in PvE (due to the crit-crafted Rakata belts/bracers).
  11. Who cares anymore. By now the QQ has reached a level that makes the Marauder/Sentinel nerf inevitable. Luckily the true die hard Marauder players (me included) will continue to play the class and all those idiots who rolled a Marauder simply because they're currently OP will give up and quit. I'm not even playing my Marauder currently because when I kill someone it's only going to be "That class is OP" instead of "That class is UP/balanced, yet he messed up my face. Must just be a good player". Whether the class is OP or not isn't even up for debate because everyone has already made up their minds, the QQ has gone too far, and Bioware is going to nerf the class because of it. Sorcs/BHs had the same treatment. It's funny, because BHs (Arsenal) weren't even hard to deal with. Tracer Missile/Grav Round was a bit too spammable, I'll agree, but they got nerfed a bit too hard. BH healers are utterly destroyed now, and the only thing that made them "OP" was that they couldn't be interrupted due to a shield (which was a bit dumb, but not enough to warrant nerfs on THIS level). I made a Sage on the republic side (I actually wanted a Shadow, but I misclicked when choosing AC ) and I couldn't get past level ~18. The class bored me to no end and it surprised me that people could actually play that class and not die of boredom. Sorcs/Sages were a bit strong, but the expertise changes make them melt TOO fast now. They melted quickly before, but now it's a bit too much. What made them "OP" before 1.2 was mostly the fact that they were too versatile: Tons of CC, good AoE and single target damage, pretty good defensive cooldowns (bubble/dash), and had the ability to heal regardless of spec (though less efficiently, of course). However, let's look at what the Marauder got from 1.2. THREE abilities had their costs reduced. The interrupt/kicker move now costs 0 resource, same as other classes. Fair buff. The other two abilities costing 0 rage is actually a NERF because they now cannot be used to grant Fury, since spending Rage gives Fury, and these abilities no longer cost Rage. That part was a double edged sword, and I'd rather have had my Fury over my Rage. Next up, we lost "Quick Recovery" which was a massively important ability for Fury Generation. Using Sweeping Slash at 1 Rage cost gave us 4 Fury, which gave much higher uptime on Berserk. Big nerf. In it's place, we get Short Fuse, but Annihilation already had that. This was a buff for the other two trees, which was fair, considering they were way weaker than Annihilation. It was again, a double edged sword, a nerf for Annihilation, and a buff for Carnage/Rage. Carnage and Rage got some small buffs that were necessary to put them near Annihilation, and still Annihilation is the primary tree used by Marauders. The ONLY real buff to Annihilation is that RAVAGE is now much stronger. Literally. That's it. ONE move got changed to gain 15% more damage and be uninterruptable. You can spec some extra damage on it, up to 21% I believe, and I agree it's a bit too strong right now. However, let's compare it to a similar ability that Snipers have: Series of Shots. For all intents and purposes, the same move, but it can be used from range, they cannot be interrupted (due to cover mechanics), they cannot be CCd if they use Entrench (making it unstoppable except by death) and it can be used THREE TIMES IN A ROW if you have 31 points in the Marksman tree. Oh, did I mention this move also got buffed in damage in a recent patch, along with a few other abilities they have? You can at least CC a Marauder to prevent Ravage from hurting so hard. Put Ravage at 5% of it's pre-1.2 damage (while uninterruptable) and Marauders will be fine.
  12. Still, CD being a DoT that takes 15(!) seconds to deal it's damage, whereas EP is instant and can be combined with any other hard hitting move to suddenly chunk someone for 3-5k, isn't EP far superior (in PvP at least). I could see using CD on tanks though, since they rarely die in 15 seconds. I can also see it being worth using against stronger enemies in PvE, so I guess I'll see about fitting it into my rotation.
  13. Natural Cover is handy to use in Hutt Ball, because you can roll up onto the second level if you're in the middle. Anti-gravity roll is awesome. IIRC you get slightly better dodge/defense bonuses from using Natural Cover than using Portable Cover.
  14. There's plenty of ways to keep them at bay. Leg Shot and Cover Pulse are some of the best abilities to use, from what I've seen. Leg Shot gives you 6 seconds to run like hell and drop into cover so they can't leap towards you. This works especially well to counter their Cloak of Pain (their 20% damage reduction power which goes away if not being attacked for 6 seconds). If you're Marksman, using Ambush as another knockback is also handy.
