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Everything posted by MurQueL

  1. Is there a specific reason I'm missing for why companions can't wear reputation gear, or is it a bug? I'd like my Mako to wear red scalene...
  2. Agreed. Although I'd say to do this only for datacron codex entries, being that other codex entries like locations and monster entries are kind of a "logbook reward" for each individual toon to get. Datacron codex entries not so much.
  3. I know, it's been brought up a few times already. Nevertheless, I thought I'd call for a definitive "community vote" count to see if there's enough interest to get a Character Re-Customization option to rise in priority. Besides the main deal of re-customizing facial features, this includes the possibility of changing race and name, but not class. Please just post "I need this!" or "Why would I want this?" only. No discussions, no added suggestions. Let's see the what the real tally is for this request. I'll start: I need this!
  4. I'm in for the complete obliteration of orbital stations. They serve absolutely no purpose other than annoyance. I can't even imagine the reasoning behind them... is it to delay player's game-time so as to keep them in the game, and therefore subbed? 'Coz even if that's the case, it's not like travel time in these orbital stations is that much more added game-time... it's just simply an unnecessary annoyance.
  5. TRIPLE THUMBS UP! Maybe make this a subscriber only option? [edit] Of course, maybe only have this option for planets where you've actually finished said planet's storyline, otherwise you'd be missing out on the npcs that "greet" you and start those missions...
  6. Another "argento" here. On The Shadowlands. Vivo 70/30% del tiempo en Uruguay y Bs As, respectivamente. Argentina & Uruguay represent!
  7. This has probably been mentioned before, but I'd like to press the point. I, and many others I know (and probably a lot I don't) would like an option to be able to re-make our toons' heads. Many times you just make your appearance choices anxious to get in the game but then later down the line, after so much time spent with your toon, some of us start regretting not putting a little more thought into it. Also it'd be nice to be able to "update" your character's appearance to match all the "time that has passed". Older, more scarred and whatnot... But mostly it's that being the center of all things n' all, it'd be nice to "enjoy" your toon. To have it be just as you've built him to be after all the "life-choices" n' such. Kinda rambling here, but I think I've made my point. And no, I don't use helmets. Ever. On any of my toons. Neither do many other players...
  8. This is probably a minor thing but it's been bugging me since launch, and it seems like something that wouldn't be too complicated to do. I'm no programmer, but it seems like all the pieces are there... It's annoying when you're in your ship and you have gifts, for example, and want to use them on a specific companion. You have to load out of the ship, gift, load back in. Same goes for if you want to tweak your comps' gear. It'd be nice to just be able to click on a comp on your ship and that's the one that you've selected, so say you open your gear tab and that comp you've selected will be the one that shows... Would even give a teensy, weeeeeensy bit more interaction and purpose to your "comp statues" while on ship.
  9. 1- Appearance re-roll. Wouldn't even mind it being a Cartel Market option. 2- Legacy storage. 3- Make companions be interactive while on player's ship, so you can give them gifts, or tweak their gear.
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