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Everything posted by Rasheth

  1. Stop trying to come in the thread and act like you are teaching us. Duh yes most of us know the game changes at 50. You know how we know this? Experience and playing the game. This thread is good to make sure Im wearing comparable gear to others at my level. Oh you know another place the game changes? Like level 33 when most gear at least mods start carrying 4 stats i.e. willpower,endurance,crit,surge or power. I am new to MMO also and this thread is a good help obvously if people are still looking at it and its 5 pages long its not a waste. Notice the 50's that posted in this thread also? Plz stop trying to troll idiot.
  2. Wrong forum for complaints about game mechanics! read fail It works fine for me. Full white resolve bar on enemy force wave doesnt do jack. Seems to be working as intended. Some attacks don't respect resolve I dont think there are many shadow has one. Game has been out long enough people prioritize there cc well for the most part now.
  3. Hey Astral great guide love it and refer back it often great that you keep it updated and appreciate your work. Since patch 1.1.2 I wanted to know your thoughts or Kitru's thoughts on balanced shadows. I play deception only level 40 just got CS so now I have the basic rotation down except I don't have spinning kick yet. Balance looks to be very very fun and different I like the idea of mixed melee and force abilities. When gearing balance is it pretty much the same as gearing infil? According to the guide you say it is for the most part. As far as 1.1.2 goes and balance shadows have you any updated impressions on it? Has it gotten any better? Ive also been following this recent thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=279677&page=10 on the assassin side of how good madness is. Thread is turning into a no its not yes it is back and forth so I can't get any good opinions from there.
  4. This guy is on it. If you read it its pretty much makes sense. I hate the animation too cause its not cool like the assassins but I think this fits with the shatterpoints
  5. I love PvP in this game but some people don't have a grasp on the big picture. Why do some(not all) pvper's still believe they represent the majority population when the truth is they don't. The game is far from dead sorry to disappoint. Im only level 39 (level 35 valor) many of the people I play with haven't dinged 50. I do pve and pvp. Eventually it will be fixed in the mean time I'll just do something else or WZ and not participate in open world. Majority of standard servers were heavy on friday and saturday and light pops where standard and 4 servers had a 15 min que. I agree with points of the OP but reality is that pvp is not the majority crowd it really isn't. While it might be dead to you its not to the mass or not to were the majority pop is running away from the game because of 1.1.2. I like most of the game and some parts are frustrating yes but saying its DEAD is far from the truth.
  6. Hope you keep this updated OP I am infiltration level 40 and the balance tree interests me but I haven't tried it yet (infiltration atm) cause I love the burst from infiltration but it can get kinda boring and I like the whole dot style dependent style of balance. If you pvp I would like to hear your experiences there with these new changes also as I tend to pvp alot.
  7. Anyone from Swiftsure in this thread? Yesterday was about a 10 minute Que when I looked. 3 other servers had Que to server log in. Even my usually light pop server was standard. Just saying
  8. Team-Based Objective WZ am I missing something here? 1v1 fights are usually pretty irrelevant. If you dont have dpsers focusing down the other teams sorcs/sages you will lose cause your beating on the brick wall wondering why your not killing the target. Press the tab button and go kill the guy doing the healing. Not sure what so hard about this.
  9. I dunno maybe for some flexibility like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601MZGGbRkG0btzZf0c.1 2/31/8 upheaval spec that isn't affected by this change. Not a 50/50 split of talent points but allows some flexibility. Why the hell didnt they give us 117 talent points at 50!