  15. I'm thinking of running this for when I hit 50: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bsrrdoRRGRZbc0MZb.1 I put 2 points into Sniper Volley because 5% is nothing, and I think 15% is too much. I'm also not sure about using Deadly Directive. It feels less useful than getting an additional 2% crit chance on everything. 4% alacrity vs 2% crit? Feels like 2% crit would do more.
  16. Corrosive Dart? I've never seen the purpose of using that ability, since it does very little damage and it does it over a very very long time. I could see it have a use against Raid bosses though once I get to that point. Currently I'm mostly PvPing. I find that I literally melt enemies in seconds and it's very satisfying!
  17. HOLY CRAP IT'S AMAZING. I just hit level 36 and got SoS. The difference is huge since if it crits at all in those three shots, I get a 1.5 Ambush (MMS). I'm in love. I can't wait until level 40 when I can spam it 3 times in a row. SoS>SoS>SoS>Ambush>Followthrough>Takedown sounds like it's just pure ******ic burst damage.
  18. I'm also assuming that most good PvPers re-rolled to the Republic side to be able to PvP more often (due to shorter queue times) or to simply play against the Imperials they know.
  19. I have to ask. Do you fail because you die or do you fail because you run out of time to complete the missions? I've only ever failed a space mission once, and that was the first time I played one and had no idea what I was doing. If you're dying on the mission with the minetender, I have a good tip: Ignore fighters completely. Don't even shoot them. There's no bonus mission for killing fighters on that one (only the 'elite' fighters) so when you're dodging asteroids, activate the shield boost, and barrel roll constantly. Additionally, mines die after a single shot, so shoot each one once. Lastly, each "Hard mode" mission (the second time you go through them on a higher level) has ONE fighter that will be sort of a "Champion" or something that harasses you and chases you for a while. Massacre it with missile bursts (right click a bunch) and use the DPS booster to kill it as fast as you can. In general, you want to have the shield boost on whenever you're not shooting, and the DPS boost while you are. If your shields are very low and you're worried about dying, activate it and use missiles instead for the DPS that you need.
  20. I'm really liking this idea. Kudos to you for the idea. I like the name too. Giradda clearly likes these sorts of things.
  21. Remove Civil War entirely. It's a pile of garbage anyway. I nearly always insta-quit it because it sucks that much. The map layout screws over Gunslingers/Snipers, the speeders can bring you nearly instantly to the side nodes causing for near impossible caps, you can't cap over time, there's never any place to skirmish people, and if you're losing it's nearly impossible to make a comeback. The map layout also causes a lot of down time in between fighting. It's just horrendous.
  22. As a Marauder I get this problem frequently when I accidentally Force Charge over a vent. It pushes you into the air halfway through the Charge, but I think the server still sees you as having reached your destination. This causes MASSIVE desync and the only way to ever solve it is by Charging to someone else later.
  23. This thread wins. We got a few skills to now cost 0 Rage/Focus. Our interrupt/kicker now costs nothing LIKE EVERY OTHER CLASS. We now have a debuff (Obfuscate) now costs nothing, as does the AoE Mez. These last two are NERFS. I'd rather pay for them. That way they build Fury. Annihilation's only buff was making Rupture's 2 point movement speed debuff actually worth speccing into. 30% is pathetic. 50% is at least worth the 2 points. The ONLY buff overall was to Ravage/Master Strike. And yes, I can do with the 15% nerf to it's damage if it keeps being uninterruptable. I can also deal with current damage and interruptable, but that would make Carnage/Combat worse (because it's clearly the best spec and clearly needs nerfs ). The QQ really is coming from the fact that TWO classes got buffed (Sniper/Marauder) and most other classes got nerfed. Some were even untouched.
  24. I have this similar class set on the Imperial side, and I'm 100% in agreement. I love playing my Sniper in Hutt Ball. Marauder is a very close second, and my last - Tank Assassin is boring as hell to play on Hutt Ball (actually PvP in general. Tanksin is far too easy to play for how powerful it is).
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