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Posts posted by SentinelDranoel

  1. Meanwhile you're playing a game with spaceships, cute furry mammals called Wookies, cloaked midgets who talk in an adorable way, swords made of pretty beams of light, and precious little kangaroo things called Tauntauns.


    Please do continue to tell us about your refined tastes.


    eh, swords made of pretty beams of light are elegant civilized weapons.



    If pets do not give me a buff or help in a battle, then they are useless to me.

  2. Never too late to add anything in my opinion. I must say this, the picture of the black armor with the red highlights looks awesome. Now I am tired of fighting giant monsters and the fight is considered Epic by some people. A giant creature found on the Hoth planet in the Ilum revamp, really?


    What I consider Epic battles in Star Wars

    1. Assault on the Death Star

    2. Luke versus Darth Vader

    3. Luke versus Darth Vader with the Emperor sitting in the background.

    4. Qui-gon and Obi-Wan versus Darth Maul

    5. Obi-Wan versu Jango

    6. The entire scene in the Arena in episode 2.

    7. Obi-Wan versus Anakin/ Yoda versus the Emperor.

    8. Revan versus Bastilla in the star forge.

    9. Revan versus Malak

    10. The Exile versus Darth Nihlus


    No giant monsters that I have to zoom out and step back to actually see. Swinging a lightssaber at kneecaps again I see.

  3. I thought we were going to do all 4 classes BTW. If you both pick Jedi Knight, we would have to sit through both of your class quests. If you both are going to pick Jk then screw it, I roll a Jedi Shadow so I can start on Tython too.


    I play multiple toons in game, I am leveling a Operative in the Harbringer server named Kinoss. I do dailies with a republic toon named Bao-Dir. Once you are ready to start and put the times up, if I have not checked out the forums, I am probably playing one of those two characters.


    I suspesct getting 4 people to play at one time is going to last a hour or two here and there.

  4. I say no and instead arguing with any of you, I will let you know the reasons why I quit. For the record, I do not quit every game. When I am grinding for comms, I do not actually need to win. I can get up to 8 with a losing team. If I want the daily, I really do not care win or lose unless I am in a real life hurry.


    1. Lack of matchmaker system- I have seen teams with all gunslingers, scoundrels, jedi sages and commandos. I am sorry if you think you are really good but without any of the more sturdier characters, we will have a hard time assaulting for a cap. You want to know how you see it, when no runs right in because they know their character does not have the survivability they need for that initial asault. It is worse when the other team is well balanced. Two healers, some stealth toons, a few few melee classes to get in your face and a tank defending, taunting and protecting. Is it impossible to win? Not if the other team sucks, but I do not assume everyone in this game cannot play. I assume my opponents know what they are doing. If we get wiped easily, I am out.


    2. Premades vs Pugs- Premades belong in ranked but Bioware refuses to do it. A good premade team is well balanced and well coordinated. Like a military squad, everyone knows their positions and do not need to spend time planning in combat because they have already spent time training for situations.


    3. I do not like playing with beginners- I have so many toons, there should be a legacy valor system. If you are below a certain number you play in beginner matches and not with me. Some people need the training wheels on, I do not. The pvp in this game is repetitive without Ilum to break the monotony. I just want to play my toon for the daily, not teach beginners.


    4. SOMETIME A TEAM IS JUST WAY BETTER THAN YOUR TEAM- Sorry but it happens, a random team will have a synergy that is better than your random team. It happens. Your team gets WIPED in the first minute. They 3 cap you. It happens. I HAVE NO REASON WHATSOEVER TO HELP THE ENEMY TEAM GET COMMENDATIONS BECAUSE YOU WANT TO FIGHT A LOSING BATTLE. I rather quit and take a lockout as opposed to 15 minutes of medal feeding.

  5. I would be willing to play on the Harbringer server and on the republic side. It is better if you pick the times as I am good for almost any schedule until my college classes start again. I have already played through every story but the Imperial Agent. My IA is in tatoonie right now. I doubt getting 4 people to play at the same time will be really fast if we all are only going to play these toons when we are all logged in. I have leveled two toons with my fiance from 1 to 50 and it took months because we wanted our toons to experience the entire game together.


    In a nutshell, Harbringer server. Open to playing on Jedi covenant, I have two 50's there, Any other server and you would not be able to send me a message when I am playing in game to let me know to jump on our leveling toon.


    Open to playing either side. I have seen all of the republic and that is my favorite but if the group votes for imperial, I will join.

  6. Easy fix...Give the weakling classes a falcon punch ability. problems solved.


    The falcon punch is the most devasting move ever created, it has destroyed planets and even the person doing the punch. The force itself is insignificant to the power of the falcon punch. a ingame falcon punch would kill your opponent, yourself, your teammantes, his teammates, the warzone location, and the planets closest to it.

  7. How would this affect class stories? BW can still add more to each class story line, like I said if you did a faction change you would still have to run through the class story line.




    and leveling to me is boring, so creating a new character wouldn't alleviate my boredom



    1. The republic trooper who is loyal to the republic would need a reason to defect. That requires an entire story arc for you to have a reason to do that.

    2. I was under the impression that the republic does not allow bounty hunting.

    3. The Jedi Knight kills the voice of the emperor and you want him to join the empire? It would take an entire storyline to make that seem logical.

