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Posts posted by SentinelDranoel

  1. Hi Foks,


    It's time for our daily SWTOR question:


    Tank, healer, damage dealer? What do you enjoy most and why?


    My personal answer:


    However, healing during PvP Warzones is my favorite thing to do in the game. There's nothing better than healing so well that players on the other team abandon all objectives to hunt you down.


    In pvp, I love it when I get attacked by most of the other team for doing too much damage. I call it the enemy MVP award. I do like tanking because of the survivability and the job of keeping the healer alive.


    In pve I like all the positions throughout the game except tanking in OPS. You set it up as dual tanking but for the most part it is solo tanking. Karaga the Hutt is my favorite for this, because it enforces the dual tanking function at various points.

  2. there are no real rules for warzones.

    You can decide the make up of your teams.

    You have 4 people queue up for a 8 man team.

    Does not match by levels, one team full of 30s and up, the other mostly 10-19.


    The entire system needs some rules in play, and let ilum and Outllaw den be the place for true free for all or team deathmatch.

  3. I think some people just want a new planet without a reason to be there so they just name a random planet they liked. Unfortunately, the planet you name whether from the books, movie or games; was likely visited for a reason that was part of the story. I do not forsee planets being added unless they fit with this current war. They already added popular planets for no other reason then the fact they are popular.


    Look at Hoth, added for the movie reference, and most of the stories on Hoth do not really tie in with the war that well. When playing on my Empire toon, someone from the Imperial Army said they were just there to make the Republic waste resources and energy. Starship Graveyard, whatever.


    Taris was added for the reference to KOTOR. There is a lot people can say about doing what feels like endless Rakghoul missions.


    Create as many new planets that actually gives me a reason to be there I say.

  4. 1)I think the female smuggler stole the show for me. I have played through all 8 stories and she nails the voice of a free and idependent scoundrel. It was my main so I cannot isolate one moment in particular. I did enjoy the conversations with Risha and was classic BW to me; great character interaction.


    2) I think the voice actress for the female Sith Inquistor had a regal tone to it that fits well to the dark side. Unlike the male Jedi Consular voice actor, she does not give a montonous performance. I cannot name one moment, I think she does a good job from begining to end. I do like the ending for the darkside.


    3)Jedi Knight could have sounded more forceful and masculine for me, I expected more from the guy who does Snake. It fits for lightside choices though, where you have to be compasionate.


    4)Jennifer Hale, nuff said. As far as I am concerned, she is a legend. I know she can playthe tough female soldier from begining to end. I always role her as a darkside/renegade character. She delivers in every action scene and the Coreila missions were a masterpiece. I really felt like I was in charge of the war there.


    5)I never liked the Sith Warrior male voice choice because I feel it does not fit. It does not sound like the voice of a commanding Sith and I did not believe many of the performances. I will say the voice acting goes well with making jokes with Vette. I did laugh alot as I made jokes to earn affection for Vette. I may be biased though, Mission and Bastila were my favorite companions from KOTOR.


    6)For some reason, the chemistry between the male Bounty Hunter and Mako sounded pretty well to me. I liked Mean Girls, so I knew Mako was going to be my companion of choice before the game was released. Lacey Chabert delivered.


    Special shout outs go to characters that stood out to me i ncertain moments:

    Thana Vesh during the Imperial Taris missions.

    Darth Lachris in the bonus series of Imperial Balmora.

    Darth Malgus in the False Emperor story.

    The missions with Nadia in quesh and the one before she joins.

    Watcher 2 during the final mission of act 1 for the Imperial Agent.

  5. I would not mind this but look through the threads and you will see a different argument. There are people who are lobbying for them to restrict F2Ps as if they have a disease or something. If this game is massive, then the more the merrier in my opinion. Find another way to nickel and dime.
  6. My Tythonian lightsaber loses the smoke effect during combat. I do not consider it a big deal since I do not zoom in and look at my lightsaber during combat. When i resheathe, the effect returns.


    My Warmaster double-bladed lightsaber has a hilt that turns off completely during combat, that is much worse. Still waiting for a fix.

  7. [quote=MazakMatsura;5931801

    Why would you ever want to pop in a group with folks you don't know, players who may or may not know their class, have decent PvP gear, fail to communicate, or have those "Elite" folks who drag your team down, then PM everyone on how much they sucked. Why deal with it period?


    In the days of arcades, you could go by yourself and would meet random new people to play with. You did not to bring friends to enjoy gaming. People have been multiplayer gaming with strangers long before MMOs became a popular mainstream genre.


