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10 Good
  1. indeed , i feel marauder's survivability is too good compared to juggernauts. i have both a marauder and a jug to 50 , and marauder was my first toon, i rolled jug thinking jugs would have way better survivability and it definately wasnt the case , i dare say jug's surviability is simply **** , if u have no healer . Even with a healer , you only have 1 defensive cooldown which is reliable on such a long cooldown , 3minutes. Really bioware , i wanted to play juggernaut to have really good survivability and i'm sure most people thought that as well. Either buff juggernaut's survivability , or nerf marauders.
  2. i feel the nerf of bountyhunters are going mostly at powertechs due to their incredible burst damage. As a well geared 50 healer , i've had several encounters were a powertech just burst insane amounts of damage and i was unable to react or heal myself. This is from experience and i had consideration about wether powertechs deserved a nerf before posting this. i conclude they are doing too much damage indeed.
  3. signed . these are good general idea for class changes. hope this thread gets more replies.
  4. hope they change endure pain in 1.2 and make it better , and not that 1 hp crap.
  5. Yes GM's please fix this issue , i was hoping it would be fixed in 1.1.2 but to no avail only minor class changes to mercs and troopers which dont even look important , this is a talent that is a 10% and 6% boost to heals. It will really help alot overall if they could fix this soon.
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