    4. Why would the Sith inquisitor leave the dark council to become a jedi? Need another storyline to explain.




    It would take an entire story act for the switch, does that really seem likely anytime soon.

  8. Apparently he's right since you just posted that you are joining the ranks of that exact demographic.


    Reread his argument before you comment.... His argument was that outside of smash spec they are wet noodles. There bleed spec is not a wet noodle at all. JK and SW still have multiple attacking abilities as well some good defensive buffs. They are a great all around class.


    My argument was that powertech/vanguard tanks are an real example of a wet noodle. If you ever used the middle spec for Sorcerers/ Sages you would also agree that in pvp conditions it is underwhelming as well. It is a lot of channeled abilities such as turblence and telekinetic wave and they do not hit for that much.


    For your info I already have a JG and SJ class at 50 I just do not run around smashing all day. I really thought it was going to get nerfed by now, judging from what they did to merc/commando and operative/scoundrel when people complained about those classes.

  9. 1. You can't smash twice in 5 seconds, even with the ability that lowers CD. Stop exaggerating

    2. Extremely hard to smash consistantly for 7-9k. Fully augmented WH does only 4-5k on an averaged geared player. Stop exaggerating

    3. Still have to consider PVE don't you? If you nerf smash, rage no longer is a very viable PVE DPS spec.


    Quite the problem we have here. I see some people say it is ok for smash to do that sought of damage. I have seen some players do it consistently myself. My only problem with it is that it is an AOE and not single target damage. I want to yell at other players some time for standing so close to me sometimes.


    BW since people do not want to reduce it, can my Force Quake do up to 7k damage instantly as well. Freighter flyby, orbital strike, mortar volley, let's just go balls out and Instant 6k each other.

  10. Ignoring the fact they have cooldowns....


    Nerf it but the only thing then is you then have to seriously buff other abilities cos outside the smash the spec hits like a wet noodle and puts in laughable dps in PVE as is. Meaning basically redesign it.


    I do not think so, SW and JK are nowhere near wet noodles. Powertech tank and the slow channel telekinetic spec of Jedi Consulars are weak.

  11. Cool Story Bro, it's well known that 99.99% of the subscriber base are, in fact, Smash Monkeys. And the only other guy plays a stun locking Operative.


    Wrong. I use a gunslinger and a powertech in pvp. In a month I will have a smashmonkey and a stun locking operative. I can beat them, but why go through the stress if BW is not going to do something about it anytime soon. Tired of trying to beat them constantly and I am joining, where is my membership card?

  12. Ok, this subject has me livid beyond belief. Ever since launch, PVP gear has looked exactly the same, the only difference is the color scheme. Pretty much every class has complained about their gear not being "starwarsy" enough. With that being said, it ticks me off that every month now we're seeing the elusive "starwarsy" gear being exclusively offered through the Cartel Market, or the GTN for an astronomical amount. I'm talking multiple sets of really cool looking armor. Now my question is, why did they only implement this premium looking gear in the Cartel Market only? Why couldn't they make the EWH gear look like one of the cool sets being offered in the Cartel Market?


    Why should I have to spend a myriad of credits re-augmenting and ripping out mods from other gear just so I can actually look like a Bounty Hunter, Jedi, etc. It seems like we can't earn ANY "starwarsy" gear no matter how many hours we spend grinding in WZ's. So essentially Bioware is abusing and taking advantage of their subscribers. I'm by no means a Bioware hater, and overall I'm astounded by the game itself, I see more positives than negatives. However, I just can't continue to ignore the current method that Bioware has implemented when it comes to getting aesthetically sound gear. We were lead to believe it was a lack of time and resources as to why they couldn't change the look our gear on a routine basis.


    This is a subjective argument. Everyone does not hate all the gear in the game nor can all the CM gear be superior.

    I like all of the smuggler gear until you hit 50. The tier 1 for pvp and pve were too similar and I hated both looks. I like the tier 2 sets though.

    CM gear is adaptive so people will put other classes gear on another class if they like it better. I dislike almost all post 50 Sith Inquisitor gear and Sith Warrior gear. I used the CM to buy the SW robe for my SI and my SW wears pre 50 gear.

    You are getting all worked up over your own personal opinions and are playing mental gymnastics in your head with how you feel about BW.

  13. Let me tell you a story, in older games, FFXI for example, you had to spend 30 minutes or more looking for a group. Not just when you chose to do a FP, but every freaking time you stepped out of a city. You literally couldn't advance your charcter without a group.


    Further, there may not even have been enough people online in your level range to do anything. You'd literally be camping the /who funtion trying to find enough people to try to group.


    Plus, you had to find the group yourself. It wasn't just que and teleport. It was shout, group up, battle your way to your desired area for about 30 minutes, and then start to progress your character.


    But by all means complain about the fact that nobody in your level range wanted to do the exact same activity as you at the exact same time. You do realize you can do all kinds of activities while you're wating to group.


    I remember cancelling my account after a week of that.

  14. Topic #1: Elder Game Content – What is our intent for keeping level 50’s occupied? Answer: Introducing new content and activities for the elder game is a top priority in the coming year. We’ve got new Operations, new Flashpoints, new difficulty modes....


    Has there been any new details on this subject or some elaboration? I would still like to see some of the storylines reintroduced in a hard mode instead of just doing the daily. I know I read once that a hard mode is not in the picture but now I see new difficulty modes in the state of game article.

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