    I see this mostly in only this MMO. People mostly only want to play with their friends and with no one else. You might be able to name some other games but I can't. I can log into my favorite shooters right now and play with people not in premade groups. I can jump into a fighting game and play with people all over the world. I can jump into Champions and DFO and find people willing to play together.


    IMO, a few bad apples do not spoil the bunch. You should not need a premade to enjoy a pvp match. Refusing to play with only a small group of players is kind of antisocial.

  8. I agree with the OP. I see nothing wrong with being in a premade and it is way more fun than solo playing. At the same time, groups of 4 take up have of the team and this is the problem. They have their own gameplan and sometimes it does not involve the rest of us or they expect us to follow them like they are special.


    Get rid of the 8 man requirement for ranked or add 4 man queues to ranked as well.


    One issue I have that is worst than a team of veteran players in a premade. Premades full of Noobs. All man do I hate this. They all have crappy gear, are useless as back up, and talk like they make a difference. I rather have a random team and get some good players, than have a team full of people gearing up their toons by taking up four of the slots.

  9. Ranked matches improvements, getting premades out of every match and into premade vs premade games, cross server and anything I forgot is more important thant a new Warzone.


    honestly the pvp is fun, the way it is done could use an improvement. The game has changed but the pvp has not yet. Hopefully we will se something new besides another warzone this year.

  10. I have played through all 8 stories...woot.

    Jedi Guardian- Kira has a little bit of a bad girl edge to her, so I give her my vote.

    Jedi Consular- Theran and Holiday, easily.

    Smuggler- All of them. My crew does not follow rules.

    Trooper- Tanno Vik. We would probably get yelled at by General Garza together too.

    Sith Warrior- I would say Vette but she might get herself caught.

    Sith Inquisitor- Xalek. He would not talk much as he busted me out too.

    Bounty Hunter-All of them. Mako would organize it, and the rest would help.

    Imperial Agent- Kaliyo would be arrested with me because she would be the reason I started the fight and she would jump into the brawl. Temple would back me up. Scorpio only at max affection, otherwise she would leave me to rot.

  11. F2P...SuB... stop creating warantless accusations against people for being different. So because they are not subscribed, that makes you better or makes them a different type of gamer. There really is no difference and if someone has concrete data that proves when people stop subscribing, they become different a type of gamer; I would like to see it.


    If it was not for F2P, people would find someone else to look down on. Not doing the hardest operations, not playing pvp a lot, not understanding the game....


    I remember people needing on items before this game went F2P, I remember people doing that in other MMO's and in F2P MMO's too. It happens in real life, so of course we would find it here.

  12. 1.Give them better gear.

    2. Build up your presence. Collecting datacrons and maxing out affection helps here. Some npc's sell presence stims.

    3. Could use a healing companion, but the pace is still slow because you will find yourself having to kill everything. If you need someone to heal you while you clear strongs and normals, than maybe you need better gear.

    Dps companions can help you clear trash fast. When a tank companion is well geared, he/she can solo mobs making it easier for you to pick them off. Just dismiss them and bring them back. Instant full health. Activating your speder and using rocket boots works well too.


    BTW- Most people go thorugh this in Chapter 3 since the mobs are tougher.

  13. No matter in what version of the game, the sniper always has been a class dependent on his team to peform well. Give me a marauder that can keep the enemy's attention on himself and i will rack up kills. The class was never overpowered, it's our team mates that help in peforming our job.


    I agree 100%. The class is very situational. Most veteran Snipers/Gunslingers know to pick their spots. For the people that are complaining you can't beat them-you better learn. My Gunslinger is my main, so whenever I go against a GS/Sniper in pvp, I already know their rotation and their defensive abilities.

  14. Let me explain why I like this so dang much.

    Jedi Guardian- 1. My biggest complaint was I wanted more ways to generate threat, especially when it comes to AOE threat outside of melee range. 2.0 adds SABER DEFLECT. Allows me to draw threat while deflecting damage at attackers. GENIUS.


    Gunslinger- My biggest complaint was lack of mobility, once I am boxed in I could not get away. Sitting there as a sitting duck was getting me killed. I adapted my play style to it and moved on. 2.0 adds the roll which gives me the mobility I complained I needed a year ago. Better late than never.


    Jedi Sage- I complained that the telekinetics spec lacked damage and the extra hits on certain moves did not happen often. 2.0 address both complaints.


    Have not tested the new Powertech, Assassin and a few of the other classes I play reguarly. Wish I could copy all my characters.

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