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Everything posted by MurQueL

  1. Huh... Gonna have to check that out... I thought that had been "patched out". Anyway, something more "enticing" than just that is what I'd like to see. A clear, concrete reason to go there.
  2. Wait... what do you mean by "out there"? Out where?
  3. I haven't read the entirety of this thread, but I'd like to say that, even though I still enjoy this game in general terms, it does feel like no one's in the pilot's seat... I'm guessing in the end it's just a matter of "we have these many subscribers = how much we give a frik". Not saying anything you already know, but, yeah...
  4. Maybe. But not necessarily... It's true that time spent developing pure-story anything is time not being spent developing Elder Game content... However: Consider the fact that Elder Game content is limited. Pure-story expansions, or even just every so often patch in new short series of pure-story missions on new areas of current planets (as someone mentioned above) would give something else to do in the meantime, while you wait out the week for your Ops unlocks.
  5. Good point. Hadn't really thought of it that way when I OP'd. Definately would be a welcome alternative, frr shurr.
  6. Why don't they make Outlaw's Den a "PvP daily" area similar to the Gree event? Make those clickable towers/huts (can't remember exactly) be part of the daily mission. Reward around 100/200 warzone commendations... Right now it's just sitting there, useless. Seems simple enough...
  7. It'd be interesting if sometime down the line BW expanded the homeplanets with new areas available for adventuring. Maybe it could happen related to something like this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=608735
  8. What if in this said story-exclusive expansion, if you explore you could find, say, an event happening, or some kind of interesting character you might've otherwise missed or similar type of rewards?
  9. I was wondering if players would be interested in some future expansion/s to come out that would be purely focused on story content, on a new planet (or several), without any new levels or gear progression. Just pure story. (of course this new planet/s could also later on have events/dailies and whatnot, and it's "tilesets" used for new Ops, FPs, or whatever) We've had many "mechanics-centric" patches and whatnot. How about a big "story-exclusive" expansion? Imagine it's an optional "side-adventure" or somesuch, where the reward is the journey itself. Maybe some new adaptive gear rewards or similar. Would you pay for such a thing? I would... Footnotes: (I don't want to express particular examples or ideas for such a concept. I have many, but it'd be a jumbled mess of random ideas and thoughts) (I realize the word "progression" doesn't exactly work since you could say you'd be "progressing" your storyline, but whatever)
  10. I'd remove this part of your post. It gives the idea that race change not be included for not being a priority. But the thing is that it's probably akin to changing body type. Besides, as you said: it changes nothing gameplay-wise (except for the useless racial ability). Not only that, but there is a need for that as much as minor cosmetic re-customizations... I think you've even expressed yourself in favor of racechange being implemented, so that phrase kinda contradicts yourself (just a friendly observation) My situation: (skip if not interested) In my case I was really bummed when, as my scoundrel main, met Nok Drayen, only to see he had my own exact face (same bionics, handlebar moustache, and hairstyle)... He looked like an older me. On a funny sidenote, many players have called me "Nok" on numerous occasions heheh. For a long while now, and currently having this toon as my main, geared to "take on the whole empire himself", I'd like to get rid of all the bionics completely, and have a full beard, which for some dumb reason Cyborgs can't have, except for the preset ones, so I'd have to switch to Human... So, here's another +1, /signed, etc, to this thread.
  11. Where were you all for this thread?!?! : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5964511#post5964511
  12. It is puzzling. It's not like a feature such as this would take that much time away from development of other features... Also puzzling is why people say "no race change!". Why not? Race does nothing gameplay-wise anyway (except for the little stupid ability but who cares?). It is 97% cosmetic. So why not have it also be re-choosable?... ...puzzling...
