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Posts posted by SentinelDranoel

  1. Nope, you cannot give me a false dichotomy.

    I do not support a paid gambling system for cartel items.

    I do not support more Operations and Warzones over the valued fourth pillar of story.

    I do not support the certificate idea.


    I do support cosmetic items inside the cartel market. There is already gear for every single planet, flashpoint, operation, warzone and the things crafters can make. I would hope they do not change the rewards to existing content. Already not a fan of removing centurion, champion, and battlemaster.

  2. What I got was: I can't compete against players of my own level, so when the expansion comes out ima stick around with the level 30s so I can be on an "even" playing field.


    I'm sure playing against lower levels who don't have access to as many abilities or spec talents as you is really an even playing field. But hey, you be all that you can be man!


    What I got was he cannot compete against 4 coordinate players because it is not a level field. He would rather play with 15 other players at random. The premades could face other premades.

  3. Old news, indeed. Faux News is notorious for misrepresentation of events.


    Fully thing is - the "bigots" would probably support the idea.


    I'm not a fan of segregation, though. Diversity is good, as long as its polarities don't cross certain lines.


    For anybody who wonder what it will be like, please play games from the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series.


    By definition, a bigot would not support SGR no matter what we say. http://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/bigot

  4. What new SWG thingy. The only upcoming MMO I am currently looking out for is Elder Scrolls Online...


    I am going to wait for a verdict on that one. A single player RPG maker trying to make a MMO does not sound appealing anymore. If the game does not have a lot of the features that make Elder Scrolls great, it will be a letdown for me. I see no point in copying what other MMOs are doing and slapping the Elder Scrools name on it thinking people will not notice.

  5. If it is that bad, the players could just go to a gay server. The only way that would work is if they had the ability to server transfer between servers. Oh well, looks like I will have to continue playing with my brothers and sisters in the LGBT community. This has never bothered me anyway, but playing with bigots is never fun though.
  6. There might be a gear problem too, as I wouldn't get many drops, nor that many credits to buy things on the GTN... Probably out level my gear pretty fast.


    What I am going through right now with the boost system. Low level blues are cheap and I pretty much buy only those.

  7. Just make the expansion M rating at this point seeing that both sides will never get along.


    If the side that does not like SGR plays other Bioware games, then they can get along with it just fine. After Dragon Age and Mass Effect, this is nothing new.

  8. I find some people who play MMOs confuse grindy with challenging.


    A good raid boss is challenging. Spending an hour killing warthogs is grindy. Most gamers have lost all taste for the grind and prefer a real challenge.


    That is argument based on someone's perspective. Raid bosses follow the traditional route of having ridiculous HP. That is nothing new in the realm of RPGs, but every one does not find fighting the same boss over and over for a period of time challenging. Spamming the same rotation/attacks consistently for a long time feels like a grind too.


    As a two decades plus gamer, I think it depends on the boss mechanics and what the individual finds challenging.

    I used to love the challenge of beating Street Fighter 2 without losing a life on max difficulty. The problem is I played too much and it stopped being challenging because I mastered the content. I was getting consecutive perfects from begining to end; I knew the game mechanics more than I knew the back of my right hand. The game is still challenging, but not to me. Even in 2013, my fingers remember all the mechanics.


    On the idea of spending an hour killing warthogs is grindy, I say only if it is designed that way.

    Take a classic Beat em up game approach. A bunch of warhogs pose no threat. Now fill the screen with all types of warthogs that do different things and increase their difficulty. It goes from grind to challenge.

  9. Nice, I must say that I am using the middle spec with my Sentinel(Combat) and it is very slow. DPs is ok, but I have played with every class to 50 and this is the slowest since leveling my powertech tank. The only reason I have not switched is because I copied my toon to the PTS and I can see what she will be able to do at 50. She will be a beast.


    I orignally thought this was going to be a Sith Warrior thread. The Jedi Guardian and Sith Jugernaut are great and they are my favorite force using classes in game.

  10. I actually dislike operations and they feel like a bunch of heroes running around fighting battles they should be able to win. Last time I checked, Vader said the Death Star itself was insignificant compared to the power of the force. I know this is a video game, but it is a Star Wars video game.


    I have not completed Terror from Beyond because I saw the trailer for it and wondered what does this have to do with anything else Star Wars have done? I will likely do it when it is added to group finder just for gear.


    Favorite Boss? Mario sized bosses may be cool in other MMO's but it got old quick to me. I will say that I like the idea of the Duel of Fates battle in Eternity Vault. If you had more Star Wars type battles in these things; I might become a fan.


    Question? Did the developers really create classic Star Wars encounters between the Republic and Empire from 1-50, and then do giant creatures because they look more intimdating at the endgame? In my opinion, the Emperor should be the most intimidating character in this game. How are you going to end this story? With eight people attacking the Emperor?

  11. If I'm in full BH, I won't mind grouping with people in Tionesse or Oranges as I'll be almost strong enough to solo the normal FP!


    Exactly^. If they give incentives for grouping with lower geared people which I think they will do in group finder; I do not think it will be a problem.

  12. Although cool in theory it would not work sadly. The reason being that each story is tied with a specific class and each class has their own story. I could probably see it happening in terms of a raid that affects all classes but personal stories, unfortunately it will not happen.


    A raid would be the worst place for this kind of story. Eight people watching cutscenes at the same time? We see how things go in four man flashpoints.


    The stories already interwine, look at all the companion storylines. On Coreilla, Republic Special Forces was mentioned to be there while playing my Imperial Agent. Sith Warrior and the Jedi Knight have a common link with their Emperor storylines.

    They can always let the personal stories intertwine through your own legacy. I do not see it for multiplayer though.

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