  10. Its not like the stealth classes don't have to deal with stealth classes! This isn't mortal kombat or something. I play a shadow and I have to play against other shadows and other assassins so I have to deal with it just like you. Whats so hard about recognizing what class your fighting and prepare for there exit strategy. Im assuming if you have a problem with in-combat stealth you have a problem with in-combat sprint too? Its really hard to THINK oh hey a stealther make sure to dot him when hp starts getting about half. Makes head hurt to THINK Oh "Hey a Sorc/Sage" to hard to apply slow when there HP gets low!! Head hurt to THINK. Oh "Hey Tracer Missle Spam" to hard to interrupt with intterupt ability,knockback,stun. Mash button moar
  11. The servers are heavy as I ever seen them right now. there are like 4 servers completely full. most are heavy as of right now 9:00pm MT 2/3/2012
  12. After reading the Shadow Handbook and looking around. I understand that willpower is the primary stat for shadows. I also understand crit is important, but I have also read that power and surge are important. I was at first not sure which way to proceed. I am level 35 with mostly moddable gear except bracers and waist. I have been modding willpower and crit whenever possible. I notice something when I was changing mods out was that my critical multiplier would never rise above 50% no matter what. My Crit chance is currently 22%. So I had to make a new decision as I am Cyber Tech and crit a purple earpiece that would be -10 crit but had the augment. So I added a surge augment to raise my multiplier to 54.15%. My confusion is should I just keep focusing on crit until I get to 50 and not worry about Surge at all and where does Power play into all of this? My current stats @ level 35 Strength 82 Aim 40 Cunning 40 Endurance 616 Willpower 612 Damage (Pri) 282-352 Accuracy 90% Critical Chance 22.00% Critical Multiplier 54.15% Total health pool 7530 Damage Reduction 14.54% INFILTRATION SPEC
  13. After reading the Shadow Handbook and looking around. I understand that willpower is the primary stat for shadows. I also understand crit is important, but I have also read that power and surge are important. I was at first not sure which way to proceed. I am level 35 with mostly moddable gear except bracers and waist. I have been modding willpower and crit whenever possible. I notice something when I was changing mods out was that my critical multiplier would never rise above 50% no matter what. My Crit chance is currently 22%. So I had to make a new decision as I am Cyber Tech and crit a purple earpiece that would be -10 crit but had the augment. So I added a surge augment to raise my multiplier to 54.15%. My confusion is should I just keep focusing on crit until I get to 50 and not worry about Surge at all and where does Power play into all of this? My current stats @ level 35 Strength 82 Aim 40 Cunning 40 Endurance 616 Willpower 612 Damage (Pri) 282-352 Accuracy 90% Critical Chance 22.00% Critical Multiplier 54.15% Total health pool 7530 Damage Reduction 14.54% INFILTRATION SPEC
  14. Cause there is only one team that works on this game the balancing team is totally the bug team. Wait oh no its not. There is a long dev blog on the front page of the forums. You should go read it so you can learn how the process works. Its a good read. The fact that you don't know that its to different teams is whats really not good
  15. Seems as such but he explained this with voice. Which I kinda liked.
  16. I don't see any problem with optimizing the specializations if they want the classes to be as intended. The game is still new there will be new talents added eventually more points added to allow different hybrids whats so wrong with playing a little bit with in what is designed until they feel balancing is good enough to allow the hybrids. For the most part the game is pretty balanced class wise thats my opinion though. As for hybrids and them being fun I totally agree but I can't buy this not being cookie cutter idea cause I want to be different. If the 23/0/8 build were to eventually be determined to be the best shadow build for a specific end game content or pvp then most shadows would change to that build if pressure from organized teams wanted them to play that because its optimal for that specific task. It no longer becomes different but the norm. How would anyone gauge if it is the norm or cookie cutter at all? Based on the forums is definitely not the proper measuring stick for sure. Champions online allowed hybrids there was no class based system anyone could have what ever abilities they wanted. You saw someone use a channeled root that hit for alot. Just go respec it and get rid of a wasted talent. Eventually in pvp and pve everyone started to grab the optimal talents, otherwise you would get mopped if you didnt have specific abilities. So you where forced to respec just to compete. That is a game that allowed 100% freedom to choose your path but it also cause not FOTM but flavors of the week. It cause nightmares for the devs to balance because they didn't want to remove that freedom of choice.
  17. Obviously you havent watched many streams or talked to many ops players. Most of them will say they got buffed cause now they can stun you for about 5.5 sec. So most of the dps Ops/Scoundrels didnt respec to healing lol. Just check out twitch tv. I play shadow but I watch most of the popular swtor streams of all classes and hear their thoughts on the change most are very high valor/BM and most of them liked the change because it provided more control over the target. A little less damage about 1k but more control. The Ops scoundrel out cry for the most part was wasted cause now most of them aren't QQing now that they have had a chance to actually play with the changes. Which is what people should do instead of automatically dismissing them. So far everytime there is a class change people are up in arms then it comes out and everyone calms down.
  18. Quote is on page 24 from Gabe
  19. Don't forget he said Republic side that must be taken into account.
  20. Here you go smart guy http://www.gamespot.com/news/battlefield-3-fifa-12-top-10-million-sold-6349580 Guess were this story is posted? Right under the SWTOR story why on earth would they report a net loss but lie about SWTOR just to get over on people? Come on you gotta do better than this troll your failing. Heck EA boasted that they would beat MW3 and they didn't why didn't they lie about their battlefield sales? Come on think up a good one Can't wait to see your response to this one lol. Its all in the same report idiot.
  21. I have looked at videos and such on it. I am following and the brother of my ex-girlfriend actually plays GW1 and loves it. I will probably give it a go for sure.
  22. Ok I understand what you were trying to say my apologies.
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