  13. /signed However, I would have BW make it reeeeeeeeeaal simple-like, so, easy to implement = more chance of this being a reality. What I mean is, just make any choices on your 2nd (and successive) storyline runs not have any impact whatsoever. Just make it superficial (as if it wasn't already... ;P ), so if you choose light or dark choices, or whatever, it would not give you more LS/DS points. Same with companion points: no effect. It'd be ok if choices affect your current storyline run's "consequences" (like someone later on acknowledging that you killed or spared someone earlier). Do whatever. Your "original choices" are the ones that'll count. After all, you're just doing a 2nd superficial run with the single purpose to re-live the storyline. Then there's the companions issue. I wouldn't mind simply having your companions "doubled" in conversations, or instances. Who cares? You're just there for the story. If you don't want to see 2 Corsos in the same room, dismiss your comp, problem solved. Yes, you'd have your comps before you "get" them. But, so what? Again: We'd be there only to relive story bits. I see no problem or difficulty on this being implemented.
  14. Hate: Lack of customization options when rolling a new char. Want many things, but to stay coherent: Option to re-customize character appearance, including option to change race.
  15. Hell, I'd even accept if they just made "team deathmatch" versions of the maps (match could end at "n" kills or 5 minutes). They could simply cordon off or cut away areas of the maps and only use the most "arena-like" spots. So say for example on Denova it'd be mid/south. For Voidstar it could be the bridges section (already deployed). For Alderaan, only mid. For Ancient Hypergates, just one of the sides. Etc, etc.
  16. I'm pretty sure OP didn't actually mean "2 full loading screens"... I'm sure the 2nd one he referred to was the "fade-to-black" shuttle thing, which actually sometimes, very rarely, replaces the fade-to-black with the splash screen with spinny thingy in the corner for a very brief instant. Usually when I've been playing for a long time in one sitting. Yes, all these ideas would be good. An option for skipping or BW just deleting orbital stations would be great!
  17. It's called "hyperbole". It's meant to exaggerate a point, which is that the whole "crouch to loot" is stupid, unnecessary, and in my opinion breaks the flow of the game. So much stuff is already abstracted, like the inventory itself: Realistically you wouldn't/couldn't be carrying various pieces of armor, weapons, and odd assortments and junk... the weight of it all would crush anyone. So what's the problem with abstracting looting so when you kill all mobs loot just instantly goes into your inventory? No light beams. No having to mouse over to dead mobs to click on them. No having to be "in range". No "you looted after some dude so now you have the whole animation play out for nothing". None of that annoying, and more importantly unnecessary, bs.
  18. Again regarding being able to hear other player's war banter: I get what you mean what with the "Chivalry war cry" n' all, but consider this: You're playing your smuggler, you've grown very attached to him (I know I am). Now, you go into a warzone with 3 other smugglers. When enter the fray, suddenly your smuggler ceases to be a special unique snowflake as soon as you hear those 3 others saying your same lines with your same voice... So yeah, I still think you should not be able to hear other players' banter, except for specific ability-triggered "giggles" or "grunts" or "war-cries".
  19. I didn't even mean for leveling so much as 50 stuff. Maybe not you, but (and I assume many others) for one reason or another I'm constantly augmenting gear, and it's a pita to have to go out of my starship, over to the crafting table, augment and then back. And consideroing there's still so much wasted space on our ships I say: Why not?
  20. My connection's fine. It's just a dumb annoying animation that serves no purpose other than to slow things down, is all...
  21. Very small gripe, but if most everyone just spacebars the landing and takeoff cutscenes, how about adding an option to auto-skip them?
  22. Cool, mob's dead, now to gets mine... *click* *10 mins to crouch* *loot table pops up, auto-loots* *10 mins to get back up* Just remove it. It's not immersive, or in any other way necessary. It's ust annoying. Also, it'd be soooooo much better if the "auto-loot" option meant that you don't have to click on dead mob. Loot just simply goes into your inventory, kinda like credits just add up. Of course, this style of no-click auto-loot could be disabled in groups by setting gear to Premium or whatever...
  23. How did BW not include modification tables for legacy ship unlocks? Baffling. Brain-distorting. Anyway, please BW, make it so!
  24. It's a cool idea... which will never be implemented, considering the BW team responsible for SWTOR seems to be a skeleton crew. One thing I'll say is, if this were ever implemented, players should not be able to hear other players' banter, or it'd be a chaotic, and more importantly annoying, cacophony of one-liners.
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